00;00;05;09 - 00;01;00;09 Unknown And if you dig the twisted, admired the outlandish and are enamored by the unusual, you're in the right place. True crime, the supernatural, the unexplained. Now you're speaking her language. If you agree, join us as we dive into the darker side. You know, because it's more fun over here. Welcome to Total Conundrum one. She must first move on the following quarter. 00;01;00;09 - 00;01;37;27 Unknown Disturbing, useful description is it banished a conundrum. Welcome back to another episode of Total Conundrum. I'm your in-house storyteller, Jeremy. And boy, have we got a treat for you in this episode of Total Conundrum. You betcha we do. And it's going to be fan freaking tastic. Jeremy's about to share the story he created from the dark side of the Moon about Blood Drac, the Crypt kid who decided to wreak havoc through the charming town of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 00;01;38;00 - 00;02;02;01 Unknown Yep. Folks, it all begins when Blood Drac emerges from the mysterious caves that run along the Mississippi River banks. It's just like you decided. I'm tired of cave life. I think I'll go terrorize the city to death. No more cave book for him, apparently. And there's just something peculiar and extra spooky about Cryptids choosing city life over the wilderness, isn't there? 00;02;02;07 - 00;02;29;18 Unknown Absolutely. So stay tuned to enjoy this courageous tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Blood tracks on the prowl. And you better believe hero J.T. Anders gets wrapped up in this cryptic conundrum. And believe me, folks, JT, his bravery is reaching new heights. But will he conquer the cryptids reign of terror? Or will blood drag just leave him running to and fro? 00;02;29;25 - 00;02;59;12 Unknown Ooh, the suspense. So tune in. Hold on to your seats. And while you're at it, share the news of this episode with your friends and fellow crypto aficionados. Sharing is caring, folks. Well said, Tracy. Get ready to wade into the wonders of the cryptids as we bring you the story of blood drag. But before we dive in, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit that notification bell so you never miss an episode. 00;02;59;14 - 00;03;22;17 Unknown And don't forget to give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this episode. That's right, Tracy. Also, a rating interview would mean the world to us. If you're listening to us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify plus. Drop us a line if you're doing spooky stories or a chilling mystery you want us to dive into. We'd love to hear from you before we shock you with our episode of BoJack. 00;03;22;20 - 00;03;46;11 Unknown We'll be playing trailers that were shared with us, McCabe family and three siblings walking to a bar. A big thank you to them for collaborating with us. Everyone go check out their podcast and show them the love and support that you show us. I have listened to both and they are great. Enjoy listening to the trailers from our friends during our episode. 00;03;46;14 - 00;04;15;18 Unknown Yeah. Hey, everyone, it's me, Stephanie, the hostess of the Makeup Family podcast. Join me and my whole Bekah family every week as we tell you all the tales of spooky, kooky, creepy, freaky, hairy, you name it, We got it as a macabre family podcast. Join us every week on all listening platforms. Stay spooky. Hey, Jeremy. How are you today? 00;04;15;19 - 00;04;38;26 Unknown Good. Tracy, How are you? Good. Yeah. Shall we get into it? I am so excited because you read me little bits and pieces of this. But you left me hanging. I left you hanging. So I have no idea how the story ends up turning out or how it ends. So this is all going to be a big shocker surprise for me. 00;04;39;02 - 00;05;08;07 Unknown All right. Well, let's find out how it starts, shall we? I suppose that's a good place to to begin. All right, so from 1600 to 1837, the decoding Indians resided on the land around Saint Paul. Most of St Paul was where the Dakota Indians bury their dead. So much of Saint Paul was essentially burial mounds as European-American settlers moved into the area. 00;05;08;09 - 00;05;44;28 Unknown The Dakota Indians got pushed out, forcing them to leave their homes and relocate. It is said that Dakota people cursed the land. In 1854, Saint Paul officially became the second largest city in Minnesota. By 1880, Saint Paul was becoming a bustling metropolis. They brought in the Northern Pacific Railway to start building transportation routes. And in 1926, they started construction on the MacGyver lock and dam system. 00;05;45;05 - 00;06;14;12 Unknown Along the river, the MacGyver lock and dam. You betcha. You know, do they, MacGyver? A lot of their products. Duct tape and silly putty. So the Mississippi River runs through Saint Paul and cave systems go for miles on the river. Steep bank, river steep banks. This was a massive project for the time, and it took eight years to complete. 00;06;14;15 - 00;06;42;10 Unknown One day, as the workers built forms poured concrete, they noticed something off in the distance, flying around a cave resembling a large bird with bat like wings. Weird. Yeah. All the workers were fixated on watching this creature fly effortlessly with great speed. I would be fixated on it, too. What the hell is it? I think anybody is crazy. 00;06;42;12 - 00;07;07;29 Unknown They watched it dip down below the trees, darting back into the sky and above the treetops, hovering for a second, and then flying back into the caves. So it didn't even reveal itself fully or fully. Just gave them a little teaser. Just a little teaser. They weren't sure what it was, and a couple of them wanted to know. 00;07;08;02 - 00;07;34;13 Unknown Wow. So one of the workers, J.T. Anders, G.C. Anders. Yeah. Love that name. Love that name, too. Could not get the image of this creature out of his head. So he started to ask the locals living in the area if they encountered this creature. Many locals told stories of hearing something like crying or screeching noises coming from the caves. 00;07;34;23 - 00;08;08;21 Unknown that's eerie. Yeah. He spoke to a member of the Dakota tribal leaders, a catcher. And she told JT that this creature is a dark omen created from a curse that is tied to the land. The creature is evil, she said. The creature's name is Wyatt. Because soon to be that English? No. That's Native American. For what? Exactly. 00;08;08;23 - 00;08;47;01 Unknown So roughly translated to Nocturne as Abby Solving. However, the locals call this creature blood tract Blood Drive, or Drac, a fusion of blood, which means blood in Welsh and Drac, a reference to Dracula or a bad. This name captures the essence of the creature's blood thirsty and bat like qualities. I was just going to ask, is that have, like, vampire lines associated with it or will get their. 00;08;47;08 - 00;09;19;25 Unknown go get their girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm your wife. Yeah, that's so the mayor of Saint Paul at the time, Rich Cunningham, told JT to talk to James Air Hetfield, a journalist for the Saint Paul Trade. Wow. Yeah. JT went to meet Mr. Hetfield at his office to discuss the creature. James is a journalist and a sort of hunter of this creature. 00;09;19;27 - 00;09;50;25 Unknown He explains how he and his son Emanuel were hunting one day and ventured into the caves. They had gotten far into the cave systems when they heard a gut wrenching, blood curdling scream. James and Emmanuel reacted to the cry with intense fear, but checked where it came from to see if anyone needed help. Good Samaritans, you know. Yeah, but you know what? 00;09;50;27 - 00;10;20;08 Unknown Don't wander into big, dark, deep black holes like caves. Yeah. And then while you're in there, you hear somebody scream out or ran out of their pits and myself screaming like a little girl. He. There would have been a Jeremy sized hole in the side of the cave. So they followed a path leading to a big open area. 00;10;20;11 - 00;10;41;11 Unknown They shined their flashlight around the cavern, not seeing anything or hearing anything. Confused, because they're basically at a dead end. They turned around and started walking out of the cave when something huge looked at them with glowing amber. 00;10;41;14 - 00;11;09;16 Unknown Suddenly it launched off the cave ceiling and flew over their head. hell no. No way, man. No way. James and Emmanuel ran out of the caves as fast as they could. They vowed to never return to those caves ever again. Yeah, or a 30 mile radius near them. I wasn't mine. Yeah. James describes the creature in vivid detail from that day. 00;11;09;18 - 00;11;51;00 Unknown The creature is a chilling and otherworldly being a dark fusion of nightmarish elements. Its body is flexible, strong and muscular, draped with a city in black, leathery skin and about six feet tall. From its back extends a pair of enormous tattered bat wings with their wingspan that seems to stretch forever, casting a haunting silhouette against the light of the flashlight at the forefront of its face, two piercing, glowing amber eyes fixated on its prey with an eerie intensity. 00;11;51;03 - 00;12;26;18 Unknown These eyes seem to radiate an unsettling evil energy, casting an unholy glow around them as if they could peer into your soul. It's a bizarre age, is dominated by a wicked, demonic grin revealing two gleaming, sharp fangs that could rival any vampire in length and malevolence. And again, I say, hell no. hell no. I mean, a little tiny bat is scary enough. 00;12;26;21 - 00;12;49;10 Unknown I mean, I would not. I would run out of the house if we had a bat in our house. And would you call your husband at work? Kill that said bat. Yes, That's in the bathtub. Yes. That, you know, he is deathly afraid of bats. Yes. Okay. I just wanted to check it. Is part of your husband Lee duties? 00;12;49;14 - 00;13;03;22 Unknown You know, maybe. Maybe at the end of this story, you'll understand why this story ends the way that it does. no. Who are you foreshadowing here? 00;13;03;24 - 00;13;43;25 Unknown Yes. So? Well, little backstory on that. We were living in this older, cool look. You know, it was a cool, cool, older home. And one day I went up to clean the bathroom upstairs that our girls used all the time. And it was primarily their bathroom. So kids bathroom, you know, used your imagination. So Jeremy's at work and I go upstairs and walk into the bathroom, and I pull the shower curtain back, and there's something black in the tub, and I backpedal and slam the bathroom door, and I'm standing outside of the bathroom. 00;13;43;25 - 00;14;02;03 Unknown I'm like, Did I really see what I thought I saw? So I slowly went back and pulled the curtain back again, again, back, pedaled, ran out, shut the door. I did this like two or three times. So he's at work 30 miles away. Can't do a damn thing about it. But of course, I have to call him in a panic. 00;14;02;05 - 00;14;31;21 Unknown Yeah. So then I get home later that afternoon, you know, leaving her to deal with this bad. I just started in there right outside the door. So I get home and I. man up. And I pretend to be brave walking up the stairs to the bathroom. And I think I got so scared, I just started chucking anything that was sitting in the living room underneath the bathroom. 00;14;31;23 - 00;14;57;04 Unknown And I keep hearing, like, shampoo and conditioner bottles, like hitting the tub and all this commotion. Yeah. Manned up, though. I manned up then tin to try to flush it down the toilet or something. No, I don't think I would do that. I don't remember. I just remember the the bottles, like crashing in the tub and stuff. Stuff flying, that's for sure. 00;14;57;14 - 00;15;32;14 Unknown no. I think you brought it outside afterwards. Yeah, probably. So it's hands and feet or a cruel and disturbing amalgamation of monstrosity here where each of its fingers terminates into razor sharp claws capable of easily rendering flesh while the claws on its feet are equally fearsome, enabling it to scale walls and ceilings with uncanny grace like a predatory beast poised to strike. 00;15;32;17 - 00;16;02;01 Unknown That's just an that's just an unfair advantage. Yeah. It's about as scripted here. Yeah. And he's big so he could, like, pick people out and, like, fly off with them and stuff. Yeah, totally. So this creature's presence is an embodiment of darkness and terror, and it moves with predatory grace. Its bat wings unfurled as it takes to the skies. 00;16;02;04 - 00;16;29;18 Unknown A haunting figure that strikes fear into the heart of all those who dared cross its path. Yeah. And if you could see me right now, I'm sitting here with my nose. Cringed and my face like, all twisted. Because the thought of this thing is just. shit. Tis spooky season, but he says it has spooky season. All right, so James warns JT to be very careful. 00;16;29;21 - 00;16;54;23 Unknown Nothing good can come from getting too close to blood, Drac. It is pure evil. JT went back home and had dinner with his wife, Lacey Anders. hello, Lacey. Hello, Lacey. She asked him about his day, and he told her about his day at work, leaving out the large, bad like creature. Him and his coworkers had seen that day. 00;16;54;25 - 00;17;23;25 Unknown The next day, at work, like any other day, he got his tool bag and started working. He noticed that Gerard Bowie, one of his coworkers and good friends, didn't show up for work that day. He asked his other coworkers if they had seen or heard from him, and they said they had not. He found this odd but kind of put him in the back of his mind and finished his day at work. 00;17;23;27 - 00;17;46;16 Unknown On his drive, he stopped off at a local pub where his friends hung out to have a beer before going home. He went in and sat down at his regular chair at the bar. After a couple of minutes, his buddy Bobby walked in and went right to JT and asked if he had heard about Jared. JT said no, he wasn't at work today. 00;17;46;19 - 00;18;09;01 Unknown Bobby said that Jared was found dead by his hunting cabin this morning. no. His wife said he never came home last night. So the police went to look for him and found his body over by the caves. It looked like a bear had mauled them. And the weirdest part was all of his blood was drained from his body. 00;18;09;03 - 00;18;29;29 Unknown Police are calling it a hunting accident. It looks like he had a rifle with them and he shot three times. And it appears to have not hit anything. There was no other blood at the scene other than his own. So they think that a bear charged him and he never had time to get the rifle up and get a clean shot. 00;18;30;13 - 00;18;46;05 Unknown no. JT tells Bobby about what he had witnessed at work yesterday and the conversation that he had with James, the journalist and his son. Bobby chuckled at the story and called JT an idiot. 00;18;46;07 - 00;19;12;24 Unknown And said, Why are you trying to sell me on all this supernatural bullshit? And walked away. Well, he's not a believer. He's not a believer. And Bobby was the biggest believer of a mile from Supernatural. I know. No relation there. So he was not surprised by the reaction of Bobby at Lounge Singer, who has never believed in anything unexplainable. 00;19;12;26 - 00;19;37;28 Unknown JT Shocked by the news of his friend, drove up to Jared's cabin to look around to see if he could find anything to explain what happened. It was just getting dark as he pulled up to the cabin. He located the spot where Jared was attacked inside a set of distinct climates in the dirt that looked like three long claw marks on each foot. 00;19;38;22 - 00;20;02;19 Unknown yeah. JT started following a path that led up to the caves overlooking a steep cliffside. He took his time, placing each step carefully so he didn't fall off the steep slope. He got up to the cave entrance, and right at that moment flew out of the cave entrance. JT fell backwards trying to get out of the way. 00;20;02;21 - 00;20;28;24 Unknown JT Noticing blood tracks circling around and flying back in his direction, he quickly grabbed the rock from the cliff side and threw it out. Blue drag, hitting the monster right in the face. Well, Jack appeared to be stunned by the rock. JT quickly ran down the path. All caution to the wind at this point, running down the path so fast, it would have made a gazelle jealous. 00;20;28;26 - 00;21;01;22 Unknown Wow, that's pretty damn fast. That's really damn fast. He got into his car, turned around and started speeding towards his house about 35 minutes away. JT owned a 1925 model T with a top speed of 42 miles an hour loop speed demon. So he wouldn't be breaking any land speed record. Throughout the next few weeks, more of his coworkers disappeared. 00;21;01;24 - 00;21;29;24 Unknown Or were found dead. Anyone working with them on that day when they first subdued Greg is being targeted. What? Police are tracking it up to bear attacks and people just leaving town. JT tries to get the police to investigate the case and the claims of the creature, but they refused to listen. That evening, after leaving the police department, JT goes home, has dinner and goes to bed early. 00;21;29;25 - 00;21;55;14 Unknown Frustrated. Unsure of what to do, he finally falls asleep. JT and his wife Lacy are woken by a loud banging and scratching noises. What the hell? He goes downstairs to see where the noise is coming from and looks out of his kitchen window to see blood track scratching at the house with his razor sharp claws and smashing itself into the house. 00;21;55;15 - 00;22;24;25 Unknown OU is retaliating for the rock upside the head, you know, and he just put new siding on their frickin house and churches. I mean, have some respect for a dude's property, right? So anyways, it's hitting the wall so hard that the plaster is falling off the walls. plaster. Yikes. Yeah. You remember? Yes, I do. We actually had a house that had it so lacy runs downstairs to see what's going on. 00;22;24;28 - 00;22;51;26 Unknown JT tells Lacy to get his Colt 45 from the nightstand. JT shoots two shots with the Colt 45 through the wall above Greg and hears a loud for our. Did he hit him here? Yes. Didn't hurt him. Ah ha ha ha ha. That's not fair. You know, Lucy went off. He went off to his cave again. Blood, drag, flies off. 00;22;51;28 - 00;23;23;11 Unknown JT calls the operator to get the police on the lane and tells them what transpired. Yeah, I suppose they didn't have 911 back then. Not yet. Call the operator first. You know what? 911. Didn't happen until, like, the eighties or something, right? It wasn't even his nose in the eighties. Yeah. Yeah. So the police investigate the scene and see the claw marks on the side of the house, plaster on the floor, and what could have caused all this destruction. 00;23;23;12 - 00;23;58;00 Unknown Still, they were not buying into the idea of a monster lurking around St Paul. So at that moment, JT knew they were on their own. No. The next day JT decided to talk to the Dakota leader Akasha? Yes, the cashier. How to stop would track. She said guns or knives would not harm this evil. The only way to get rid of Predrag is with an arrow dipped in dead man's blood, cut off its head and then burn it. 00;23;58;06 - 00;24;27;17 Unknown Wow. Yeah. It's the only way to get rid of it. So it's a multistep process. It really is. It really is. That's why it gets good. It sounds like I'm excited. Yeah. I'm not going to give you any details, but it gets good. Pretty good. Tell me what happens right now. JT went to see Jim Hadfield after leaving a question and asked him if he would assist in going after Boudreau. 00;24;27;19 - 00;24;52;29 Unknown James agrees to help and hope that getting rid of this demon creature from hell would help his son recover from the torment he went through of seeing Red Track. James then turns to me, gives me a thumbs up and says, We're off to Never, Never land. JT found that statement unusual, but gives James a thumbs up and says Sleep with one eye open. 00;24;53;02 - 00;25;28;19 Unknown JT calls a couple of his old military buddies, Sam and Dean Winchester, who were both expert hunters and trackers. Did they show up in a black Impala? No. It's 1926. that's right. They showed up in a 1920 6tttt truck. So Sam and Dean arrived in town the next day, and they all started formulating a plan. Meanwhile, back at the Anders residence, Lacey was out hanging laundry on the line in the backyard of their house. 00;25;28;22 - 00;25;54;01 Unknown Now dusk, the sun is starting to set and the shadows are being cast on their lawn. As Lacey returns to the house, blood track swooped out of the sky and picked her up. that asshole. There goes Lacey. Put her down, dude. She. She didn't do anything to deserve that. Well, she's seen the creature now. yeah, she's seen it. 00;25;54;04 - 00;26;23;09 Unknown Somebody's gonna save Lacey. So, you know, as fate has it, anybody that sees the creature meets their demise. Ooh. When JT arrives home that evening, he was concerned because his wife was always home. Then he started frantically calling all their neighbors and her friends. And nobody had heard from her all day. JT noticed that the laundry still on the line in the backyard. 00;26;23;11 - 00;26;49;14 Unknown So he investigated the area for any signs of what might have happened to his beloved Lacey. Wow. Yeah. And you know how bad things happen when you get taken by blood track? Yeah. Bad things happen. Bad things happen. No, please tell me you didn't kill off Poor Lacey. I guess we'll find out. I don't know how the story goes. 00;26;51;04 - 00;27;19;17 Unknown it's a mystery. It's a mystery. So, JT, during his investigation, found a piece of torn fabric with a two inch black claw on the ground that he instantly knew it was blood track. JT went to Mayor Rich Cunningham to request access to the morgue to get blood from a deceased body. O blood from a dead man? Yeah, dead man blood. 00;27;19;20 - 00;27;50;24 Unknown It's good that the mayor believed in drag. Or that might have seemed like an odd request. Rich gets in touch with the coroner, Chris Farley, to meet Rich at the morgue. Rich retrieved the blood from the morgue and delivers it to James office where JT, Sam and Dean await him. In the meantime, Sam and Dean are building crossbows for everybody to carry into the caves. 00;27;50;27 - 00;28;24;14 Unknown JT is gathering machetes to use in the battle against Predrag. Sam tells JT James and Dean that they get one shot at Bhadrak and won't get a chance to reload. So make your shots count. No pressure. No pressure at all. I mean, I guess there's four men for crossbows. Yeah. Sam and Dean loaded all the equipment into their 1926 40 to a one ton truck that they used for hunting and delivering moonshine. 00;28;24;15 - 00;28;48;02 Unknown Wow. Yeah. Rebels. Rebels without a cause or I guess they had, of course, but. So what kind of, cool tunes were they jamming out to on the way to these caves? Obviously. Leonard Skinner. I mean, get real. But was that. Did that exist in that time frame? 00;28;48;04 - 00;29;21;04 Unknown Don't be so sure. All right. So Sam and Dean were in the trucks cab and JT and James were in the back of the truck. They drove the truck up to Jared's hunting cabin and hiked to the caves. Sam and Dean had a barrel of gas and a bunch of torches in the back of the truck. They rolled the barrel up to the cave entrances and started lighting the torches and tossing them on either side of the kids to light the area up. 00;29;21;07 - 00;29;48;17 Unknown They kept lighting more and more torches as they worked further into the caves. Finally, they got to the cavern opening of the cave system where James and his son had last confronted Bloody Jack. They illuminated the cavern with the torches and spotted someone laying on the cavern floor. JT instantly recognized his wife's clothing and ran to check on her. 00;29;48;20 - 00;30;16;12 Unknown She was still alive. Woo, but appeared to be weak and lethargic. no. She was in shock and couldn't talk. JTF Lacy were Blue Dragons and she pointed to the cave's entrance so they knew it wouldn't be long before Black Jack entered the cave. But Jack is nocturnal and it's almost dawn. The sun would be up coming up in about 10 minutes. 00;30;16;14 - 00;30;48;23 Unknown JT found a smaller cave system in one of the cavern walls and they moved. Lacey into the small tunnel so she would be safe. And they got ready for the fight of their lives. no. They readied the crossbows with the arrows dipped in dead man's blood. They strapped machetes to their sides. Suddenly would crack. Was hovering over their heads, shocked, expecting it to enter from the cave entrance. 00;30;48;26 - 00;31;16;05 Unknown Yeah. Where the hell did he come from? He came from above them while blood drag drop to the ground with lightning speed and started spinning around with its wings fully extended, hitting and slash shooting at JT, James, Sam and Dean. They all went flying and smashed into the cave walls. Dean got slashed with blood tracks, razor sharp claws. 00;31;16;08 - 00;31;45;23 Unknown Sam was the first to get up and swung the machete upward. Drag and drag grabs him in the chest with his clothes and bit Sam on the neck shoes. James was knocked unconscious. JT got up quickly, drove out of the way of another winged attack by blood drag. Got the crossbow up and took aim and missed Arrow bouncing off the cave wall. 00;31;46;09 - 00;32;16;19 Unknown shit. JT was feeling blood tracks eyes on him. It felt like he was draining a sore out of his body with its glare. Those are some pretty powerful eyes. Yeah. JT tried to get to Dean to get his crossbow a. Evading another attack from blood. Jack got Dean's crossbow and fired the shot right into Greg's heart. The demon creature from hell fell to the ground with a thunderous boom. 00;32;16;22 - 00;32;44;24 Unknown Have you ever wondered what it's like to hang out with three siblings in a bar? Three siblings that like to tell true crime and paranormal stories and are also hilarious to share their older sibling. I'm Sage, the middle sibling, and I'm Storm the youngest sibling, so come hang out with us every Monday for a new episode of three siblings walking to a bar available on wherever you listen to your podcast. 00;32;44;27 - 00;33;09;21 Unknown At this moment, James wakes up, runs to board, drag and slices his head clean off with the machete. Yeah. Don't. Don't mess around. Don't wait. Get it, get to it, get it done. So JT and James poured gas from the barrel. Aren't BoJack lighting him up with a torch? The evil is no more. But casualties were high on this day. 00;33;09;23 - 00;33;43;07 Unknown Dean succumbed to his injuries. no. Sam's injuries are fatal, and he dies at his brother Dean's side. James. Feeling this wave of grief that has gripped his family's life for months is now over. JT and James carry Lacey to Dean's truck and loader into the cab. James drives JT and Lacey back home, and JT moves. Lacey into the house and puts her in bed. 00;33;43;09 - 00;34;06;10 Unknown James returns home to tell his son that the nightmare is over. JT is trying to get Lacey to drink some water, and he notices she had been bitten on the neck. JT bandages her neck. Lacey seems to be resting peacefully now, so he'll turn into bed in the middle of the night. Lacey wakes up with a hunger and a thirst for blood. 00;34;06;28 - 00;34;47;22 Unknown no. Like she has never had before. She could smell JT blood pumping through his veins, and she plunged her newly acquired right into his neck. no. Draining every last drop of blood. Lacey is never seen again, but most likely living in L.A., schmoozing with all the famous people, eating all the house ways. The Beverly Hills and hosting her own true crime podcast. 00;34;48;21 - 00;35;04;16 Unknown my God. P.S. Sam and Dean Winchesters started a band with God, and they're selling out stadiums all over heaven. 00;35;04;19 - 00;35;38;29 Unknown That was so good. That's my story, folks. that. I'm speechless. That was awesome. I'm glad you liked it. I did. I'm not glad that I killed you in the end, but it was a good twist on us. If you didn't figure it out, Jeremy's nickname is JT. And I'm Lacey, and we had some special appearances by some famous people. 00;35;39;02 - 00;36;07;27 Unknown Yeah, but you'll have to figure those out. Yeah. We can't spill all the beans. No, those are his little Easter eggs. After. You know, if you figure them out, let it snow on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter. All of the social MSM, Twitter or whatever, any of the socials. That was so fun. What a great creative story. That was a good Halloween story, definitely. 00;36;08;00 - 00;36;37;27 Unknown And the twist at the end that my, I did not expect that I told you not to kill me and I told you not to kill you. But then you totally backstabbed me, right? So then I know you had me kill you. Well, same thing. No, I wrote it. I have impressed her. Applaud. Big applaud. Well, no. 00;36;38;00 - 00;37;11;21 Unknown So I guess here would be a good time to. our conundrum. Do our conundrum. Charmer and rim challenge. All right. For the Conundrum challenge this week. The riddle is I have keys but open. No locks. I have space, but no room. You can enter, but you can't go inside. What am I that's so confusing today? It is confusing to ever figure that out. 00;37;11;23 - 00;37;34;20 Unknown We seem to have had pretty good luck with people figuring it out. We got some pretty smart listeners. Sure do. Please help us out, people. Tell us what the riddle is. Yes. And don't forget, if you have stories of any kind, if you want to be on the podcast, we can do an interview with you over the phone or via Zoom. 00;37;34;22 - 00;38;02;14 Unknown If you want to write it in. If you don't want to tell it, we can tell it for you. We need your stories, guys. We want to start doing extra content with some listeners stories. Even if you have some confession ends. Confessions of something that you, you know, have never told anybody. We'll take those, too. But we also have some crossover episodes coming up. 00;38;02;17 - 00;38;37;12 Unknown We have crossovers that are either scheduled or we will be scheduling with bizarre encounters. The Hot Garbage Show One Nothing Podcast. The Conversation Cabin and Haunts. And we're going to have an interview with Nash and possibly some of his crew from chasing Legends. Wow. They have a fantastic YouTube channel and they go out and they seek out cryptids and stuff. 00;38;37;14 - 00;39;06;13 Unknown And I've been watching it and actually, I've known Nash since he was a little tyke. And my son, we're very good friends, so it's been fun to reconnect with him and to have him come on to the show is going to be pretty amazing. It's pretty cool. And then we also are trying to finalize a couple more interviews on some haunted occurrences. 00;39;06;15 - 00;39;31;10 Unknown So that's going to be fun. So we're trying to add some more fun content, get some people in, do some crossovers. You know, we were doing it all for you guys. Yeah. Yes. But do you have anything else for us today, Jeremy? I think I've said all I need to. I'll write one that notes. All right, all right, all right. 00;39;31;11 - 00;40;03;00 Unknown Until next time, everybody. We love you. Goodbye, Piers. Laters. Bye. Thanks for hanging out with us here at Total Conundrum. Please make sure to check out our website and blog at Total Conundrum dot com for news, upcoming events, merch bloopers and additional hysteria you never know will pop up, so be sure to follow along if you want to show your support for Total Conundrum and gain access to all of our bonus countdown, please visit our Patron page. 00;40;03;02 - 00;40;31;25 Unknown You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The links are available on our show notes. If you have any questions, comments, recommendations or stories to share, please email us at. Contact at Total Conundrum dot com. Episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. If you like the show, please rate review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts. 00;40;31;27 - 00;41;30;05 Unknown We appreciate the love. Keep on keeping on Mother Truckers and Home Bound.