00;00;09;22 - 00;01;05;22 Unknown And if you dig the twisted, admired the outlandish and are enamored by the unusual, you're in the right place. True crime, the supernatural, the unexplained. Now you're speaking our language. If you agree, join us as we dive into the darker side. You know, because it's more fun over here. Welcome to Total Conundrum. One semi-serious move born the following quarter to stop useful disclosure. 00;01;05;25 - 00;01;11;29 Unknown Is it balanced? 00;01;12;01 - 00;01;45;18 Unknown Hey, fabulous listeners, get ready for a rollercoaster because I had the pleasure of chatting with the incredible Nisha from the hot garbage show. And let me tell you, she's a true polymath, podcaster, writer, actress. The whole shebang. Wait, she's an actress, too. Is there anything this podcast queen can't do? Not that I could find. She shared some True Crime Tales podcast in wisdom and even a few acting anecdotes. 00;01;45;21 - 00;02;10;05 Unknown It's like a buffet of talent. A true crime buffet. Count me in. Did she spill any exclusive hot garbage, or are we saving that for the VIP section? you know it. Nisha gave us a sneak peek into her own true crime experience. It's like uncovering buried treasure, but with a sprinkle of Misha's signature sass, art, garbage, and true crime. 00;02;10;06 - 00;02;33;24 Unknown Now, that's a combo I didn't know I needed. What's next? Podcast cooking shows. Hey, you might be on to something. There, but for now. Join us for a deep dive into Nicias world. Trust me, it's more thrilling than a mystery novel with the plot twist on every page. Get ready for a belly busting good time and the lowdown of Nietzsche's true crime escapade. 00;02;34;01 - 00;02;58;11 Unknown This episode's got more layers than an onion in a labyrinth. You couldn't be more right? But before we start peeling back all those layers, Conundrum, fam, we're here to guide you through the ultimate podcast adventure. And folks, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. It's not just about the subscribers and the bell ringing. We're talking about the secret thumbs up ritual. 00;02;58;13 - 00;03;23;19 Unknown It's like a secret handshake, but less secret, more thumbs. But hey, the party doesn't stop there. If you're vibing with us, some Apple podcasters Spotify shows some love with ratings and reviews. It's like sending a virtual care package filled with love and emojis. And speaking of keeping this, we've got a mailbox open for all your spooky stories and chilling mysteries. 00;03;23;21 - 00;03;55;15 Unknown Slide into our DMS like a ghost in their haunted house. We're all yours now for the grand finale. We're rolling out the red carpet for our podcast pals Gruesome and unnatural podcast and let's talk turkeys. These legends shared their trailers, and we're about to treat your ears. Big shout out to them. You know what to do. Listeners, make sure to show them the love that you show us. 00;03;55;18 - 00;04;20;27 Unknown Hey, everyone, I'm Shelly, and I'm Eric, and we're the hosts of Gruesome and a Natural, a True Crime podcast about murder, cold cases missing people, and just a natural. Join us every Monday where Shelly tells me gruesome stories that absolutely with me. Yeah. Subscribe and listen on Apple Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. 00;04;20;29 - 00;04;49;25 Unknown Hey, crazy. How's it going? Hi. Well, how are you? I'm good. I'm excited for everybody to hear this episode. I am, too. I can't wait. We have a special guest. Mischa From hot garbage to crime addiction. And she is sharing her own true crime experience with us. And this was an epic phone call. Nisha is hilarious. She is so fun. 00;04;49;27 - 00;05;11;08 Unknown Her personality shines like the brightest star. I just love this girl so much. Jeremy, unfortunately, had to work that evening that I spoke with her, so he got to do the fun part of editing the episode. Yeah, I think we should just get to it. What do you think? Yeah, I think. Let's do it. All right, Here's my phone call with Nisha. 00;05;11;10 - 00;05;34;11 Unknown Yeah. Hey, everyone, We have a special treat for you again today. We have Nisha from the hot garbage show on, and she's going to be sharing a story with us today. I'm so excited. So, Nisha, why don't you tell us about your show and where we can find you? Yeah. Top of the day. And thank you so much for having me on. 00;05;34;12 - 00;05;57;08 Unknown On excited about this. I'm excited to. Yeah. Well, so basically, I'm hot from hot garbage. True crime of this and I'm the woman a half of the podcast host be as be my co-host but about as we're best friends we have a true crime podcast where we talk about all different kinds of cases that happen and we actually kind of make a comedic film. 00;05;57;08 - 00;06;14;29 Unknown You know, Buddha is just a funny guy. So and most of the time I'm the true crime junkie. He has never heard most of these stories. So it's shocking for him as well. So you're getting his actual reaction on the show. And does he give a reaction? Danny does. 00;06;15;01 - 00;06;33;15 Unknown Yeah, you can find us. We're on Spotify. We're on Apple. Anywhere you listen to podcasts. We would love for you guys to join the discussion group as well on Facebook at Hot Garbage, True Crime Edition, and we're on Instagram at Hot Garbage Show. So we would love for everyone to be a fellow trash panda. You will not be disappointed. 00;06;33;16 - 00;06;55;23 Unknown I can never get enough of your show. I am all caught up and I just bite at the bit waiting for the next episode. I will. Thank you so much. And we feel the same about you. We were just talking about We're friends, basically. We're not definite, Lee. It's, you know, getting on the phone and chatting. I mean, we chatted probably for a good, what, 45 minutes before we even started recording. 00;06;55;24 - 00;07;19;21 Unknown It's like, yeah, we need to work now. Yeah. Forgot your Daughter podcast for me, right? Like I was saying, that's a beautiful thing that we have all belts in our group keeps growing and stuff and I'm so glad to be a part of it because it is not cutthroat. It should not be cutthroat business. We all need to help each other and grow with each other. 00;07;19;22 - 00;07;44;24 Unknown And I do really love that about this little community that I fell into. So, yeah, the first time I heard you and Buddha bad Ass was on one, nothing. And I was. I was one of them. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. It was an animal attack and unfortunately it was the victim was a little boy. 00;07;44;25 - 00;08;05;10 Unknown Yeah, but the way that you and Buddha were going on and you were talking, I think there was something about hippos. And you're like, Hippos aren't dangerous. And then Boone is like, Are you kidding? They're the worst, the most dangerous animal in the world. You know, You're like, I didn't know that. I was like, hip hop. I don't think about hippopotamuses being dangerous. 00;08;05;10 - 00;08;29;20 Unknown Like, what the hell do they do? They're fat, they're cute, and they float morons. Wrong. I'm like, I did not know that. I just recently learned that as well. And I'm like, What? They seem so innocent, but I guess that's their superpower. So. But yeah, you guys on that show and I actually reached out to Amanda after listening to it. 00;08;29;20 - 00;08;48;20 Unknown I'm like, those two are incredible. I could not stop laughing. And then, of course, I had to binge your show. Well, thank you. I'm giving you a virtual hug right now. I hope you feel. I do. And now, look, we're all friends and stuff. Now this is awesome. And we had talked about like meeting up and stuff like that. 00;08;48;20 - 00;09;06;20 Unknown So that's going to be great. Well, I still have to talk to Jeremy and he'll hear this while he's editing, but I think we should definitely try to go to Crime Con in Nashville. I mean, what a better place to have it. It's in Nashville. I didn't know that it is. It's in Nashville this year. I my God. 00;09;06;21 - 00;09;24;25 Unknown I thought it was going to be like in Louisiana. But Nashville seems cool, too. Do you know what month it is? I did look it up, but I don't remember. I want to say it was June or July. Now I remember. Yeah, we need to go to a crime con online for real. I have never been there and I've always wanted to go. 00;09;24;26 - 00;09;52;26 Unknown Yeah, I want to go real bad. So I'm just looking up here. Crime content 23 now. 22, three already passed. I think it's 2024. Sorry. Yeah, I know. I'm a year behind. Yeah. This year's was so fast. It's like they are. It is. Yes, it is in Nashville and it's May 31st through June 2nd. okay. So you may see us there, everybody. 00;09;52;26 - 00;10;24;22 Unknown Yeah. Would that be awesome. I know. Yeah. Said that she's going to something in November or is that like cryptic con or crypto con or something like that for Cryptids? I didn't even know that existed. I've learned so much. Yeah. I'm not really knowledgeable like that about Cryptids Yeah, you guys do more than just the true crime stuff where we have a lot and a little of the paranormal and Cryptids and I keep learning more and more about these cryptids and they tell you, Yeah, yeah. 00;10;24;24 - 00;10;37;28 Unknown For me, I don't know about all that much into the paranormal type stuff. So that's why I was like, I don't know, like, I'm still you guys are kind of making a believer out of me. And then David, he puts a lot of stuff up there from one nothing. And I'm like, he's kind of making a believer out of me. 00;10;37;28 - 00;10;53;23 Unknown But then I don't know. I still believe in it. I don't know. some of the videos that he posts are just how creepy they are. So they are creepy. That's why I'm like, he's kind of make a believer out of me for me. Like the only, like, paranormal stuff I really believe like, was like movies and stuff. 00;10;53;23 - 00;11;18;29 Unknown Like, I'll watch it on that, but maybe because, like I told you, I never had an experience where paranormal like that. I has. Jeremy hasn't. I mean, he's had a few different things, but he always has his way of debunking it. So I big skeptic as well. So he always goes into it with trying to debunk everything. And we are actually going to be going to the Roth House in Illinois. 00;11;19;00 - 00;11;44;15 Unknown My sister just brought this up. Her neighbor listens to us and she found out that they some guy had bought this house in Illinois and redid it and opened it as an Airbnb. And it has a lot of paranormal history and stuff with like demonic possession and stuff, so you got to go there. So we haven't booked anything yet. 00;11;44;15 - 00;12;05;19 Unknown I'm going to look into the story a little bit. My only hesitation is I don't do demons. So it was I'm going to do a little research and if there's a lot of demon stuff there, I don't think I want to put my toe in those waters. Yeah, I mean, cause even though I'm not big on paranormal, I have heard things that creep me out. 00;12;05;19 - 00;12;33;10 Unknown Like, stuff like demons. Is that, like, certain spirits can get on you and start making you have bad luck? I don't know, but that part kind of makes me paranoid about it. Yeah. So is that true? I mean, there is. You even, like, spirit, spiritual attachments and stuff. I don't know if I've necessarily heard of, like, the bad luck, but yeah, I've heard of people having spiritual attachments that can cause depression and mental stuff. 00;12;33;10 - 00;13;11;14 Unknown Definitely. Which could make you feel like you're having bad luck. yeah. Heightening your mental. Can't think of the the words I'm trying to use. Words are not easy for me today. it's a Saturday. It is. But yeah, it can definitely affect your, you know, mental awareness and your, your feelings and I've heard it causing anger issues with people when they're in certain spaces, like even the environment in the atmosphere, you can feel the heaviness or that sadness or you know, so I mean, I'm sure it can, but I've never heard of it. 00;13;11;14 - 00;13;34;23 Unknown Like affecting your luck. Don't quote me. I'm not an expert on it. There's so much stuff that we've barely scratched the surface learning with every story. Like. Like I had kids story that we just did. I had no idea that there was white. I had kids out there. I'm like, Come on, the black lie. That's scary. Imagine waking up to that. 00;13;35;00 - 00;13;59;21 Unknown That's why I. No, thank you. We have a ring doorbell, and it's like, I don't answer my door without looking to see who's out bring firs. Absolutely Got to be safe. Yeah, but anyway, let's I'm going to let you get into your story because I know you have another interview after this. So and I can't wait for that episode. 00;13;59;21 - 00;14;17;17 Unknown That's. I'm so excited. Thank you. Yeah, well, so this story happened, I want to say probably almost a year ago, and it still creeps me out to this day because so basically at this time, this was that I want to say this was on a Saturday night and I was at home with my daughter and my girlfriend. 00;14;17;17 - 00;14;34;14 Unknown I was expecting her to come over. Now, you know, usually we hang out all weekend and stuff like that. Sometimes my girlfriend comes like throughout the week. But, you know, just the back story about that was I have been working a lot. You know, I had gone to L.A. to do a gig because I'm an actress as well. 00;14;34;21 - 00;14;51;26 Unknown I have, you know, two jobs. So I have been very tired. So there's a lot of times when I my girlfriend will come over and stuff that I would fall, I would fall asleep before she even like gets upstairs. I be sleep and it would irritate her so bad she would just be calling my phone and then she would turn around and just go home, you know? 00;14;51;26 - 00;15;09;00 Unknown Because I know. Yeah. So because I'm known to just kind of fall asleep, you know, by the time she gets off the freeway and gets there, I'm just sleep because I'm that tired. Like, I'm the type of person I get up at 6:00 in the morning, seven days a week, because I have so much stuff to do. And I'm go, go, go. 00;15;09;00 - 00;15;28;24 Unknown And I'm not really that much of a night person, so I just kind of knock out, you know. Right. So that sets it up for what I'm going to tell you guys, because that Saturday night she was on her way over and matter of fact, she had just a part. And so she had called. She told me, hey, I'm downstairs, but I'm going to roll a block real quick, and then I'ma come upstairs. 00;15;28;26 - 00;15;45;24 Unknown So I'm like, okay. So I go on about what I'm doing. Well, I start here and a knock at my door, and it's like an aggressive knock at anybody that knows me, knows unless I'm expecting somebody, I don't open my door at all. I don't look out of peoples I don't look out of windows because I don't want people to even know I'm home. 00;15;45;26 - 00;16;06;14 Unknown And the people you can see the shade of our and yeah, yeah, this was before I had the I didn't have the ring camera at the time, so I was like, so I was like, well, I'm thinking that it's horror, but something told me to like just double check because the way that this person was knocking on the door, I was like, she when it came upstairs that fast on roll in the blood. 00;16;06;17 - 00;16;22;27 Unknown So I called her and I said, Hey, are you knocking at the door? She said, Now I just down about the city are rollerblading and my mom and her mom had called. So she was on the phone with her mom. And I said, Well, somebody is just knock in really aggressive, you know, at the door. And I said and she said, okay, hold on and get out of the car. 00;16;22;27 - 00;16;42;22 Unknown And I'm going to see who it is. So she was like, Sure, yeah, man. But she was like, Man, she's like a daredevil. She was like, Let me go see who it is. So she actually comes up the stairs because I live in an apartment, so it's like a low four plex. So there's two people at the top, two people at the bottom. 00;16;42;22 - 00;17;03;00 Unknown But I don't think my neighbors was home at the time. And so she goes to see who it is. And I just hear her because she's still on the phone with me and it's a man at the door. And he was like, he was like I was knocking on the door because my phone is dead and I needed somebody to let me answer it so I could charge my phone real quick. 00;17;03;07 - 00;17;22;03 Unknown And my girlfriend was like, Well, you're not going in that house. We don't do that over here. So like, you need to leave. So he leaves, you know, he just leaves no problems after that. And I don't know, like what happened to him that night specifically after that. But so, you know, we just enjoy the rest of our night, you know, whatever. 00;17;22;05 - 00;17;40;23 Unknown I didn't think no more of it. Well, that Monday come back Monday, I come home in the evening time and it's a whole bunch of police. I forgot to say my girlfriend had took a picture of him without, you know, he didn't know, but she had took a picture of him just in case, you know. So she had a picture of him on her phone. 00;17;40;26 - 00;18;05;07 Unknown Good thinking. Yeah. So I come home that Monday night and it's a whole bunch of police cars, ambulances to where everything was just kind of roped off. And I had to tell the police like, Hey, I live here for them to even let my car through. And so I come in after, you know, getting out my car and me and my daughter were walking up and one of my neighbors that I know was standing there and I was like, what happened? 00;18;05;07 - 00;18;24;13 Unknown Like was the police here? She was like, you didn't hear. She was like I said, no, because I've been gone all day. And she was like, this old lady that lives that apartment, whatever. Just got like, right, like, brutally right. And she was like, like literally she was like this old lady, like it. It was the old lady that lived by herself. 00;18;24;15 - 00;18;39;29 Unknown I kind of would see her and pass it, but I didn't really know where. I know her kids will kind of follow her. And so I guess the old lady had literally got brutally raped to where she was about. She was leaving out an ambulance and it was like she almost had a heart attack and everything because she got brutally raped. 00;18;40;06 - 00;19;00;13 Unknown And I was like brutally raped because I kind of knew the old lady. I knew she lived by herself. And I was like, Well, who right. This old lady who would've came in there and raped it all? Like. Like what exactly happened? So another neighbor came through and was like, I just got the whole story. She was like, It was a man that knocked on the door and asked to charge his file. 00;19;00;16 - 00;19;20;19 Unknown And she was like, Yes. And she was like, the old lady was like, okay. When she opened up the door, he pushed his way in it, raped her brutally. He had just gotten out of jail. And so they ended up catching him. And I was like, So they actually had a picture of him on the news that it was the same man that had been at my door that night. 00;19;20;22 - 00;19;39;25 Unknown And I was like, my gosh. I said, If I was a different person, if I would have opened up my door, even if I wouldn't have thought to call my girlfriend. And what it just thought that that was her and opened my door, that would have been me and came to find out that he had happy. After he left my door, he had knocked on several other because my brother lived across the way. 00;19;40;02 - 00;19;59;25 Unknown He had knocked on her door, but her brother had answered the door. He was like, my bad. I got the wrong apartment. So he was looking for somebody to write like all weekend. that's right. Yes. It's good that I'm chilled out because I was like, literally the rapist was at my door. Wow. Wow. Yeah. that was crazy. 00;19;59;28 - 00;20;24;27 Unknown Your intuition that saved your ass. yeah. But I feel. I mean, honestly, if he would have gotten in, I think he would have gotten a real ass beating. Yeah, I don't think. I don't think that. I mean, the poor little old lady, she was, I'm sure, was caught off guard, was too trusting, and that is so unfortunate, but. 00;20;25;03 - 00;20;44;06 Unknown Wow, I'm sorry. If somebody comes in in this trial, I am going to give them the fight of their fucking life. They're not. Not going down easy. I'm sure you're the same. Yeah, I'm the same way. We have a lot of like we have weapons and everything else at our house, so I'll bet he definitely would have. Yeah, you're right. 00;20;44;06 - 00;21;02;22 Unknown He would even made it out alive, To be honest with you guys, I was, but it was just chilling. And then I kept so much later, you know, I had just tried to find out what happened to the older lady. She ended up having to move back in with her kids because there was just too much. And now she got health problems and stuff because she that caused it to have like a heart attack and everything. 00;21;02;28 - 00;21;30;03 Unknown Right. Well, and the horrors that she I mean, I'm sure she'd never feel safe living by herself again. Never. And the crazy you know, this story reminded me that, you know, the anti Samoa story. Have you ever heard of that story? I haven't. Yeah. So is that true crime story, too, where this girl, this happened, I think back in the seventies or the 80, she was in college and this man knocked on her door because he needed to use the phone because he said his car was broke down. 00;21;30;09 - 00;21;47;03 Unknown And once he was in there, he raped her, a murder her. And people were like, well, why does she opened her door? Like basically like victim blaming and stuff, which I'm not going to lie. I kind of like feel the same way I feel bad for. But as a woman are really nowadays as anybody non-binary man, you should never open your door for somebody you don't know. 00;21;47;03 - 00;22;05;16 Unknown I don't care what kind of person they are. Don't help nobody at all. Right? Well, that's my world, sad world that we've we've come to. I don't think of stopping and helping people when I'm driving down the road any more or, you know, I mean, I heard a story and actually it happened in the town that I used to live in. 00;22;05;21 - 00;22;30;27 Unknown This woman was like working with someone to kill her husband and staged it where she was going to make it. So they had ended up having a flat tire or something that made them have to stop alongside the road. And she set it up where this guy would come up behind them to help them. But trying to kill her husband. 00;22;30;27 - 00;22;54;20 Unknown And I don't think she was successful. I don't remember the whole story. Now, it's been a long time, but like staged this whole thing. And ever since then and I've heard of people staging, being broke down to try to kidnap you or to murder you. And it's a sad world that you just can't even feel safe stopping and helping people anymore now, because my motto is, well, you need a car roadside. 00;22;54;22 - 00;23;22;06 Unknown That's what they're there for. Nobody needs to stop. Riots. So, yeah, that story is crazy. And then your girlfriend, even in, you know, like, had an encounter with them, like she just started her day of car, but. Right. She did have a picture, you know, just in case. Yeah, but I'm glad, too, because that really solidified that. That was the that was the same man that was at my That is crazy. 00;23;22;08 - 00;23;48;25 Unknown Absolutely crazy. So I have a little one for you. I just recently was listening to another podcast and they were talking about, have you ever heard of the Girl Scout murders? Yes. That story is so sad. It is very sad. But it triggered a memory for me When I was in Girl Scouts, we went to this like it was like a big Girl Scout convention, and it was at like a college campus. 00;23;48;25 - 00;24;16;07 Unknown And I don't remember where I was pretty young, and I want to say I was probably eight or nine years old and it was at this college campus thing. And so we were going from like building to building, crossing roads, going to different areas, and there was like different events set up and different. So like this one it was like you build like, I mean, I'm just pulling something out of paper airplanes or some we did some kind of like airplanes and you had a contest to see. 00;24;16;13 - 00;24;37;23 Unknown You had to put like different weights and stuff on it to try to see how, you know, if you can get it to fly the farthest. And it goes to different interactive activities. And my friend of mine and I were walking from one building to the other, and this car pulled up to us and asked us if we wanted the cliche, Do you want some candy? 00;24;37;26 - 00;25;01;12 Unknown And we were like, No, I hell started, you know, kept walking. They got out of their car and they chased us. what? Hello, everyone out there in Podcast Land, I'm Movie Mess, one of the co-hosts of the great podcast about bad movies called Let's Talk Turkeys, where you'll find our format is a bit different than the other talking head programs you're used to. 00;25;01;12 - 00;25;27;15 Unknown I'm a Gen Xer. My co-host is a millennial, so we're usually on the same page, but we do occasional we agree to disagree and we always have a good laugh. Join us as we cover the good, the bad and the ugly of cinema. You can find us on Spotify, Apple or wherever you find quality podcasts. And so we're on this college campus that we don't know where we're going, what we're doing, whatever. 00;25;27;18 - 00;25;51;04 Unknown So we ran up, like to this building while they were chasing us, and it was like kind of a secluded walkway type thing. I had like a half concrete wall. So there was the building, the sidewalk and like a half concrete wall, and we ran over there and we were trying, you know, we're little, so we kind of ducked down, but they found us. 00;25;51;06 - 00;26;13;28 Unknown So they're chasing us up this wall or this walkway thing that's enclosed. There's no way we can get out of this walkway, if that makes sense. So we're like in there. We're kind of trapped in there right? So we're running. And it was a long way like wrapped around the building. And we get up to a door and the freaking door is locked. 00;26;14;18 - 00;26;42;29 Unknown no. my goodness. It will be anxiety, right? And we're banging and banging and banging and screaming. And finally someone hears us, right? As the guys catch up and they turn around and they leave. That's crazy. Never caught. Never. You know, we gave descriptions or whatever of them, but I had completely I don't know if I like, shut it out of my head or blocked it out. 00;26;43;05 - 00;27;00;06 Unknown But when I was listening to that podcast the other day about that Girl Scout thing, I just like triggered, you know, I think there's more as you get older, you lose some of your memories from back then. Yeah. And kind of like travel, like, my gosh, I had an incident when I was in Girl Scouts, too. Yeah, something like that. 00;27;00;06 - 00;27;18;16 Unknown You probably don't want to remember it because it's so traumatic. Why it was and being trapped in that area was like, you imagine if those people wouldn't have been home or wouldn't that answer like that? Because that's what made the people leave. Yeah, it was the other girl. It was another Girl Scout that let us in now. Yeah. 00;27;18;16 - 00;27;40;17 Unknown Kind of played out differently. Definitely very different. It's crazy now that that's crazy. I mean, I have to talk to you right now. That's rising, right? my God. If you don't mind me asking, what year were you born? 1983. Okay, so you're younger than me. I was in 75. Well, yeah, we were the same age. You look good, girl. 00;27;40;19 - 00;28;06;05 Unknown Things. So I'm aging myself. People just forget it. After this podcast, I'm actually 20 again, but. Right. So we have a lot of freedom. Growing up, we would ride our bikes to the park and I mean, I lived in the country and I would ride four miles to town on my bike and I would spend the entire day in town playing at the park or meeting with friends. 00;28;06;10 - 00;28;21;23 Unknown We just knew that we had to be home before the streetlights came on. You know, that was kind of the known thing you had to be home before the streetlights ran. We never stayed in the house and watched TV as kids. We knew if we stayed in the house and watched TV, our parents would think we're bored and we'd have chores to do. 00;28;21;28 - 00;28;47;21 Unknown So we were outside doing something all the time and I was like, God, we really had a great childhood. And then I was I start this podcast and all of these kidnapings and serial killers and rape, like all of that stuff happened in the seventies and eighties. I'm like, yeah, survive now. Ronnie That's a crazy thing. And everybody was like, so save for the seventies eighties. 00;28;47;21 - 00;29;10;01 Unknown But really that was really the time to away kids. But people left their doors unlocked because it was so secure, you know, how is everybody alive? I don't know. I will say I had a and an amazing childhood because of all the things that I did. And, you know, the you would use your imagination and you would do all of these things that kids don't do these days. 00;29;10;07 - 00;29;43;21 Unknown But in the same sense, like there was so many opportunities that I could have just vanished. Yeah, Really? Like, that's right. I would never let my kids just be gone all day and not know where they are. And we didn't have cell phones. We didn't I would just say that any of that stuff like that. I was talking with Courtney, she was telling me some ghost stories the other night, and she was saying that when she was in high school, she had something happen and she was on her, you know, she grabbed her phone and she either called or text sent a text to her mom. 00;29;43;23 - 00;30;04;17 Unknown This was a when she was in high school. And like, I didn't get my first cell phone until after I had my kids. my God. yeah. Yeah. Like, sorry. It was a big blocky one. That. That wasn't the one we are now. And they didn't do much of anything except took up a lot of space in your purse. 00;30;04;20 - 00;30;23;18 Unknown Yeah. And even put them in there. That's my favorite game. Remember that? Remember when the big black cell phone had that one game that we all make? Remember, Snake? and what was the other one? That ping, Ping pong or where the ball would like? You have the paddles and you're like knocking the ball back and forth, trying not to miss the ball. 00;30;23;18 - 00;30;52;06 Unknown I think it was called like pong or something like that. Yeah. On the cell phone. Yeah, I got that back when the cell phones had the good gangs. Right, Right. The ones I could actually understand and play. Yeah. my gosh. Memory is. Yes. Or, you know, when you went to go get them, it's like, you know, a lot of times I think the ones that I started with, you'd have to get cards or something for them, too. 00;30;52;06 - 00;31;11;11 Unknown Yeah. Yeah. What was it, The memory cards, right? Yeah, the memory card. Yeah. You had to get the memory cards and then you didn't have just, like, an unlimited plan. It was very limited. I remember, like, if you waited till after 9:00 to call people or call them on the weekends, because then it didn't use your minutes or something. 00;31;11;11 - 00;31;33;02 Unknown Yes, I remember that. It was after nine. Yeah, I forgot about the minute it hit me after nine because I called that. Yeah. Yeah. After nine and weekends I think were like the unlimited times and I mean now it's like you don't even think about it. I mean, even when we had the home phones, like you and I, this conversation would probably cost $100. 00;31;33;05 - 00;31;51;23 Unknown You know, battery with a home phone, a long distance and boy, did I bring up some phone bills when I was a teenager. I'm sorry, Mom. I you remember how they used to have. So the one 800 numbers was free. But remember, they used to have a one 900 numbers. And I think those was the numbers that you would call like I do. 00;31;51;23 - 00;32;11;09 Unknown Have you ever watched like like we did a video. They had this channel where you can request with some you want to buy all you want. You had the smaller one? Yeah, I recall the one 900 numbers. Yeah. So that was it is very expensive. Well even if you had a friend that lived in the next town over. 00;32;11;11 - 00;32;30;09 Unknown Yeah. Long distance to call your friend in the next town over. And then that was for a few after years it changed where you could call people in your area code for free. Yeah. And then now it's just. I mean, I don't even know. I haven't had a home phone in a long time. Is there even still a long distance on a home phone? 00;32;30;11 - 00;32;52;08 Unknown So now that's a good question. Listeners out there let us know, cause I don't even have it at all about it. Hey, I'm. I don't know how long I haven't either. It's been a very hot minute for us. I mean, yes, so many frickin devices and you know that we no need for the home for road. I don't know what would you really use a home phone now for anyway? 00;32;52;08 - 00;33;17;02 Unknown Right now, I'm not sure because it's not very often that cell phone towers or anything would go down or. Yeah, I have heard that even if you don't have phone service or like a home phone, like set up, if you keep a phone and plug it into your jack, if you have an emergency, you can call 911 from it as long as the truck is up and working or if it's functional. 00;33;17;02 - 00;33;33;15 Unknown Damn, I even know where my jack is at my house, like my phone that I think we took all of ours out when we redid our house. Remodeled our house. I think we took all of our phone ones. yeah, But yeah, but I don't even have a, I don't have an old phone any way to plug into it. 00;33;33;15 - 00;33;55;11 Unknown So it wouldn't do me any good if I knew where the jack was. yeah, I do miss my phone. I had two phones that I really like. So remember that falls out with the shape of lips. I have that and I had a see through the C, I had the C through one two, three, four, one. I think I actually have a picture of me on it. 00;33;55;11 - 00;34;18;12 Unknown When I was in high school, I, I was so happy that I saved up some money and bought it because they weren't that cheap either one. But I had the C through. Yeah, that brings me back to cost. Okay, so, but because our family was poor, I remember how back in the day those Mac computers, the see through Mac computers where you could like see like maybe different colors like purple blue and you could see through those. 00;34;19;16 - 00;34;45;22 Unknown I wanted one of those so bad that was that they was out of our price range. Rockvale I never got one of them, but I know. Yeah, they at well, what was considered expensive back there, we couldn't afford that. No computers back in the day. I mean, right now you can pick up a Chromebook for a couple of hundred bucks and back in the day those Mac books worth are those Mac computers worth thousands are actually, they weren't even called math. 00;34;45;22 - 00;35;09;05 Unknown They were just Apple. One day there was as the Apple computer or something like that. I read that. Yeah. Yeah. They were thousands and thousands of dollars. Well, they still are. Jeremy. That I think it's called an iMac. It's the, it's a monitor and computer and stuff all in one. I don't know I, I have all the Apple devices but I don't know much about the Apple computers. 00;35;09;05 - 00;35;29;03 Unknown I've always been a PC person, but I don't even remember what we spent on this thing. And I looked at getting a MacBook. You're looking at four or five grand like, Jeez, that's a lot. Yeah, that's supposed to be really good for, you know, editing and stuff like that. Jeremy loves his, but I thought, I get one. 00;35;29;05 - 00;35;47;24 Unknown I'll keep my PC laptop and then I'll just get a desktop Mac if I do get one. But yeah, they're still not cheap. They still definitely have a racket going. But I mean, look at what we pay for our cell phones. I don't know if you ever bought Android, but neither of them are cheap anymore. Wow. that's. 00;35;47;24 - 00;36;10;28 Unknown Well, I'm. I'm on several payment plans for between about his phone. I was like I'm tired of paying T-Mobile. my God. Trying. And then they keep coming out with the the bigger and the better. And, you know, it's like, yeah, I, we don't do that. My rule is like, for my kids. Well, now my son, he has a job, so he has to send me his portion of the phone bill. 00;36;10;28 - 00;36;30;10 Unknown But they have to I want their phones paid off. They have to keep it for a year after it's paid off before it's washed out. And they hate that. Well, but I'm like, not I have to have that break. You know, I'm not paying and it's not performing for sure. And they really don't change that much. They really don't. 00;36;30;16 - 00;36;57;28 Unknown It's, you know, it's little things here and there and but yeah, we have the same thing we have I don't even know how many device devices on our our phone, but you got the phones, you got the watches, you got the tablets, you got the high five, I've got the AirPods two. Yeah. And we have the older version and then we got the newer version of the AirPods. 00;36;58;02 - 00;37;22;09 Unknown And so we keep kept our older ones as backups because with what we do for work, we're always listening to something because you have just so many hours of quiet and I can't do quiet. I need I need something, I need some kind of brain activity going on. And we saved our old ones and we carry them in our vehicles just in case, like our new ones are dead or whatever. 00;37;22;13 - 00;37;44;26 Unknown My youngest daughter came back home this summer in between college, and she jacked my old set. I lose because hers broke. I, I go to grab them out of the car the other day because mine died while I was cleaning and he died when I was working and I was like I messaged her, I'm like, You take my AirPods to school with you. 00;37;44;28 - 00;38;10;18 Unknown She's like, Yeah, my left one wasn't working anymore. You know what? That's warrior. But that every young people are. But I mean, you can say I obviously I don't utilize them very much because she had been in school for what now two over two months. I didn't notice that they were gone until the day I needed them. Right. 00;38;10;20 - 00;38;29;17 Unknown That's that's funny. That's why your daughter sounds like mine. She'd be just like of us. You want me to? And she does stuff, and I'm like, Where's my thir? Yep. She'll walk out of the house. I'll be like, Nice shoes. Thanks. I thought they looked cute with my outfit. Okay. Or my daughter's thing. Is part of you still likes to use it. 00;38;29;17 - 00;38;46;03 Unknown I tell her you can use the bag because she has her own bath body, works her own stuff, but for some reason she likes to go with the expensive perfume. And I'm like, Yeah, you can spray these. Like the bath body works. These are what squirt perfumes You said I'm here. Just take it it all up, right? Yeah. 00;38;46;06 - 00;39;08;03 Unknown Four blocks away. Right. I'm like, they're most of my space apart field people give to me as gifts. So I'm like, I'm not just I'll go out and replace it. Like, come on. Yeah. They definitely have a different consistency, like the bath and body, like the body sprays and stuff. They just they don't last. And you do. You have to like, bathe venom. 00;39;08;06 - 00;39;29;18 Unknown But yeah, the more expensive ones. Yeah. It's just a little dab will do. Yeah. Yeah. But I get so sad with perfumes I You do. I do. I love perfumes. I love smelling them. You know, like when you get a new perfume, a new scent that you've never had, it's like I'm like, it smells so good and you smell it, but then you get nose blind to it. 00;39;29;22 - 00;39;47;17 Unknown I need all that anymore, and it makes me sad. And even the kids switch it up and like, don't use it for a long time. I still feel like I don't smell it like I did the first time. You know? Yeah. Everybody else would tell you how good you smell. You don't smell it no more. Yeah. No. Yeah. 00;39;47;17 - 00;40;08;03 Unknown You get, like, nose blind to her. That makes me sad. Yeah. You spend that money and you smell so pretty. I want to smell it, too. Right. You know what I thought? It makes the magic of bath and body works. Like, you know, they always got those good sales, so I don't like to just use like one Smells about, like, when people ask me what I wear, I don't even know when I wear it. 00;40;08;03 - 00;40;37;03 Unknown I just spray over everything. Just I take a little bit of this little bit that you. That's awesome. I love that. I should try that. I'm going to smell like this today, but that's great. I yeah. And the makeup thing we have, I don't know. Have you ever done the Boxy? yeah, yeah, yeah. That's. I did. I had to stop. 00;40;37;03 - 00;40;58;29 Unknown I had to quit because I have so much now. So much. And I bought like a little makeup cart and stuff and I've got like so many palettes and all of this other stuff, but I miss getting it because it was so fun. It was like a little present each month and it was so fun to see what you get and try all the new things. 00;40;58;29 - 00;41;18;04 Unknown And I'm like, But I had to stop, stop the subscription because I got so many things. I'm like, I need to use some of this stuff up for it. I'll grab. But I. I love what you do. I mean, I did the basic thing where you got it every month and then once every three months you got the premium box or whatever. 00;41;18;04 - 00;41;46;01 Unknown So you got more. Yeah. Well anyway, I suppose I should let you get going so you can get prepped for your next interview. Yeah. This is really fun. Thank you so much for having me on. Well, thank you for telling. That's that story. That's traumatizing. That's. my God. Very. But. Well, thank you so much, Nisha. And I can't wait until we do our crossover, and we actually have the guys on. 00;41;46;01 - 00;42;01;15 Unknown I think that. my gosh, I'm afraid that I'm going to end up having to have Kleenex or something that day. I'm going to be laughing so hard. I'm going to be crying the entire time. yeah. Well, I can't wait to meet you there. Well, you have a great day. And thanks again, Nisha. You two talk soon. 00;42;01;17 - 00;42;23;11 Unknown Bye bye. I got to say, Tracy, that was a good absurd. It was so fun. I have to make sure were hilarious. I could talk to her forever or she is just the greatest. And we're going to have a lot of fun on our crossover, aren't we? We certainly are. And we add Buddha badass to the mix. my. 00;42;23;14 - 00;42;48;21 Unknown I'm going to be in stitches. It's going to be good. I have a feeling I'm going to need to just, you know, like wear something tighter on the stomach or something because I have a feeling he's just going to have me bust in the gut. And speaking of crossovers, we've got a few more coming up. Not only do we have Nissan Buddha, we're going to have one with Chasing Legends. 00;42;48;24 - 00;43;12;22 Unknown We're going to have one with the conversation cabin. And we have a special crossover that's going to have multiple different podcasts that's going to be released after Thanksgiving. But we're going to do a friends giving episode. And not only that, I don't know if you remember from the last episode we were talking about that story collab with Courtney. 00;43;12;25 - 00;43;36;20 Unknown Do you recall that? I don't recall the progressive story that I said, yeah, okay. So I did what Courtney said. I reached out to a bunch of different podcasters. Yeah, I see you got somebody to write part of that story. Yes, it's in progress. We have 15 podcasts that are each going to be writing a portion of the story and then recording it. 00;43;36;22 - 00;43;59;17 Unknown We're going to put it all together for one big episode for you guys. So it's it's going to be awesome. It's going to be so fun. It's already been so fun getting everybody together and chatting and stuff. So. All right. Well, should we get into our Conundrum challenge this week? We didn't have a proper answer for the last Conundrum challenge. 00;43;59;17 - 00;44;25;05 Unknown So we're moving on to the next one. This one is a little turkey day themed. Gobble, gobble, gobble. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter on Thanksgiving? What? That's what I said. We'll see if we have any smart listeners out there. I hope so, because I can't solve it. Me either. 00;44;25;07 - 00;45;03;05 Unknown All right, everybody. That's all we have for you today. All right, people. Good bye. Keep on creeping on, everybody. Love you. Good bye. Love you. Bye. Thanks for hanging out with us here at Total Conundrum. Please make sure to check out our website and blog at Total Conundrum dot com for news, Upcoming events, merch bloopers and additional hysteria you never know will pop up, so be sure to follow along if you want to show your support for total Conundrum and gain access to all of our bonus countdown, please visit our Patron page. 00;45;03;07 - 00;45;30;26 Unknown You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The links are available on our show notes. If you have any questions, comments, recommendations or stories to share, please email us at contact at Total Conundrum dot com episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. If you like the show, please rate review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts. 00;45;30;28 - 00;46;25;09 Unknown We appreciate the love. Keep on keeping on Mother Truckers and Home Bound and.