00;00;09;23 - 00;01;05;23 Unknown And if you dig the twisted, admired the outlandish and are enamored by the unusual, you're in the right place. True crime, the supernatural, the unexplained. Now you're speaking early, which if you agree, join us as we dive into the darker side, you know, because it's more fun over here. Welcome to Total Conundrum one. She must first move on the phone call to stop this discussion. 00;01;05;26 - 00;01;36;13 Unknown Is it balanced? hey there, Conundrum crew, Jeremy and Tracy in the studio. And today's a special one. We've got a special treat for you in this episode. That's right, Jeremy. We're diving into the deep end of weirdness, exploring conspiracy theories, flat-earth notions, supernatural and the unexplained. Hold on to your tinfoil hats, folks. As we interview Kevin from where the Weird Ones Are podcast. 00;01;36;16 - 00;01;59;04 Unknown And you know what's not a conspiracy? The fact that we want you to hit that, like, unsubscribe button on YouTube. If you're cruising through Apple or Spotify, drop us a five star rating and let us know what you think. We love hearing from you, our fellow truth seekers. Absolutely. And speaking of truth seeking. We've got some podcast panels to shout out this week. 00;01;59;06 - 00;02;30;10 Unknown We're trading trailers with the hilarious one Nothing podcast and the mysterious murders and mimosas. Check them out. It's a podcast based exchange extravaganza. Now let's get back to business. We've got the usual suspects, conspiracy theories and flat-earth beliefs. It's like a cosmic roller coaster. And we're here for the ride. We'll be back after these messages. 00;02;30;12 - 00;02;59;08 Unknown Are you struggling with a lack of access to captivating entertainment and media? Are you faced with constant judgment and ridicule from friends and family for your inability to respond appropriately to sensitive situations? If this sounds like you, you might be suffering from being emotionally dead inside, but it's not too late to make a change. One Nothing podcast is a newly available treatment for being dead inside, taken just once every two weeks. 00;02;59;09 - 00;03;28;27 Unknown One Nothing can make a world of difference by combining carefully measured, dark humor to the amazing original formula of grisly fatalities. One of the thing podcasts has successfully entertained thousands of people suffering from death inside and with access across all podcast platforms. Treatment has never been more readily available. But don't trust my words. Here's some real world testimonials from a few of our listeners currently undergoing treatment from consistent doses of one Nothing podcast. 00;03;28;28 - 00;03;59;03 Unknown My posture has greatly improved due to being kept on the edge of my seat. The One Nothing podcast comes on. Everybody be like, Shut up. I'll be quiet. But when the episode's over, I'll be talking again. my gosh, buddy, I used to be on so many medications for blood pressure. And then I listened to one Nothing podcast episode on Kitty Genovese, moved into an apartment on my own and haven't needed it since. 00;03;59;03 - 00;04;28;26 Unknown That one really got my blood pumping. You know, listening to One Nothing podcast and I'm not constipated anymore. I'm just foolish. So what's stopping you from great entertainment? One thing podcast is not intended for all audiences. Listeners under 18 years of age should obtain permission from your parent or guardian before downloading. Tell your therapist if you're predisposed to whining, complaining, leading podcast poorly being overall combative or being easily offended as one of these podcasts might not be right for you. 00;04;28;29 - 00;04;38;21 Unknown So stop letting great content pass you by. Talk to your therapist today to see if one Nothing podcast is right for you. 00;04;38;24 - 00;05;10;22 Unknown Hey everyone. We have Kevin from where the weird ones are with us today. Yeah. Hey, Kevin. How are you? I am peachy. Running on 3 hours of sleep. I had to work this morning, and now I'm drinking some kombucha for. I don't know why, but I decided to drink it. But other than do perfectly fine, my son makes that stuff, and it just. 00;05;10;22 - 00;05;29;04 Unknown The whole the whole mother thing just kind of grosses me out. When you see that in a jar, it looks like otherworldly. If you don't drink it fast enough, it can come back to life. You? 00;05;29;06 - 00;05;58;18 Unknown Yeah, I've had it. It's very vinegary. Yes, but I say I can't drink a lot of it. But it's. It's not bad on an occasion, but. So why don't you tell us about your podcast and tell us where to find you? Of course. Of course. So it is called Where the Weird Ones Are. I started it almost, I think it will be two years in April. 00;05;58;20 - 00;06;37;08 Unknown It was really slow going at first, but it picked up probably around November of 2022 and it's been off the walls ever since and it's been fun. I've been able to meet a lot of people like yourselves and everybody is so welcoming and and stuff, but it's a conversational based podcast based on guest experiences with you know, the paranormal, which I mean, I know cryptids and aliens kind of fall under the realm of paranormal, but I like to say I like to call like the aliens and Cryptids stuff like Supernatural. 00;06;37;08 - 00;07;07;25 Unknown So I say paranormal supernatural experiences, and I dive into conspiracies here and there and I like to try and like depending on the guests, I try to pick their brains on conspiracies and see how they feel about some of them too. And I touch on a lot of mental health because, you know, when you have these kinds of experiences, a lot of people like they think they gone crazy and they're like, Nobody's going to believe me. 00;07;07;27 - 00;07;33;20 Unknown So like, the the basis of the podcast is to let people know that, you know, they're not alone. And, you know, if they're they want to tell their stories publicly, like I have an unbiased ear just because I've experienced a lot of things in my life as well. So I know what it's like. And there's one story that I have that I feel like people are like, You're probably alone. 00;07;33;20 - 00;08;00;23 Unknown But to me it's real, that really experience. Which one is that? I ran into mushroom people when I was ten. I was just telling Jeremy about that story. And because I've listened, I've binged your podcast a while ago, I think I'm a couple weeks behind now because I started listening to the suspended sentence, trying to spread the love around. 00;08;00;23 - 00;08;23;20 Unknown And but since I binged all the way up, man, I just I think it was just a couple weeks ago I stopped listening, not stopped listening, but started listening to, you know, one of the other ones. But so I'll go back and catch up again once I get done with theirs. But that story is crazy. Do you want to tell us a little bit about it? 00;08;23;22 - 00;08;48;08 Unknown Yeah. So when I was when I was little, I had I used to wear glasses for the reason that people wear glasses is because you need them to see. And I was about ten and my sister and I used to pretend that we would we would go out in the woods and pretend we were hunting monsters of some kind or aliens. 00;08;48;10 - 00;09;12;09 Unknown And we had asked my mom if we could go out because we're supposed to go somewhere. And I can't remember where where we were going. But anyway, she granted us permission to go outside. She was like, Don't be outside too long. We got to get going soon. So there was a light dusting snow outside. So it was just a very thin layer of snow over the ground. 00;09;12;09 - 00;09;36;05 Unknown And we were walking around in the woods pretending like making up a story and we're walking around of some kind and I just we're walking and I just feel not feel, but I see my eyes like it was almost like I walked into, like, blue plastic of some kind. This, like this, like blue tint came over my eyes. 00;09;36;07 - 00;10;06;17 Unknown And then all of a sudden, all the snow was gone and great in front of me, probably about ten, somewhere between 10 to 20 feet was a little village of mushroom people. And they're stoking the fire in the center of this little village. And now they're like three inches tall. They're in there. I mean, they look like they would have if you didn't, like, take two glances at it and you're just happened to walk by and catch it out of the corner. 00;10;06;18 - 00;10;32;17 Unknown I probably would have thought it was a patch of mushrooms. You know what I mean? They were they didn't look like people like Toad does from Mario. They literally are just they were just mushrooms and they were just moving around like they were people. And they had like there was a little huts made of bigger mushrooms and there was mushroom huts going up and like, like little lateral looking things going up the side of the trees. 00;10;32;17 - 00;10;52;28 Unknown And I was just like, What am I looking at? And I feel a tap on the back of my head now. It didn't it didn't hurt and it wasn't like super forceful, but for whatever reason, my glasses just fell off my head and there's something I feel something on my shoulder. So I turn my head to look at my left shoulder and there's a mushroom on my shoulder. 00;10;53;01 - 00;11;14;17 Unknown And ethically, he he or she says, you don't need those. And I'm like, my glasses. And it goes, Yes. And I was like, And then like, right after it said, yes, it like all the sudden it was it was like a snap of the finger. The mushroom was gone. And my sister was standing there. She Larry all right. 00;11;14;17 - 00;11;42;17 Unknown And I was like, I just lost my glasses. She like leaps of the action to try and help me find these glasses. These glasses. And she ends up stepping on them and crushes them in them. I immediately I went into panic mode, forgot all about the experience, and I rushed home to tell my mother about my broken glasses and she's like, Well, you have an appointment in a couple of weeks. 00;11;42;17 - 00;12;08;11 Unknown I'm not going to buy you a new pair, because if you need a new prescription, you know, I'm just going to have to buy another pair anyway. So I had to like, suffer for a while with no glasses and then I was getting we went to the doctor's for the eye test and my doctor is overlooking the chart and he just kind of, you know, how they have those that you used to. 00;12;08;11 - 00;12;30;03 Unknown Anyway, I haven't seen them the past couple of years since I've been since I've gone. But I don't go to the doctors very often anyway. But that you will look at things on the wheels that they come in and sit on and you just like pushes away from the little desk that was in there and like, turned in like swivels at the same time. 00;12;30;03 - 00;12;55;22 Unknown He's like, You don't need glasses. And I was like, What? He's like, Yeah, your visions 2020 vision is perfect. Like what? He's like, Yeah. He's like, he's like, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, maybe wearing the glasses just kind of, like, strengthening or something like. But he's like, it's kind of weird. And my mom was like, like, fucking so happy that she didn't have to buy her glasses anymore. 00;12;55;24 - 00;13;37;20 Unknown Yeah. So I guess during that two week period without glasses, did you were you struggling to see at all or. Yeah, it was getting like constant migraines at first, but like, not the whole time. Like, so one of the reasons why we even went to get me glasses to begin with is because I had I was getting like these severe migraines almost constantly and especially after like reading or watching TV, I would end up, you know, just crying because my head hurt so bad and I had to go lay down in a dark room and stuff. 00;13;37;20 - 00;14;01;14 Unknown So that's what prompted going to get my eyes checked to begin with. Okay. yeah. I love that story. I've heard you tell it a few times on your podcast. And like I said, I was actually telling Jeremy about it just the other day. I was like, my gosh, he's got this crazy story of this little mushroom village that reminds me of, like, the Smurfs. 00;14;01;21 - 00;14;34;03 Unknown Yeah. That everything you describe. I just kept picturing that blue. Yeah, the Smurfs. You know how they have their little mushroom houses and, you know, the like, the bladders going up everywhere. And I wanted to play their theme song, but instead of having the little Smurf guys, little blue guys, the little mushroom guys were just crazy. But like we the talking about going through the blue film, it's almost like you crossed over a veil or something, or crossed through the veil of their world. 00;14;34;05 - 00;15;01;07 Unknown Yeah, that's what I, I consider that part. Like the going through the portal, I guess. Yeah. Or, or whatever. And I don't know how else to describe that like that, that thing other than being like, well you know how like people set up the Saran wrap across the doorway. Yes. Face first, then do it. That's the only analogy I can come up with. 00;15;01;07 - 00;15;29;25 Unknown But like, I wasn't walking and I didn't feel like anything on my face is just like that. The tent over my eyes, right? Yeah. I love that story. That's why I was curious on which one that I mean, I can see how it'd be something hard for people to swallow, but it's something that you experienced and obviously, I mean, you didn't have to wear glasses afterwards, So there's something there, you know, Drew, but so where can we find you on your socials? 00;15;29;28 - 00;15;57;19 Unknown So I'm on Facebook, Instagram at both ends where the weird ones are, but Instagrams where underscore the weird ones are. When I was making the Instagram, somebody had already taken where the weird ones are. I was like, What the heck? Because I look before because I when I was trying to decide the name of the podcast, I, I typed it in to Google to see if there's any other podcasts name named it. 00;15;57;19 - 00;16;22;25 Unknown And I went across a couple of names and I think the original one was I was going to do where the weird things are, but there's the ass name there. And then I came up with other names and then I went revisited, like Where the Wild Things Are. I mean, the yeah, the, the book. Yeah. And I have a hard time when I type your name. 00;16;22;28 - 00;16;45;12 Unknown Like when we're in those chat groups and stuff. I think I've actually done that. Amanda I think called me out on that one day. She's like, Are you talking about where the weird things are? I must have typed Where the Wild Things Are. And I'm like, Yeah, I get I say it in my brain all the time. Yeah, I really wanted, I really like, like the, the, the play on that. 00;16;45;14 - 00;17;08;09 Unknown And I tried the weird things first and there's a podcast on that, but and then I was just like, I was like, I think I did like two or three other names and they, they were all taken as podcast and then I finally was like, Well, let's try where the weird ones are and type that in. And there was no, no name for that. 00;17;08;09 - 00;17;33;01 Unknown As a podcast like, that's the one. That's it, that's, that's, that's what I'm going with. And but Instagram, somebody just decided to tackle that. So I put the underscore or in after the where. But I also have a website which is where the weird ones are podcasts dot com and people can reach out to me through that and stuff like that too. 00;17;33;01 - 00;18;01;15 Unknown And there's, there's a chat room on my website where you got to become a Patriot member to get access to that. Here's the passport. Yeah. And what else? I'm on tick tock as Kevin this is and as far as socials, I think that's it. I don't have a Twitter because I never understood Twitter from even before X. 00;18;01;21 - 00;18;25;15 Unknown So I had to try Instagram. Jeremy does all the Twitter stuff I don't understand. Nobody understands Twitter. I don't understand Twitter at all. I've been thinking about getting getting on it now because like you can reach other people that are only on Twitter, you know what I mean? Like, they're not they don't even remember or whatever, because I use Instagram mostly, like I'm most active there. 00;18;25;17 - 00;18;55;04 Unknown So yeah, we started on just Facebook and I just could not get any traction going on Facebook at all. And then I ended up encountering Amanda from one nothing in a Facebook podcast group, and she had talked to me about doing a trailer trade and stuff and I'm like, Yeah, I'm down. And so we started like chatting. And then she's like, you know, she's like, Girl, you got to get on Instagram. 00;18;55;04 - 00;19;17;26 Unknown And I'm like, I just have never done Instagram. I had an Instagram, but I never used it. So I went out there, created an Instagram, and that's how I found everybody, you know, like got into this great little community that we're in and like when all of the traction I would get from Facebook was all like negativity and it was everybody. 00;19;17;28 - 00;19;38;15 Unknown All the other podcasters were out for themselves and they didn't want to help. It was like it was all about their growth. And the group that we have, we all grow together and we promote each other. We, you know, I love it, I love doing it, and we're working on this little story collab right now that I am so excited about. 00;19;38;15 - 00;20;00;08 Unknown I can't wait for that to all come together. New Me too. And you get to finish it up here shortly. Kevin is the last one cited. Yeah. So I guess flex the writer muscles. You do or you do. And I think it was perfect that it ended that way because you, you just recently created your own comic book to. 00;20;00;16 - 00;20;23;20 Unknown Yeah, I wrote wrote. I have it's not done yet it's in illustration right now. So yeah, I thought about trying to I was thinking about maybe reaching out to your illustrator girl. I can't remember what her name is right now. She's been on your podcast a few times. Yeah. Her name's Emily. Emily. She goes by the art medium. 00;20;23;26 - 00;20;43;02 Unknown Yes, that's right. That's right. Once it all comes together, I thought it might be kind of fun to actually have a book created for each of us that, you know, contributed to it. So. But I haven't I haven't fully gone and figured out how I want to go about it yet, so I might be reaching out to her. 00;20;43;06 - 00;21;10;15 Unknown So but well, anyways, should we get to the fun little get to know any questions that we have? I think so, yeah. I think we should start with the hardest questions first, don't you? The hardest one? Yeah. Okay. Okay. All right. So, Kevin, what's your go to dance move when nobody is watching? And can you describe it to the sprinkler or the sprinkler? 00;21;10;15 - 00;21;41;16 Unknown Those who love it and behind your head and you stick the other arm straight out. You just kind of like act like a sprinkler. You bring your own suitcase. Yeah, well, I guess I did. All right, So if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? And what would your superhero name be? my goodness. What are there tough invisibility? 00;21;41;19 - 00;22;11;08 Unknown Yeah, And my hero name would be Kevin. I love just some random guy named Kevin. Just some random again, name Kevin. All right, So just. Yeah, I was just going to say, you can't see him in his people from, I don't know, doing crime, I guess. There you go. If your life had a theme song that played every time you entered a room, what would it be? 00;22;11;11 - 00;22;45;00 Unknown These are shoo in. I'm just glad somebody else is having to answer these questions for once, because Jeremy's been hitting me with them lately. I guess. Alpha and Omega by King 810. Okay. All right. let's see. it's. I'm up. If you could have any fictional character as your sidekick for a day, who would it be and why? 00;22;46;14 - 00;23;11;16 Unknown Batman. Because he could probably teach me all of his tech skills. Tech skills are awesome, Jeremy. And I used to be techies while we're still techies, but we used to actually work in the field long ago. The the podcast have been like a learning process. So because I was, I was never good at anything like computer stuff. 00;23;11;16 - 00;23;31;10 Unknown So yeah, you definitely get challenged when you go into the whole podcasting thing and the more you add and yeah, I mean, even though there's some days where, you know, we were both in the I.T. field for many years and there's days that we look at each other like, well, now what we, we struggle every day especially is video and audio. 00;23;31;12 - 00;24;00;02 Unknown Yeah, that's fun because we edit hours and that's been a big challenge with well, there's we bought these hours, but there are cameras that like follow you and stuff and Jeremy's isn't working on his Mac, it's cutting out his audio and mine was working. And then the last video we tried to do, my audio was off and it just it's been like a whole, you know, we're like, we just need to spend a little bit more money and get better cameras. 00;24;00;05 - 00;24;35;07 Unknown Simplify. All right. So the next one, if aliens visited Earth and you were the first person they encountered, how would you explain the concept of pizza to them? Shoot, I would just tell them that it's a salad. I don't know. It's a it's a it's it's warm and inviting is how I would describe it. Do Yeah. Bite into it. 00;24;35;10 - 00;25;05;10 Unknown You know, I like that. It's kind of it is kind of a salads a conglomeration of a bunch of different goodness. Yeah yeah. If you had to survive a zombie apocalypse with only three items from your kitchen, what would they be? This might be the toughest one. Rolling pin and the kitchen knife. Probably the food condenser, just like the base of it. 00;25;05;12 - 00;25;34;28 Unknown Right. There you go. That was pretty good. All right, next one. What's the weirdest food combination you enjoy that others might find Strange musk mustard on a plain bagel, you know, onion bagel and a I'll give you that one. Yeah. Yeah. Jeremy freaked out on me the other day. Not freaked out, but we had ordered Instacart delivery, and I had them do just a random pick of donuts from the bakery. 00;25;35;01 - 00;25;57;21 Unknown And one of the donuts was maple with bacon on top. Raw bacon. It wasn't raw, It was cooked. It was just cold. Yeah, well, and he was just looking at me like I was crazy, that I was eating it. I'm like, It's really good. And he's like, No, no, like, try it. He would not try it. It was. 00;25;57;21 - 00;26;23;11 Unknown He was freaking out. I'd be like, he's like, That's cold bacon. I'm like, It's just like bacon bits kind of, you know? Yeah, like cold. You have any cold bacon, is it? Yeah. Not even in a salad. No, No, honey. While he tells me I eat weird things all the time, so he won't do sushi. He won't do any of that stuff. 00;26;23;11 - 00;26;47;15 Unknown He's a burger guy. Burgers that are good. yes. If he could eat them every day, he would. Would. Yeah. Let's see. What's the next one? If you were a wizard, what spell would you cast on a daily basis? Just for fun. Go on, Harry Potter around you. my goodness. Zero gravity for the entire world. That's what I would do. 00;26;47;21 - 00;27;13;02 Unknown that would be fun. That would be a good one. Or something like that. Just randomly. Everybody's, like, floating, like, holy shit, I don't like that. That's a great answer. All right. So the next one, which is a weird one, if you had to choose between fighting one horse sized duck or a hundred duck sized horses, which one would you pick? 00;27;13;05 - 00;27;38;19 Unknown I liked this one. I did not. I would pick the duck sized horses. Okay. That's what I pick too. I'm like, I could step on them. They'd be smaller. It'd be easier to defeat. They because, you know, duck sized ducks can still, like, pack and bite and stuff and a duck sized horse. What is that going to do? 00;27;38;25 - 00;28;02;21 Unknown Yeah, Yeah. Pretty safe thing. And if you have a horse size duck, that's a big ass beak and wings come from probably slowly, you know, it grabbed you right by the head of the beak and just tosses you up. And then you write down that, you know, down the goblet. But yes, that's I love I liked that one. 00;28;02;24 - 00;28;30;18 Unknown He kind of looked at me funny when I fell on that one. I'm like, No, I kind of like that one. All right, now we're going to get into the real questions, though. Real good. The hot topics. boy. We are going to start off with going into the conspiracy theory stuff. Okay. So how did you become interested in conspiracy theories and what motivated you to explore and discuss them on your podcast? 00;28;30;22 - 00;29;19;09 Unknown All right. So it all started in a little town called Sanford, Maine, and I was about 13 years old in seventh grade, and the year was 2001. And I watched on TV the World Trade Center plummet to the earth. And I remember seeing this one segment back then, this woman saying a second plane had hit Building two. And yet, Bill and you had not yet been hit and then probably about 10 minutes after she said it, then the building had been struck. 00;29;19;09 - 00;29;47;22 Unknown So I started questioning the media first back then, but I didn't really pay attention to it until 2020. And then I started diving down into these like these conspiracy theories. I mean, you know, the the thing that won't go away from 2020, that that kind of like opened my eyes to a lot of things. Not that like, not that it's not a real thing. 00;29;47;23 - 00;30;22;20 Unknown I just think characters at play that caused this thing to happen and then the more I look into things, the more the more I realize some things just don't add up. And I started listening to podcasts and evidence that evidences of things that they were highlighting and stuff. I was like, Yeah, you know, you got a point, You got a point. 00;30;22;23 - 00;30;57;02 Unknown And then when they started to come in, Drew, and like in 2021 and 2022, certain things like, you know, Hollyweird, like Hollywood's weird as hell, all the people, they're and there's, there's a lot of symbolism for a lot of things, too. And I don't recall a lot of them. But, you know, so the one eye thing and and stuff like that, it's just it's it's interesting. 00;30;57;05 - 00;31;36;15 Unknown And and not that I'm a flat earther, but that one conspiracy is I find the most intriguing just because, like, there's people that are like 100% flat earth and then there's people 100% globe. But I know that we never landed on the moon, so well, that's fantastic because that's actually what this episode is really about. So we're going deep on the flat Earth thing and Jeremy, I brought it up to him from listening to your podcast and I was like, You should go down the rabbit hole of the flat Earth. 00;31;36;17 - 00;32;01;20 Unknown And he's been like putting stuff together for a few months now. And I was just like, they were talking about this is being a theory, or they were talking about that as being a theory. And then he's like, This is infuriating because the flat Earth there's do not like give any they just say this is why or this is what it is. 00;32;01;23 - 00;32;30;06 Unknown They don't give explanation. They don't back it up. And then I've been listening to him listen to like these scientists going against the flat-earthers and how heated these discussions get. And I'm like, somebody is going to kill somebody. And they get heated and they start name calling. And it was quite hilarious listening to him listen to a lot of this stuff. 00;32;30;06 - 00;32;51;15 Unknown So but I knew you had the interest because that's one question that you ask most of your guests. Do you believe in the flat earth or do you believe the earth is flat around? And so we kind of wanted to do a little bit of, you know, put a little sprinkle of everything from your you do the conspiracy cases and the the paranormal and all that stuff. 00;32;51;15 - 00;33;22;28 Unknown So we wanted to kind of do a little sprinkle of everything for you. Yeah. All the fringe topics. Yes, All right. So the next question for you from a psychological perspective, why do you think people are drawn to and believe in conspiracy theories? I feel like because a lot of people have a hard time dealing with that. This is all there is and it causes them to look into things and they find things odd and weird. 00;33;23;01 - 00;33;50;19 Unknown Yeah, I think I think the reality of like what? Like working and going home every day and that's it. You know, it causes people to question the things around them and why things are the way they are. Right? Well, and then you've got the big basically it was like the world rebooted. Was it 2012 with the whole Mandela effect and stuff? 00;33;50;21 - 00;34;17;14 Unknown I can't remember what year it was, but they were saying something happened and I think it was 2012, I believe, and how everything just kind of what we knew changed. Yeah, they say we all died collectively in 2012 and ever since then we've been computer generated. That's so interesting. And we live in the media, we live in the Matrix. 00;34;17;14 - 00;34;50;03 Unknown Yeah. Yeah. So in your opinion, have certain conspiracy theories had a significant impact on historical events or public perception? The JFK, that's a big one as the nation I think is is really big, you know, because I mean they just released CIA document or FBI documents on the situation and it kind of alludes to the CIA had an issue with John F Kennedy, with JFK. 00;34;50;03 - 00;35;16;13 Unknown And like the Kennedy family, really, I mean, the Kennedy curse. Yes. They're all they're all dropping like flies, you know, I was just listening to somebody's podcast on that. And I couldn't believe all of the family members that have just I didn't even know about some of them. I was like, wow. And then their daughter that they did that lobotomy on and then just left her in that, you know, psych ward. 00;35;16;15 - 00;35;54;09 Unknown That's crazy. And I feel like RFK now I have this weird feeling that something is going to happen to him, especially if he becomes like the the Democratic nominee, you know, because even like, you can be you can be left or right. I mean, it doesn't it really doesn't matter your your political views. It's like the elitist or the 13 families or Illuminati or the Freemasons or whatever you want to call Karl them. 00;35;54;11 - 00;36;22;16 Unknown They're going to pick whoever they want, no matter who you're voting for. definitely. Yeah. So, like, you know, if RFK gets the popularity vote and stuff like, I mean, Joe Biden's already is a puppet. He's not even himself anymore anyways. So, you know, if RFK becomes, you know, the number one, I think he will be I think something will happen to him on a pretty significant scale. 00;36;22;23 - 00;36;50;10 Unknown Definitely. Do you ever hear about Kelly Perry thing that happened on stage where she kicked Katy Perry? Yeah. Or the when she's like, master, yes. I don't feel. Yeah. Do. What do you think about that? Do you know who what the heck is her name? She was a beauty pageant. Yes, You know. my God. JonBenet. Her last name. 00;36;50;10 - 00;37;20;02 Unknown JonBenet Ramsey. Yes. So there's a theory out there that that she is Katy Perry. So there's the picture that's of her everywhere. It kind of looks like Ghislaine Maxwell is sitting right behind her. And then shortly after that, she goes missing. There's nobody anywhere or anything like that and they can't find her. And then, you know, Katy Perry kind of like is would be the age that she would be now. 00;37;20;09 - 00;37;59;00 Unknown So in that in that conspiracy theory. So and JonBenet Ramsey's story or in from what I've heard of the story anyway, or the case, her her father found her body in the basement and he brought it. was that exact. I'm pretty sure there was. They just found blood in the basement. Okay. Because story or the podcast that I've listened to on it, they said that they brought her up and then they DNA tested her underwear, and then they found that she was killed by a what is it, a garage that what they spin or turn when they're strangling someone? 00;37;59;02 - 00;38;29;17 Unknown But maybe the podcasts that I've listened to haven't been correct either. Yeah, I'll, I'll have to dig into that a little bit. I haven't done a story on her yet. From what I knew that they didn't find. They never found her body. Okay but so like the the theory was that she is Epstein and Maxwell raised her to be Katy Perry. 00;38;29;17 - 00;38;58;19 Unknown But either way even if that I mean, it's kind of far fetched anyway, even if they didn't find the body. Yeah, I have heard of the theory of her being. I've heard that the death was faked and that Katy was actually her. I have heard that conspiracy before, but then I heard the one of her like, blanking out during that concert or whatever, and I haven't seen the footage on that. 00;38;58;19 - 00;39;39;05 Unknown I haven't watched the video on it, but I'm like, That's really weird. Was it a big stage actor? Was it something that actually happened? Yeah, that so that they were saying that she she was a robot because of the eye thing. Right. And that she might be generated and she like all this stuff and the master thing like I mean the it's the going theory that like all these people who find like major success, not all of them, but a good majority of them had sold their soul to the devil, essentially. 00;39;39;07 - 00;40;12;20 Unknown And that's why they, they get these amazing things. But the devil is not creative. That's why he can't create any blessings. He can only grant opportunities. And and then once you you get the opportunities you yourself have to capitalize on them, first of all. And where the hell was I going with this? and then you get eventually you have to pay with your soul. 00;40;12;20 - 00;40;50;02 Unknown And then, you know, there's things that you have to do in order to stay relevant and stuff like that. And then you just kind of lose yourself. And that's what I think happened to Katy Perry. She was kind of like she was having a meltdown. And I think she was honestly on stage publicly praying to her, God, when you talk about the, you know, selling your soul and stuff, it makes me think of the show Supernatural with the going to the crossroads and very near the box or whatever and then making your wish with Can you deal with the devil? 00;40;50;02 - 00;41;15;26 Unknown Yeah, with the demons or whatever. And then what is it? Ten years later, the hounds of hell come and take you? Yeah, that would be freaky though. Yeah, that, that is. Yeah, I love that show too. I love that show. But yeah, I know. Right here. It says that JonBenet Ramsey was found, so. did you find it okay? 00;41;15;28 - 00;41;40;24 Unknown Yeah, I thought she was. And because her, from what I remember reading and hearing, is her dad. And he made his friend come with and he just they're like, maybe we should check the basement. And then all of a sudden he, like, brings her up and then set her on the floor. And they're like, Whoa, You know, first off, the whole crime scene was trampled on as it was because there was so many people in and out of the house. 00;41;40;26 - 00;42;09;05 Unknown But they thought it was strange that he asked his friend to go down. And I think he asked his friend to look in that the room that they found her. And then he swooped in and grabbed her and carried her upstairs hours. And then the whole DNA testing of her underwear ended up leading to somebody that actually worked at the manufacture room plant where the underwear was made. 00;42;09;08 - 00;42;35;28 Unknown So that person's DNA was on the underwear so that, you know, that lead went away. So that's that's what I thought I remembered hearing. But sure, there's all sorts of different spins on it and nothing I think nothing's ever been solved. Yeah, not that I think of it. I think the the theory was that it was a it was a different like her body was faked or something. 00;42;36;05 - 00;42;59;01 Unknown That could be I could see them, you know, spinning that too. But who knows. I mean, you just don't know. You have to believe what you're told. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. All right, Jeremy, what's the next question? How did you first become interested in the flat earth theory and what led you to explore and discuss it on your podcast? 00;42;59;04 - 00;43;28;06 Unknown So back in 2020, I heard the story of General Bird during World War Two, and they were they or it was shortly after World War Two, one or the other, and he was exploring Antarctica. So he had the ship and this huge crew out in Antarctica and him and another and another pilot went took a plane off to go. 00;43;28;06 - 00;44;01;18 Unknown What, over the ice wall and stuff. And in his diary, he describes being intercepted by these these aircrafts that, you know, came out of the water in the in the Antarctic Ocean. And they and so they basically intercepted their plane and brought him to like this this place that was like it was green grass and it was warm. 00;44;01;18 - 00;44;29;09 Unknown But it was so surrounded by all this ice and snow and they had an hour. Maybe they didn't bring him there, but they were speaking to him through the comms of the ship and they had Nazi symbols on their spaceships. And it was he basically described them as spaceships, not like airplanes or anything. They were some kind of aircraft that didn't look of human technology, according to him. 00;44;29;11 - 00;44;56;20 Unknown And they had Nazi symbolism on their ships, and they told him that he needed to turn around and that they won't fire on him on them. And they outnumbered him. And when he when they were flying over the ice wall, they saw the, you know, the war wooly mammoths and they saw this area that was in green, that was green grass. 00;44;56;20 - 00;45;44;10 Unknown And and they saw more land on the other side of that continued on. So that's one of the basic theories of the flat Earth And what has caused many people to go down the rabbit hole and to test their theories, you know, and but his son had Admiral Bird son. It's there's there's this weird discrepancy on the journal that, you know because this was all written in an Admiral birds journal and it kind of looks like all that stuff that part that talks about the weird stuff is in like a different handwrite thing and his son has been accused of like faking the story and stuff. 00;45;44;10 - 00;46;14;00 Unknown But, you know, you never know. He could have been writing it in like this duress of some kind after experiencing this. And what better way to, like, control the population, the like, the vibrate, the vibration than to lie about how much of the world there actually is. Right. So I like to I like to listen to people's theories and stuff. 00;46;14;00 - 00;46;50;28 Unknown Not that I actually believe, you know, that the earth is actually flat. I just find I just find the topic so, so interesting. And if it's I mean, if that really happened like that, that's weird. And see all these like videos to people out in Antarctica and like, these weird things happen when they get to the wall, like there is this weird video of this ship out there and it was more like a personalized ship, like a small, like fishing ship, kind of. 00;46;51;05 - 00;47;15;29 Unknown Okay. And they're approaching the ice wall and then all of a sudden these waves just start barking, start coming in. It was almost looked like there was like some kind of, like sea monster, like you couldn't see anything. But it looked like it looked like this huge like fish or something was like forcing coming up towards the like brink of the water, but not coming out of the water and forcing this boat away from the wall. 00;47;16;01 - 00;47;37;14 Unknown And if you visit Antarctica, you have to stay on base. You're not allowed to leave the base or else you'll run into like soldiers and stuff that will basically escort you back. So that's another weird thing to visit Antarctica. You can't go anywhere. Well, don't you basically have to be a scientist in order to visit it? Yeah, that too. 00;47;37;14 - 00;48;06;14 Unknown That too. You have to get like, you have to get all these credentials to go out there. You have to get permission and all that stuff from I don't know what government to or anything. It might be you and maybe that you need to think it is. Yeah. So that is oddly peculiar. But yeah, no, the that's pretty much the basis of the Admiral Bird experience had led me to that. 00;48;06;14 - 00;48;31;06 Unknown And then, you know, I research the, the moon landing. I've watched the video like 100 times, which is yeah, it's odd to me about a lot of things about it. And it's weird that we haven't gone back and that we can't seem to how to figure out how to go back, especially with the way technology is now. So yeah, kind of weird It is. 00;48;32;11 - 00;49;06;28 Unknown how do Flat Earth supporters address scientific evidence supporting a spherical earth? And what arguments do they commonly present to challenge the mainstream science deep is these like cameras that supposedly can see like thousands of miles and if you go out into the ocean and you're filming from land because you know how like, supposedly if if there's a curvature, that's why you can't see anything further. 00;49;06;28 - 00;49;52;01 Unknown But you honestly, our human eye can only see so far right to begin, which you would never able to see any kind of curvature. But they also say that to like the scientists or whatever or really anybody that believes in the the satirical globe, When you see a ship out in the ocean, how come you see ocean? But you see the top of the the the ship, you can't see the whole thing, but the flat-earthers will be like, well, you can only see the top of it because of like, you know, barraging from sun glare and stuff like that. 00;49;52;03 - 00;50;25;05 Unknown But they use these cameras that can see like forever away. And they were out on a boat and with one camera and on land with another and they were measuring and it didn't seem to cause have a curve from where there is supposed to be a curve. And then the stars, the stars is another thing. How come we see the same stars and the same almost the same positions every night? 00;50;25;07 - 00;50;47;08 Unknown The North Star is always in the same spot. How come if we're a sphere hurtling through Earth, that thousands of my own in the galaxy, thousands of miles, how come the same star, the North Star is in the same exact spot every single night? That is true. I've never thought of it. I've never thought about the North Star. 00;50;47;08 - 00;51;10;13 Unknown I guess I didn't realize it was in the same spot, but the constellations constantly move. They move through the seasons. But I never realized the North Star was always in the station. Because they used the stars to navigate back in the day. You know, that is interesting. Interesting stuff. So. And then they say that the clouds give it away, too. 00;51;10;13 - 00;51;32;23 Unknown How come the if we're a gas ball, how come the bottom of the clouds are flat and then the tops of them are big and fluffy? I'm going to have to look the clouds. I guess I never thought of that or noticed that either. I just noticed the fun little shapes. And then yeah, I used to look at the shapes all the time when I was a kid. 00;51;32;25 - 00;51;59;12 Unknown I love doing that. It's like colors and you'll see something. You're like, it looks like this. Yeah. But I also that you can't really tell that the bottoms of them are flat from the bottom. I think they talk more talk about being like in the sky with them and they are more like the bottom ones are more flat on the bottom and then they're just like this big combustion of bubbles on top. 00;51;59;12 - 00;52;38;08 Unknown So there's another one. It's a you know how like when the sun shines through glass, it gives this like a prism of. Yeah. And you see that naturally in outside sometimes. So like the theory is that we're in a glass jar sometimes. That's another one. Yeah, it's interesting. But yeah, I mean, I can see it either way, you know, because that would be more like water droplets in the air, you know, which, you know, if we ever shine light through water, you kind of get that prism effect, too. 00;52;38;13 - 00;53;04;18 Unknown Yeah, There's another one that gravity doesn't exist where just it's the buoyancy in us because we're we're in water and it's I don't know about that one at all. I'm I don't know. That's kind of far fetched, but yeah, I think I would think we would realize if we were in water, especially with all the electronics that people have nowadays. 00;53;04;19 - 00;53;36;19 Unknown It's yeah, it baffles me that there's so many different theories out there. You know, like some people have some really vivid imaginations when it comes to this flatter theory. Yeah. And I kind of came up with my own version of my flat Earth now. So we'll be doing a separate from your interview. We're going to Jeremy is going to be doing a story on the flat Earth and stuff, and he went into it and that'll be on it. 00;53;36;21 - 00;54;03;29 Unknown I don't know, is this episode or another episode? I'm not sure, but it will. He goes on to has his own kind of plays fun with it. And then the other night he asked me to we'll be back after these messages and he murder It is. I'm Danica and I'm human. We are the mother daughter, host of Murder and Mimosas Now True Crime podcast that strives to focus on lesser known cases. 00;54;04;02 - 00;54;43;26 Unknown We personally think these episodes go down a little bit better with you. So instead we share. We'll grab yours every Saturday at brunch time is an excellent in you help them do some stuff, you know to play some fun with it to. And so I went into I kind of went what like water based animals and then land based animals like Nessie is actually a submarine seeker's submarine. 00;54;43;28 - 00;55;11;00 Unknown We we kind of had some fun with that. So we you know, he goes on to the whole theories and what they say and what they believe. And then he goes into his own play of it. So we're doing like a kind of like our own fictional supernatural, which is going to be fun. So you'll have to make sure to listen, be a lot of all of the very comedic version of Flat Earth. 00;55;11;02 - 00;55;40;24 Unknown So yeah, and I have like, what did I have? Yeti has like the Antarctic basically. He was like the police of the Antarctic or something. He like patrols the Antarctic and keeps everybody away. And yeah, we had some fun with it. So what sparked your interest in the paranormal Cryptids and the unknown, and how did you decide to dive into podcasting about these topics? 00;55;40;28 - 00;56;11;01 Unknown I have a lot of paranormal experiences throughout my life, so that's basically where it started. One of my earliest memories is is of shadow figures. And so I've, you know, I've experienced a lot of I've seen a lot of shadow people, and I see shadow people in the house that I'm in right now. I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks now, but I'm sure one of them will pop its head in it at some point. 00;56;11;02 - 00;56;41;14 Unknown I heard a knock on my door, the other my studio door the other day and nobody was here, the only me and my dog in that house. So it's kind of weird, but that's what sparked my interest. And then movies and stuff like I'm a huge horror fan, right? I love love. All of it is slasher. It can be cheesy and corny or, you know, realistic and yeah, I like the ghost stuff, like, especially at night, too. 00;56;41;17 - 00;57;16;18 Unknown Especially when I was like a teenager. I would watch a ghost movie and, you know, scare myself and then I would like test myself in the darkness. Although, like, if, if anything, after, like, a horror, like a ghost movie at night and there was a noise I'd run at any time, I probably still would know. My sister says that out of everybody, that she knows that if out of everybody, she knows where to, if anyone were to survive a horror movie, it would be me. 00;57;16;18 - 00;57;46;23 Unknown Because don't ask questions or anything. I just run based off of it. Yeah. Did you grew up in a haunted house then, or. Well, I don't know if it was haunted, but there was definitely weird stuff happening because we moved around a lot. So all my experiences are, you know, a lot of them are other places, so pretty much there's at least one experience and almost almost everywhere that that I've lived. 00;57;46;23 - 00;58;11;21 Unknown But the my grandparents house is where I saw most of it. That's where the property next to them, that's where in the woods. That's where the mushroom people were, the shadow people in their basement. I saw apparition on their swing set in their backyard. Was that the spaghetti guy? Yeah. Hey, you got to tell that story. I was nine years old. 00;58;11;24 - 00;58;37;14 Unknown I had tried to take my own life a with with a blade, and obviously didn't succeed, because if I did, I wouldn't be talking to you guys right now. We're out of that. And yeah, so I was out on the swing two weeks after this happened and I just see something caught my eye by myself and I'm like, Somebody is on this. 00;58;37;14 - 00;58;58;25 Unknown There's nobody on the swing. And I turn my head and it's this old guy sitting on the swing next to me. I can see completely right through him. And, you know, it's a lot like what kind of what? You know, a lot of movies depict a ghost where it's just like, you know, wispy, wavy, white and you can see through it. 00;58;58;27 - 00;59;28;04 Unknown And his face was distorted. I couldn't see like, any kind of like facial features or anything. But for some reason, I knew he was old and he had something in his lap, like in his hands. And I know knew I know it's tricky, but I couldn't like what I can only, like, describe it as he was either knitting or so like a ball, like a bunch of yarn in his hands or a bowler noodles. 00;59;28;06 - 00;59;58;20 Unknown That's I don't I have no idea or no recollect of what it what it actually was, but I just know that it was, it was stringy and he became spaghetti man. I call him spaghetti man. spaghetti man. And he just, he goes, hey, be patient. And like, about what he's like, you'll know. Okay, go. All right. 00;59;58;20 - 01;00;20;25 Unknown And then I, you know, it was like sleep paralysis, but obviously I'm not sleeping him out on the fucking sled, so swing set and I'm just staring at the ground and I want to run so bad, but I couldn't move. And it felt like forever, which is probably only 2 minutes. And I finally turned my head and he wasn't there. 01;00;20;26 - 01;00;59;06 Unknown Crazy. Well, I think he was giving you a premonition of your future with your podcast. Because with your podcast you open a platform for so many people to be able to listen and talk about things that other people may look down their nose or may look at differently. You open the whole platform for mental health, so you make it a safe place for people and you're helping people through the airwaves because they're they know that it's okay to think the way they think. 01;00;59;06 - 01;01;40;26 Unknown They know it's okay to, you know, that these things are happening, that they can understand and so I think that was a premonition to you being able to create this wonderful thing for people to feel like they have a safe space. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for that. I think I think he was definitely alluding to to now with everything that has gone on, you know, I you know, I attempted twice and thought about it a third time when I was 30 and I don't know just the things my kids and I have the opportunities to experience now. 01;01;40;26 - 01;02;10;24 Unknown And, you know, all the people that I'm meeting through doing this podcast and the traveling that I'm doing through the podcast to network and stuff like that, and it's been really rewarding for my own spiritual growth. Like I don't even care about growing the podcast, I just want to talk to people, you know? Right? And I think that's the true organic thing about your podcast is that you are truly there to listen and to talk and to share. 01;02;10;26 - 01;02;32;10 Unknown And that is something that you know, a lot of podcasts don't have. You have a really great platform and the way that you go about everything is phenomenal. That's why I found it so easy to binge. I couldn't wait to hear the next story. I couldn't wait to hear the next guest and the things that happened, like the crazy things with that one. 01;02;32;13 - 01;03;03;01 Unknown The guy that I can't remember his name now, where you actually had voices coming through during the podcast and how some of these people have been able to be joined together. And, you know, so it's you know, you've you've helped other people, other things, and some guests have been helping other guests. And it's just a incredible community. And the way that you do it is phenomenal. 01;03;03;04 - 01;03;28;27 Unknown So you definitely need to give yourself a big pat on the back. You're making me cry, Tracy doll. I'm not I'm not trying to make you cry. I'm just I'm speaking the truth. I mean, you do you have a phenomenal platform. And I'm very, very blessed that I found this group of people and was able to, you know, hear all these different stories, you know, like Farah and her blog that she has now. 01;03;28;27 - 01;03;52;09 Unknown I mean, she's going totally Farrah was the conversation cabin. Now she's semester studio, Sydney semester studio, and she has created a blog that she goes raw. She talks about all of her life events. And that's a lot of stuff that people try to hide and they want to just get out here and they want to try to just make it big. 01;03;52;12 - 01;04;21;13 Unknown But that's not what it's about. It's about, you know, sharing your stories, sharing your experiences, sharing stories of others. And and that, I think, is what is really important. And I think that's where our small indie pods are going to make a difference someday. I 100% agree the the just the love from everybody and and stuff like has been the best part of this entire thing. 01;04;21;15 - 01;04;57;24 Unknown So. it's helped a lot from a lot of guys. I talk about it a lot on the on the show too. Like I used to be really introverted. It was hard to get myself to talk to anybody about anything. But yes, I mean, to go I mean, even to go back to the question, what got me into the podcast like when I used to honestly, I thought podcasts were kind of stupid for the longest time, and I was like, I want to listen to other people talk about, you know, just talk, right? 01;04;57;26 - 01;05;30;14 Unknown You know, in a you know, I started with Joe Rogan and then I got into a conspiracy podcast and that one was crazy. And, you know, I'm anti-vax. So like a lot of things that the conspiracy guys were getting into, I was just like, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Not that I have a problem with anybody who, you know, gets vaccinated at all by anything or any of them or anything like that. 01;05;30;14 - 01;05;58;09 Unknown It's just not for me. They had the conspiracy podcast, had a paranormal podcast guy on, and his story was freaking crazy. And I was like, my God, this is so good. So I started listening to his podcast and then a friend of mine also had his own podcast that he doesn't do it anymore, but I was a guest on his show and we just talked about random stuff, kind of like, you know, Joe Rogan style. 01;05;59;05 - 01;06;18;24 Unknown And I was just like, I was listening to this paranormal podcast and I was like, I want to talk to people about ghosts and shit. Like people. That's, that's where I kind of got into it too. I started listening to I got with our jobs we have so much time that it's we're not communicating with people. We basically on our own cleaning companies. 01;06;18;24 - 01;06;38;01 Unknown We do and we do, you know, residential and commercial cleaning. So you're in houses all by yourself. And I got so tired of listening to music, listening to the same thing over and over and over again. So then I found podcasts and then I was listening to some of the bigger podcasts, and now I don't listen to any of the big ones anymore. 01;06;38;01 - 01;07;07;29 Unknown I've gone all indie, I've gone all with our our circle. I'm trying to get through everyone and that way, yeah, I'll be all caught up and then I can just each week listen to everyone's episodes and stuff and but Jeremy is a major introvert as well. Yeah, You think so? This was really hard for him to. He's supported me in wanting to do this, but it was a way out of his comfort zone. 01;07;08;00 - 01;07;34;04 Unknown It still is. Yeah. I eventually it I don't know. I fight myself every time we record, it's like really hard. Yes. You've gotten better, though. I don't have to, like, convince you as much. Especially when we do crossovers. He gets. He likes to get in his head a little bit, but I keep telling him, like, just let your natural personality that I see shine through. 01;07;34;04 - 01;08;02;27 Unknown And when we had David and Amanda on, Jeremy made the comment about being introverted, and David was like, What? The way he goes, I would have never got that from listening to you. And he is he's a major introvert and I can from listening, listening, I can tell just because I am also like, You're a little reserved. I feel like with the the the words you choose. 01;08;02;28 - 01;08;32;02 Unknown Yes, definitely. I think about everything I say yes. And I do. I I'm the exact opposite. I'm the I'm the extrovert. And I end up stumbling over my words because my brain is going so fast and I have so much that I want to say that I don't spin it all on time. I think I'm actually at a point now as where I'm getting ahead of myself and I'm just like, it's just like the fumbling that just did over the word peculiar. 01;08;32;02 - 01;09;06;17 Unknown Yeah. All words are hard. That's what editing school. Yeah. And I think that's really the only reason I'm still in this is because I like editing part of it. I like learning. So I find that part of it fun. Yeah. He's a major techie. Yeah, because I. Well, I go deep. He does, he goes, I'll go through and edit at times when we're getting like backlogged or if we're getting to crunch time to get the episode out, I'll go in and edit. 01;09;06;22 - 01;09;45;07 Unknown He's taught me the basics and so I'll go in and do some stuff and then he'll always go over my edits again. That's funny. So among paranormal phenomena and Cryptids and the Unknown, do you have a favorite topic or creature that you find particularly fascinating or mysterious? I feel like Dog Man and the Cryptids would be extremely mysterious and interesting just because of what? 01;09;45;07 - 01;10;18;19 Unknown Like so you know, werewolf or or whatever that it could be. Some people think it's a it's a government experiment. Some people think that they work for the government. Some people think that they are soldiers turned into, you know, dogs and stuff. And, you know, whenever somebody has a sighting, it's there's like this metal sound like a portal door or maybe even like an underground base door opening up. 01;10;18;19 - 01;10;56;23 Unknown And then this creature is out there and it's probably one of the scarier of the of the cryptids. I don't, you know, out of all the cryptids that I know of, I feel like this one, this one's going to take my life. If I ever know. Yes. Yeah. Anytime I hear about Dog Man, I always you know, there's similarities to like Bigfoot and so I kind of I don't know, some of the stories are really alike in that aspect. 01;10;56;27 - 01;11;26;00 Unknown One was yeah yeah and was dogma out in go ahead. Sorry. A lot of them are dog men and bigfoot are seen together like in the in the like the same experience not like essentially like they're actually together at the same time but within like the same night, like the beast of Brier Road in Wisconsin. Yeah. It sounds like very similar to a dog man. 01;11;26;02 - 01;11;58;22 Unknown Yeah. And then you got the Beast, the or the Werewolf of the La Belle or whatever The Wolf of the Bell. Marc Groves has a wild experience out there with his hunting buddy where he literally saw a dog man being held by like a a collar and leash that were made of chains by Bigfoot. So and he wrote two books that, Wow, I really want to do. 01;11;58;26 - 01;12;21;24 Unknown That is very cool. Yeah. The guy that you interviewed to the Tomato Fields book. Yeah, I actually reached out to him, or I think we followed each other on Instagram, and then he thanked me for the follow and sent me the link to his book. And then I asked him if he had ever been on a podcast for an interview. 01;12;22;02 - 01;12;51;29 Unknown And it was funny because like two weeks later I was listening to your podcast and you had him on there. I'm like, Yeah, somebody is interviewing him. Very cool story there too. Yeah, he's a he's a wicked nice guy too. Is a lot of fun to talk to him. Definitely. Well, I think we'll have one final question and this one is, have you ever visited a location known for Paranormal Activity or Cryptids sightings? 01;12;52;02 - 01;13;21;19 Unknown And if so, did you experience anything out of the ordinary? Absolutely. So I recently went to the Hook Em Up Swamp inside the Bridgewater Triangle in Massachusetts I went with exploring with Phil on YouTube. So there's a whole video on it. We think we heard the portal door open for like a dog man. We heard the like the metal, like a metal door. 01;13;21;21 - 01;13;52;20 Unknown And his word, his word that for that, you know, the spirits are entities that can speak to will put submit words into We heard that metal sound and then the word bank says door. Wow. And he heard what sounded a dog was behind him like a dog. Like it sounded like somebody somebody was walking their dog up behind him and it's freakin nail, man. 01;13;52;20 - 01;14;12;00 Unknown I heard it, too, But it sounded more like just like somebody shuffling like I thought he was just like, because I think I had my back to him at the time. And I just heard, like, a shuffling sound, and I thought it was him. And then the spirit box, we got a lot of wicked cool replies. 01;14;12;00 - 01;14;50;20 Unknown So I'm Penobscot Indian here, and it's a tribe here in Maine. And so the Hockomock swamp is know was land for the Wampanoag people. And to hear the the the spirit box say Penobscot, say my name and say podcast in such a short amount of time was that's crazy. They gave and then, and then it told us to look out, get out of the way. 01;14;50;23 - 01;15;23;17 Unknown And we're like, What? What are we in the way of? And then they said, Bigfoot, what's should you know, I'm like, Here's this portal. I threw a rock into the woods and feels like, Can you throw that back at us? I was like, preferably not at my head. Let me be specific here. Throw it that direction and then on the last camera, we saw a bunch of little people. 01;15;23;29 - 01;15;49;19 Unknown very cool. Now, this was after you went to Florida and did the in the US session with I'm mind blocking their name now. Wasn't that before this experience too. Yeah, it was literally like a week before. And you know what the pastor says, Jeremy? No, where they're blindfolded and they have the noise canceling headphones on and stuff. 01;15;49;21 - 01;16;24;17 Unknown Yeah, yeah. So it's 305 paranormal. 305 Yes. The other the and, but they're also part of a bigger group called War Party Paranormal. Okay. Yeah. Mondo, who goes by Mr. 305 paranormal on Instagram, He asked Spirit to touch my shoulder. And then right after that, it felt like my shoulder was being squeezed. So. Yeah. And I listened to that. 01;16;24;17 - 01;16;43;02 Unknown Well, I you know, I listened to all of those episodes, but that one, I couldn't wait. When you guys were talking about the Aster session, I kept waiting because you kept saying you're going to Florida. And I was like, so excited to hear because you'd never really gone on a ghost hunt. And yeah, so I was like, super excited. 01;16;43;02 - 01;17;03;16 Unknown And then you were, you know, talking about this Aster session that you did, and that was they did a great job of putting, you know, putting that together for you. And it was fun to listen to. It was very fun. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I think I could do what you did with like just sitting in a room, but I don't think I could do what Farah did. 01;17;03;21 - 01;17;36;05 Unknown I don't know if you heard what she did and asked us in her cave. Yeah. You know, she, she would just on the I think it's episode 81 right now where she talked about the going into the cave and stuff. She's on the I'm going to have to listen to that one. my gosh. When I was watching the video the YouTube video that her and Kourtney did on that, and I'm like, get her out of there. 01;17;36;07 - 01;18;03;06 Unknown Yeah. I mean, the skin walkers are not something to mess with. Skin walkers in, but yeah, yeah. I just I love hearing all of these stories and all of the and it's fun because when you get this like our little group or whatever we learn from, we learn from each other and we learning more about each other from everybody's podcasts and stuff. 01;18;03;06 - 01;18;29;12 Unknown And so that makes it fun. And like with a lot of these questions, obviously we're not doing video, but when we wrote the questions because, you know, listening to your show, I know a lot of your stories and every time we ask a question, I kind of nod my head am I guess that's the story. I wanted them to tell you what I had in mind. 01;18;29;14 - 01;19;20;09 Unknown Yeah. So but why don't you go ahead and give us one final reminder of where we can find you. All right, So it's where the weird ones are on Facebook and Instagram and the website where the weird ones are podcasts, dot com. You can even leave a rating and a review on the website for the show. If you if you happen to be on or or or if you don't four or if you like on Amazon and you're listening through that or something like that one of the they don't allow you to do ratings ratings and review so the website you can find all the stuff like the store the merch store and I started 01;19;20;09 - 01;19;42;08 Unknown a blog on there too. So Tik Tok is Kevin. This is and yeah, if any of anybody who listens to your show, if they have a story that they're interested in telling and they want to be featured on the show, they can reach out to me where the weird ones are at gmail.com and we can set something up. 01;19;42;08 - 01;20;10;07 Unknown And I'm assuming everybody can find you guys on Apple and Spotify and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah. It's so the platforms the show's on is Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, and then videos on Rumble in YouTube. Very cool. Awesome. Definitely check them out. He will have you wanting more with each episode. So it's a great show. People Yes. 01;20;10;07 - 01;20;33;21 Unknown And it's different content, which is nice. It's not, you know, the same stories being retold by different people. It's it's all raw content, but. Well, thank you, Kevin, for coming on and blessing us with your presence. And again, I encourage everyone go listen to his show. Thank you, guys. I appreciate you having me on. And I can't wait for you guys to come on to my show. 01;20;33;21 - 01;21;02;18 Unknown Yeah, can't wait. I'm going to have to figure out all my go see stories. All right. Well, you have a great day. You as well. Take care. Catch you later, Kevin. But if you're like, wow, guys, what an episode. Kevin was great. He certainly was. What's fun stories? And I got to, you know, dive into a lot of different things. 01;21;02;24 - 01;21;29;05 Unknown Well, we weren't deep people. We went really deep. Well, thank you, Kevin, for joining us. Please go check out his podcast. You won't be disappointed. And we've got some exciting episodes coming up in the next few weeks. Jeremy's going to go off of this episode a little bit and dive more into the Flat Earth theory, and he's going to bring his own theories into it. 01;21;29;07 - 01;21;56;07 Unknown We have the Palmer House story with special guest Jenny, where she's going to kind of tell us some of her ghost stories and about paranormal investigations. And we're going to go into some first movies and then we're going to have Nash from Chasing Legends, a scripted hunter on the show. So I tell you what, the next few weeks are going to be pretty amazing. 01;21;56;08 - 01;22;31;02 Unknown Exciting. But until then, keep on creeping on, everybody. Later. We love you smartly. Later. Bye bye, love. Yeah. Thanks for hanging out with us here at Total Conundrum. Please make sure to check out our website and blog at Total Conundrum dot com For news, upcoming events, merch bloopers and Additional Hysteria you never know will pop up, so be sure to follow along if you want to show your support for Total conundrum and gain access to all of our bonus content, please visit our patron page. 01;22;31;04 - 01;22;58;22 Unknown You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The links are available on our show notes. If you have any questions, comments, recommendation or stories to share, please email us that contact at Total Conundrum dot com episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. If you like the show, please rate review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts. 01;22;58;25 - 01;23;38;20 Unknown We appreciate the love. Keep on keeping on Mother and and and and and to.