00;00;09;12 - 00;01;02;04 Unknown And if you dig the twisted, admire the outlandish and are enamored by the unusual, you're in the right place. True crime, the supernatural, the unexplained. Now you're speaking her language. If you agree, join us as we dive into the darker side. You know, because it's more fun over here. Welcome to Total Conundrum one. She must first move forward the following quarter. 00;01;02;10 - 00;01;33;02 Unknown Starboard. This description is it vanished? Boo! Did I scare you? Tracy are totally Jeremy. Hey, Conundrum crew. Welcome to our special Halloween Spooktacular episode of Total Conundrum. It's that time of year when things go bump in the night and candy corn reigns supreme. And speaking of sweet treats, we've got a trick or treat bag filled with ghostly goodness for you. 00;01;33;05 - 00;01;58;08 Unknown In this episode, Tracy has been busy chatting with some brave souls who've had eerie encounters with the supernatural. You betcha. We've got some spirited folks ready to share their ghostly tales from the beyond. Get ready to be spooked and amused because things are about to get fantastically funny. Prepare yourself for some bone rattling laughter as they tell their chilling tales. 00;01;58;10 - 00;02;24;17 Unknown And remember, even ghosts love a good joke. You're not wrong, Jeremy. So whether you're listening in the daylight or huddled under your covers with a flashlight, we promise to entertain and maybe even send a shiver to down your spine. And hey, remember, Halloween is all about sharing the spooky. So tell your friends, family, and anyone with a pulse about this episode sharing and scaring after all. 00;02;24;23 - 00;02;55;05 Unknown And don't forget to like and subscribe. So grab some Ghoul aid and your favorite candy unless you like me and hide it from Jeremy. Let's kick off our hilarious Halloween ghost extravaganza. Hey, why are you hiding the good stuff for me? So not cool. Not cool at all. Well, anyways, whether you're tricking or treating or just sitting at home handing out candy, we're thrilled to have you here for this spooktacular ride. 00;02;55;11 - 00;03;17;27 Unknown Hang on to your witches hat and enjoy the show. State Eerie conundrum. Cue and prepare for a ghoulish good time. But hey, before we scared the pants off for you, we've got a trick or treat for you. Trailers from our partners in crime. Barrel age flicks and Zack solved mysteries. A big shout out to those fabulous folks for joining forces. 00;03;17;27 - 00;03;48;05 Unknown With us. Hey, this is wrong. Do you like boots? Hey, this is Ragnar. You all like alcohol? Hey, guys. Do you like punishments? Hey, this is cute. Do you like cinephiles? Hey, buddy. Chase, you guys. Do you guys like alcohol poisoning? If you like all that could check us out that barrel aged clips on Apple, Spotify, and all the other platforms out there. 00;03;48;07 - 00;04;19;08 Unknown Welcome to Zack. Solved Mysteries, the most important podcast you'll ever hear in your life. I know enough about most things to be inaccurate about everything. We're not just a podcast. We're an experience. This story. Dude, prepare to have your life transformed because not listening to us could be a grave mistake. You must wake up every day and say, Today's the day someone's going to murder me. 00;04;19;10 - 00;04;48;03 Unknown We're not just tackling the classic mysteries of the past. We're rewriting history itself. Robert Stack, I think, had dirt on people. Forget everything you thought you knew about Unsolved Mysteries or any sort of mystery. Maybe there were giants. Who knows? Who cares? Subscribe now to Zack solved mysteries. Anywhere you get your podcasts get solved. Mystery solved, my bitches. 00;04;48;06 - 00;05;13;23 Unknown So now's your chance to give them a real treat and check out their shows too. Who are they? Conundrum. True. Sorry I wasn't a part of this fun episode, but unfortunately I had to work. Adulting sucks sometimes, but on the bright side I still get to do the fun part of editing the episode. So I will be your narrator in this Spooktacular episode. 00;05;13;26 - 00;05;37;17 Unknown Here's Don, a friend of the Conundrum crew, sharing the spooky stories of her haunted bar, Don's Corner Bar in Dundas, Minnesota. Hello. All right. Can you hear me now? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay. Yeah. I don't know what was going on. I couldn't get my microphone to work on my computer. I was like, What the heck? And I dropped my phone in water last night, so I didn't know what was going to work or not. 00;05;37;17 - 00;05;55;20 Unknown And I tried it and it didn't work. And I put it in. yeah, That's a brand new phone. I just got it. shit. Do you have insurance or anything on it? Yeah, I do. Well, that's good. yeah. It's working now, so. Well, that's good. Yeah, that sucks. You pay so much for those damn things. I know, I know. 00;05;55;20 - 00;06;14;28 Unknown The studios love at 100 bucks an hour. Sure. I know. And then you don't have the. You know, it's not even worth keeping your old ones anymore, because you get so much for a trade in. And I'm like, Yeah. And then everybody always wants the newest and best. Right, Exactly. That's how I am. Tell it. Yeah. So I don't know. 00;06;15;05 - 00;06;43;24 Unknown I saw my message from earlier, but would you be okay if I record our conversation so I can use some of the stories and stuff on the podcast and then we can advertise? Yeah, that's cool. Awesome. So, okay, what I was when I worked at the bar all those years ago as a waitress, I remember there being stories of an old man and a little kid that haunted the bar. 00;06;43;25 - 00;07;07;13 Unknown Yep, a little girl. And so when I was working at the bar, I remember, like, weird stuff started happening at my house and my son was probably about three years old at the time. And so, you know, toys would be going off in his room and all of these, you know, like I would take batteries out of things that kept going off. 00;07;07;13 - 00;07;36;27 Unknown And then I just felt like uneasy and wasn't sleeping. And like I said, he was either two or three at the time and he had this little Tikes engine. And every morning I would wake up and that engine would be in the middle of his room. And then I would hear things, you know, the engine had this little oil cam that you'd have to, like stick down into it, and they would make like a glug glug sound and like you are putting oil into the engine. 00;07;36;29 - 00;07;55;25 Unknown And that engine thing would go off, it would start up, it would do all these things. And this went on for like a couple of weeks. And then one night I heard this plastic bag like crumpling and, you know, that plastic bag noise that kept going off. And I was too afraid to get up and see what it was. 00;07;55;27 - 00;08;16;19 Unknown And the next morning, the plastic bag was next to the engine, and it had and the little girls, our little kids handwriting a name on it. And I can't remember what the name is. Well, my kids weren't old enough to be able to write and wow. So I called a friend that was really into ghost and stuff. And I'm like, You need to help me. 00;08;16;19 - 00;08;38;13 Unknown I don't know what's going on. I've got to get this thing out of my house. So she came over and she saved for me, and then she told me I had to stand there in our house and say, I'm sorry, you can't be here. You can't. You know, I have to bring you back to where you came from because I assumed it was from the bar. 00;08;38;15 - 00;09;00;08 Unknown And that night I drove back to the bar for my shift, and I felt like my hair on the back of my neck and everywhere was, like, standing up on end. And then I didn't have anything else happen again. that's. I never. Yeah, I've never had it like that, but. Well, the story is she died and I live upstairs. 00;09;00;22 - 00;09;20;28 Unknown do you? Yeah, she died in a little. Or. I think they died. And I don't know. What was that, The old guy or the little girl that died? I think it was a little girl who died of scarlet fever. I was the room next to my next to my bedroom. my gosh. So that was probably in the late, ah, early or late 1800s. 00;09;20;28 - 00;09;38;25 Unknown Early 1900s. Yeah. Yeah. And I keep that door closed. I go out there every once in a while. I got two chairs out there. I go to bed. I got it all set up like a room for her. I just leave it there. It's my spare bedroom, but we don't use it. I don't go out there very much and that's. 00;09;38;25 - 00;10;02;16 Unknown I've never there or anything like, that's good downstairs. We've been downstairs before and me and Tracy were close the bar up at like 3:00 in the morning, and all of a sudden the TV would start coming on, the jukebox would just start playing. The lights would turn on, my God. And we felt that she was there. Somebody was there with us. 00;10;02;16 - 00;10;24;07 Unknown Right? And then I used to live out at Bucky's house, and I used to date Bucky, and I used to close the bar and myself. No bar. I leave the bar and in the back of my car, I feel like there was somebody behind me. that is the creepiest feeling. And that's what I felt like the whole time I was driving back to the bar. 00;10;24;08 - 00;10;42;11 Unknown I don't think I lasted much, much longer after that. I was too afraid that one of them was going to follow me home again. Right? Yeah. And I know Linda. The man was. She worked there. She had little dealings with her that the girl would come out and want to play ball. And Linda would say, I cannot play right now. 00;10;42;13 - 00;11;07;29 Unknown You have to go back. I can play later. And she'd go away. She'd want to play. my God. And I remember Linda telling stories about that. Yeah, well, and then I know Kevin talking the car one night. I believe it was him. He came driving by and he thought there was somebody in the building, and he came up to the window and there was a face in the window, and then it went away. 00;11;08;08 - 00;11;29;20 Unknown my God. I mean, that. Well, and I remember some patrons of the bar, too, like that one guy that was always there. I think he had dark hair. I remember him telling stories about I think it was the old man. Yeah. Yeah. I've never dealt with the old man. I've always dealt with a little girl with living up here. 00;11;29;20 - 00;11;48;09 Unknown I have a hallway light that's a motion light, and it comes from coming from the front bedroom that goes out to my hallway and to my living room. And I can see it in my bedroom. It'll come on every once in a while. It used to. It has not for a long time. When we first got here, I was like, okay, this is freaky. 00;11;48;09 - 00;12;07;23 Unknown I'm like, okay, this guy is walking around. People are walking around my house, right? And my dogs can see it. I'm sure staring off into nothing or growling. That's Jackson. My past Yorkie just passed away last year. He would sit at the end of my bed and barking in my hallway when the light would come on. That's so freaky. 00;12;07;23 - 00;12;27;15 Unknown You know, I just bought two little new dogs, and they're, like, probably three months old now. The old one does it, too. He barks it often, like the corners of the room, so he must see it, but the other one doesn't see it. That is, I don't know how you do it. I mean, I'm sure they don't. They never. 00;12;27;22 - 00;12;46;21 Unknown They don't bother you. Yeah, I just do this thing and whatever and I. I've never had anything move. That's good. Yeah. As long as they're not hiding your stuff and. No, no, they're not. They're just. They kind of. I think they just make themselves at home here. I think they have. They hang out in a room out front. 00;12;46;23 - 00;13;09;01 Unknown That's where they hang out and that's they're kind of their space and. Yeah, and that's what I gave it to them. I shut the door and I said, Well, that's for your guys's area. Well, that's a good way to share your space. You know, you stay out of my way. I'll stay out of your sight. Yeah, well, and I remember at the lower part of the bar where the pool table and dart boards are, there was pool table and dart boards down. 00;13;09;01 - 00;13;31;21 Unknown There were that old safe. Is that was safe? Yeah. I remember always being so creeped out, cleaning, you know, at the end of the night when we'd be cleaning and stuff. I would hate going down there at the end of the night and clean. Yeah, that was old. The old general store. Okay. And I don't go. And then it was a bank. 00;13;31;21 - 00;13;54;08 Unknown And then that's where Jesse James first came. But when he came to Northfield, that's what I thought. I remembered something about that. And I just remember that area, like I would go there for Dart League and stuff and it wouldn't bother me. Or if I was waitressing while the bar was active, nothing bothered me. But if I went down there at the end of the night, I cleaned that area down fast and you know, I would run out of there. 00;13;54;11 - 00;14;15;05 Unknown But the other thing I remember is I would never go into the basement. I remember one time I tried to go down there and I while about halfway down the stairs and I was like, no, I'm just a waitress. I don't switch kegs. Yeah. Now it's a dirt floor, limestone wall basement is like this one. These old wooden doors over things. 00;14;15;08 - 00;14;35;29 Unknown There's a wooden door that we keep shut all the time, okay? And we don't ever open it. And I've opened it before and it's gotten shut. I don't know if they shut it. That's there. There's like it's an old, old cooler. Okay. And yeah, that's that door stays closed. I always say, I always tell everybody, if you go down there, don't go to that room. 00;14;35;29 - 00;15;03;06 Unknown That's where the ghost lives. That's awesome. Well, you've learned how to divide your space with. yeah, yeah. No, it's. Yeah, I don't mind. I mean, some old lady wanted to come in and do it like assailants or whatever the thing trying to get out, whatever. I told her. No, I said, you know, I don't bother. No, they're happy, you know, they're not doing anything that is malevolent or anything like that. 00;15;03;08 - 00;15;24;15 Unknown Now, don't stir up the activity. No, no, I said no. Just let them do their thing. They're fine. Right. Well, and you've got two big conduits, you know, they're because you said the the walls down there are limestone and natural stone is a big conduit for the paranormal. And then you've got the river across the street, too, so. 00;15;24;15 - 00;15;42;21 Unknown Yeah. Yeah. And if they're not, if they're letting you be and you're letting them be. No, no, I wouldn't let anybody come in and do that investigation or science or anything either. No. For you know what? You're going to have red eye demons come at you from the B Exactly. Well, that's the thing. Yeah. I don't want to deal with that. 00;15;42;28 - 00;16;06;19 Unknown Yeah, I think that article was in the Northfield News, I believe. Yeah, I was looking for it online and I couldn't find it anywhere because I thought it had the fabled L.A. News. Yeah, I even checked, like, I just was Googling everything I could think of, you know, a haunted bar, you know, Halloween edition, you know, Dundas just haunted bars and Dundas Haunted locations. 00;16;06;21 - 00;16;28;00 Unknown I tried Brad's. I tried Don's neither of them through with anything, so. I wonder. Well, it was haunted also. Is it hard or something? Down? There's something down there. Appalling got. I don't know what it is. I haven't heard the whole story, but I've heard things about it. What was it being Halloween? We thought it'd be fun to kind of you know, do something. 00;16;28;01 - 00;16;51;17 Unknown You know? I know. Tonight I am going to be a co-host on this podcast called The Conversation Cabin, and she wants us all to share spooky experiences. And so I was going to share mine about, you know, that little girl following me home. And then it kind of triggered this whole thing. And I was like, Well, and then you said you had some stories. 00;16;51;18 - 00;17;11;25 Unknown I'm like, that would be great for some, like bonus content and yeah, and then go ahead and give a shout out to your bar. This is Dawn from Dawn's Corner Bar or downtown Dundas. We have a full bar and grill and pool and darts and everything. And you guys still do bands and everything We do now. 00;17;11;25 - 00;17;32;07 Unknown We have a Halloween party this weekend. Do you? Well, and I've heard the food there is amazing because when Brad you guys only had or we only did like the pizzas and stuff so yeah, we have a full service bar grill. Nice. And so you guys, from what I've heard, have done a lot of renovations and stuff too. 00;17;32;09 - 00;17;57;20 Unknown Yeah. yes we we've six replaceable lot and there's more to come. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Increase in activity with the renovations and we're just busy. A lot busier. I mean we've got a patio now there's ah yeah, we got bar bingo on Saturday and it's pretty much full all the time. That's awesome. Yeah. But when you guys were renovating, did it ramp up any ghost activity at all? 00;17;57;22 - 00;18;21;28 Unknown No. That's good. So you really have got that relationship with them, which is good for you. Yeah, I like it. Yeah, I'm sure. Especially with living there. I forgot that I had completely forgot that there was a whole other level above the bar too. yeah. There's a full house upstairs. That's awesome. Well, it's nice to just be able, you know, Nice commute, walk down the stairs to work, Right? 00;18;22;01 - 00;18;40;29 Unknown Exactly. Yes, it is. Well, thank you so much for sharing those stories and stuff with me. Okay. Yeah. If you actually if you do record it or ever send me a copy of it. for sure. I'll send you a link. Okay, Perfect. That's awesome. Yeah, it'll wo I'll get it edited up and we'll, I'll put it on. 00;18;40;29 - 00;19;14;27 Unknown Well it'll be on all of the like podcasting and stream, you know, like you are Apple Podcasts, Spotify, we're on all of those. And then of course YouTube and stuff as well. So single link to it when we get it edited up and it'll be a fun little segment. Awesome, cool. Well, thank you so much again. And if you think of any other spooky stories or if anybody else has any, we want to start doing like a monthly segment of people sharing their ghost stories, whether they want to call in and talk about it or just write them and we read them. 00;19;15;02 - 00;19;39;18 Unknown So if you think of anything else or know of anybody else that has any good stories, send them my way. Okay, Perfect. Awesome. I'll I'll. Thanks so much. Dan, you have a great day, right? You too, Tracy. Thank you. Bye. Yes, I hope you guys enjoyed the story from Dawn and her creepy bar. Next up is Dylan, our son, sharing a hair raising story about a random psychic encounter. 00;19;39;21 - 00;20;14;17 Unknown Hey, everybody, we have another special guest on Total Conundrum podcast for our Halloween episode. We have my son Dylan with us all the way from Colombia, the country, not the city. And he is going to tell us a spooky story that happened to him. Hey, Dylan, how are you? Hey. Wow. How are you? I'm doing good. Good. I'm glad you're able to come on and share your little spooky story with us. 00;20;14;17 - 00;20;38;15 Unknown I'm really excited. Yeah, we're happy to be here. A little bit nervous, but kind of. You just take a deep breath. Just pretend like you're talking to me. So you had something happen to you when you were in high school? Yeah. Tell us a little bit about it. Sure, Sure. So back when I was in high school, I was doing parades. 00;20;38;19 - 00;21;08;07 Unknown Maybe. Maybe I was early middle school. Not even sure. I was at the Minnesota State Fair and someone had, like, just pulled me off to the side. I was like, Hey, this is going to sound crazy. I received pictures from ghosts. I can't talk to ghosts, but I received pictures and I'm getting a calling for you. But at the time, you know, being so young and kind of interested in this stuff, I was kind of like, okay, well, what's let's hear what you have to say, but this is kind of strange. 00;21;08;07 - 00;21;33;25 Unknown I have no idea who you are. I've never seen you before. So she was just a random person that was at the state fair that pulled you aside. Just a random person. Never, never seen her. And it's crazy. Crazy. Yeah. And so she starts kidding in telling me that she's going to getting these pictures of of my my grandmother's house. 00;21;33;25 - 00;22;03;01 Unknown And she's she starts describing the place where my grandmother's house is and kind of like the middle. And we've got this big U-shaped driveway and on on the right hand side of this U-shaped driveway is that the house being in the middle is this big barn where I at the time I had a bunch of baby goats and I had all kinds of animals, but I'm losing my train of thought. 00;22;03;01 - 00;22;27;09 Unknown So the baby goats, you are raising four for each, right? Or was that the right or. I couldn't remember. I know you did the sheep and chickens and ducks and all, all of the things. And that's why you were out there quite often is because they had the farm. We lived in town. And so you had these baby goats that were just you had just got these pygmy goats or a pygmy goat that was pregnant, right? 00;22;27;11 - 00;22;45;05 Unknown No, no. That was a different goat. That was a different goat. These were the boar goats. So this was like right up this must have been my last year of four age. So I would have had sheep at the fair and the baby goats would have been after this. Okay. Because that was more in the winter that you had the goats and stuff, right? 00;22;45;05 - 00;23;12;10 Unknown Or no, this would have been before that. I'm sorry. Okay. I don't even remember. Well, it's you know, I can't remember what I had for dinner last night, so but so anyway, she was describing all of these things, the house kind of. And then you said that she described the driveway kind of go on from there. Yeah. And then she had also mentioned that there was this or that there was a window looking out of the addict. 00;23;12;10 - 00;23;45;25 Unknown And that just so happened that that window faced the barn. So, yes, this would have had to have happened. And beforehand or the year before that, the first year I had goats because at the time I instantly, like connected and was like, I know exactly what window she's talking about because I would always feel that there was someone watching me when I went out to go check on the goats, because at that time it was it was January and the the goats were being born in the middle of the night. 00;23;46;01 - 00;24;04;01 Unknown So every 2 hours I would take the goats, the new goats that were born in a laundry basket and put them into the basement and then take the goats that were in the house back out in a laundry basket and give them back to their mothers so they could eat and to eat and stuff and to give them some warmth right out of out of that cold. 00;24;04;07 - 00;24;32;23 Unknown And but it was so strange because I took the longer path and which I guess more people would or the average person would probably say that that's a scarier path going around the barn and going to the back side of the barn to go into the basement, because I always felt like someone was watching. So you were trying to avoid the the gaze of who whatever was giving you that uneasy feeling, basically. 00;24;32;27 - 00;24;59;26 Unknown Exactly. You felt safer taking the longer route than you would of the shorter road. Exactly. Exactly. But never understood it until this woman that there's this woman that sits in a rock or an older lady that sits in this rocking chair and looks out that window. And then she goes she went silent for a little bit and came back and goes, You have to put the rocking chair in the doll house back. 00;24;59;29 - 00;25;18;05 Unknown How creepy. And at the time, you know, I kind of was like, what is she talking about? Like, now I have no recollection of what she's saying. I don't connect with any of it. But immediately after me and my friends were like, You got to call your my friends or you got to call your grandma and you got to call your grandma. 00;25;18;05 - 00;25;40;27 Unknown So I called my grandma and she tells me or I asked her at the time, I'm like, What? What's going on? What are you doing around the house? And she goes, Someone. I don't remember who it was or she she had said, Someone just help me move the the rocking chair out of the background or sorry, down in the room. 00;25;41;01 - 00;26;09;04 Unknown Instead I grab on to a podcast, putting it all up. And so I just let's see here. Where was I? Sorry, Mom, Somebody helped her move. So she tells me that she had just moved the rocking chair and the dollhouse from the addict. And immediately I was like, my gosh, like, this lady is for real. Wow, that is crazy. 00;26;09;06 - 00;26;36;08 Unknown So whatever spirits are up in that attic, we're so mad that they are reaching out to you, what, 45 minutes to an hour away to try to get in touch with your grandma, to put those things back, because your grandma is probably so stubborn in the head and doesn't believe in that stuff that they maybe tried to communicate with her directly. 00;26;36;08 - 00;27;16;02 Unknown And she's like Lady Davida. She says, Nothing's wrong with that house. She's crazy. I know for a fact there's things wrong with that house, but that's her. Being crazy is a whole other story. Well, yes, this would be my my ex almost mother in law, so we'll just leave it at that. well. And, you know, it was it was interesting, too, that after this, my my good friends, Uncle tickles them was Keith was really, really into history. 00;27;16;04 - 00;27;44;23 Unknown And he took a look at the history of the house and noticed this house has a ton of history and maybe you can go more into that. Definitely. Well, basically, this house is a very old it's a beautiful, beautiful home. And it resides out in the country on the outskirts of Northfield. It used to be owned at one point by a former senator and governor Edward J. 00;27;44;26 - 00;28;14;09 Unknown Edward, John, John, I believe. And he actually died in that house. And I think it was a 69. Is that what I said when I looked it up? I'm not sure. I think it was 69. So he died in the house of emphysema in 69. And was when your grandparents like when the first time I went out there, when I was dating your dad in high school, you know, they had this big wrought iron archway that goes over the driveway. 00;28;14;09 - 00;28;42;00 Unknown And I think. Is that still there or is it okay? So there's a there was it was knocked over by a storage something car. No, it was the truck hauling something, hit it and then they rerouted it. So, yeah, there's this big, beautiful, you know, wrought iron archway and it's just says the former home of Edward Josiah, our former home of Senator and Governor Edward Jay or something like that. 00;28;42;02 - 00;29;15;26 Unknown And back when he lived there, it was a dairy farm. And I think they also had die orchard, too, didn't they, because there's an apple orchard out there. Right? So I think it was that orchard. And then when your grandparents bought it and I don't know, I want to say it was in the eighties when they bought it, they switched it over to White Barn Orchard And now you were saying that Chris, your friend Chris's uncle, was looking into some of the history and he found that there was more people that died in that house to correct. 00;29;15;26 - 00;29;47;08 Unknown I think here if I remember correctly, he had mentioned that I'm pretty sure Edward Jay Thighs, one of his wives, had died in that house as well. And that I really don't remember how we got into this, but we came up with a theory that she was jealous and was very much watching everything that went on. And I yeah, that went around, went on around the property and may have been frustrated because he remarried. 00;29;47;13 - 00;30;20;01 Unknown Okay. So this house also, I don't even know what year it was built, but it's very it's very old. It's still beautiful. It's been redone and many additions put on. But the I know the kitchen and the basement area and the stairway going upstairs, that was the original part of the house. And this house actually has two separate upstairs because the one side on the kitchen side ended up wasn't that for the slaves and stuff at one point. 00;30;20;03 - 00;30;42;08 Unknown Yeah. And I, if I remember correctly to the slaves were very well treated. It wasn't like it wasn't like a slavery that was going on in the South. Right. And that up and I think there was a separate house for them that was that was that house that was by the pool because yeah, when your grandparents moved in, they filled in the pool. 00;30;42;08 - 00;31;07;03 Unknown They didn't want that. I remember that them telling me about that. I wasn't around back then, but I mean, I was around, but not around them. But there was also when they bought the house there, wasn't it? Oscar I think his name was, he was the house worker and he came with the purchased the home with the purchase of the house. 00;31;07;05 - 00;31;31;20 Unknown I remember in high school going out to your grandparents house, you know, when your dad was living there and stuff. And I got introduced to Oscar and I had no idea who he was. But your dad basically said that he came with the house, could hear died there as well. I think he actually, if I remember correctly, he died in a nursing home. 00;31;31;22 - 00;31;57;05 Unknown Okay. I think he died in a nursing home. I had completely forgotten about him. It just triggered in my my memory banks right now when we were talking about the slave quarters and stuff. So this house, like Dylan, you were saying when we were talking earlier, that the barn actually isn't built with nails. Yeah. No, the the bar was so old that they built it with wood pegs or the Amish built it with wooden pegs. 00;31;57;08 - 00;32;18;03 Unknown And that's crazy. And there's a lot of outbuildings and stuff out there. And so I wanted to just touch base a little bit. So Dylan was talking about this rocking chair that got moved up to the attic and that rocking chair used to reside in the living room while there's like, what, three living rooms in the house? Yeah, I think there's three. 00;32;18;03 - 00;32;39;05 Unknown Or you could call it two dining rooms and two living rooms. Yeah. So there's, like I said, lots of additions and stuff on to the house. So this would be more of like the family living room and it's like where the fireplace was. And so one night I lived out there after I had Dylan, he was just, you know, maybe 6 to 9 months old. 00;32;39;07 - 00;33;01;06 Unknown Anyway, you were having a rough night. You just weren't sleeping. You were really restless, kept waking up, and I was the only one home with you. And I'm not sure. I think maybe everybody else who left on vacation or something, I can't remember. But I was in the house alone with you, and I went out to the living room, and I was sitting in the dark and I was rocking you. 00;33;01;09 - 00;33;22;17 Unknown And above the fireplace mantel, there was a light that pointed up and there was a piece of artwork up there. And that light kept turning on and off and on and off. And it's like, I would like, look away from it. And then it would, you know, turn on and, you know, it was just really, really creepy and it just freaked me out. 00;33;22;17 - 00;33;42;22 Unknown I had a lot of different creepy things and feelings in that house, but that was like the one interaction that, like, really scared me. And I ended up running into my bedroom, which was that room next to the kitchen. So it was on the older of the bed for on the main floor Where this was occurring was the new side of the house. 00;33;42;22 - 00;34;06;03 Unknown And I found out that not too long before that, your grandparents had taken down. There was a picture of Edward Jay Thigh that used to hang above the fireplace, and they had replaced it with a different piece of art and so interesting in all of the activity that we've experienced is always after something has been changed there. definitely, definitely. 00;34;06;03 - 00;34;38;10 Unknown I mean, it's a cool property. It's a beautiful house. But you were saying that one night you were sleeping there and you had something happen or you were hearing something. So yeah, no this is when when I had the baby goes there, the the first night that I went and slept in what was supposed to be my room, I blasted maybe two or 3 hours and I just felt like I kept hearing little children running around and playing and going back and forth in the hallway and in the hallway is where they're attic. 00;34;38;10 - 00;34;59;26 Unknown Like the stairs come down to get up to that attic. And I was so scared after that night that even that night I grabbed my blankets and pillows I put the space heater in the kitchen and I slept on the kitchen floor. I don't know why. Even every single night I was there and grandma work nights I was there by myself. 00;34;59;26 - 00;35;28;21 Unknown Every night I slept on the kitchen floor because I was too scared to sleep anywhere else. Well, honestly, thinking back when you're saying that I never had any bad feelings or uneasiness in the old side of the house, everything that happened or feelings that I had all occurred on the newer side. The same. That's the same thing that happened with me as even because that room that I was supposed to be, my room where I heard those children running and place the newer side was on the newer side, Yeah. 00;35;28;22 - 00;35;49;08 Unknown Yeah. Isn't that weird? Because usually it'd be like the the older side that has more history. I never really had anything weird, uneasy happen over there. That's crazy. Well, and then you were also talking about a time that you had brought some friends out there. You were telling me this story as well. You got it. You got to share this story. 00;35;49;08 - 00;36;17;10 Unknown This is crazy. So at the time, after the goats got older, I was done spending the night there like, if I didn't have to be there, I wasn't staying there. But my two friends at the time, Sadie and Shay, did not believe anything I was telling them about this house. So one night we went out there and it should be noted too, before I go into this, there was a mobile home on the property, a trailer home that was rented out to another couple. 00;36;17;13 - 00;36;41;28 Unknown They I mean, it was not close, but not far either. I mean, I don't know. How far do you think that distance, the 2 hours were owned? Probably not even. Well, I would say maybe five and a half a block. No, not even because they were not that far back from the driveway. And the sun porch wasn't that far back from the driveway either. 00;36;41;28 - 00;37;03;07 Unknown So I would say maybe 50, 50 feet apart. 70 feet. You if you could probably yell front door, the front door, you probably could. Yeah. So we end up showing up there. And when that when we got there, my friend Sadie was like, I'm leaving the keys in the ignition and made it very clear that if we run out, we don't want to drop the keys. 00;37;03;07 - 00;37;27;21 Unknown There was a dog open that lived there. We Bernard's sweet and it was silent. Sweet, sweetest dog I loved about this, but she never barked. She was silent, silent. And very, very rarely did she bark. We end up going in and we walked through the old part of the house into, I guess, that first living room. I don't know. 00;37;27;21 - 00;37;45;21 Unknown Was that the newer part of the house? Right. The first because after that, the first living room. So where your bedroom one after the kitchen. That's in the old part of the house. No, no, no, no. So the next room up in a little hallway. Yep. So. Okay, so we sat down on the couch on the new part of the house. 00;37;45;21 - 00;38;08;00 Unknown Within maybe 30 seconds, my friend Shay started running out of the house, claiming that she's being choked. At the time, you know, And I would just got scared because she was running out of the house. I didn't feel nervous or anything. Did they know about the occurrences that you had had there before? I had told them, I'm sure. 00;38;08;03 - 00;38;29;13 Unknown I'm sure I had told them no. I had to have told them because they didn't believe me, okay. That this stuff was going on. So then I brought them to the house to see if anything happened, to see if anything would happen. And so when Sadie or when she starts running out of the house, Sadie immediately follows and I immediately follow both of them. 00;38;29;16 - 00;38;53;02 Unknown Well, we get to the car and the keys are not in the ignition. What? And the dog is standing very far from the house. Just barking at the direction of the house is in between us. So he is like protecting you from the house. From the house. There we go. Yes. Thank you. Yeah. And ah, her barking brought the attention. 00;38;53;04 - 00;39;12;03 Unknown The neighbor, the guy that was living in the mobile home with the rent connected, the renter. And he. He came out asking what was going on. So we explained to him what was going on. We told them that we left the keys in the car. The keys are not here. So he offered to come in and help me find the keys. 00;39;12;03 - 00;39;30;15 Unknown So I go in with him to help find the keys. And, you know, I explained to him, you know, we were we never went upstairs or we're looking all downstairs. We don't see him anywhere. And I remember he like, stood over by the stairs and he goes, You sure you never went upstairs? And I'm like, No, we never went upstairs. 00;39;30;17 - 00;40;03;03 Unknown He points and goes, The keys are on the edge of the railing upstairs. My God, every time I get this story, I just get chicken skin. So, so scary. Total goosebumps. And you guys did not go upstairs. That's the crazy thing. But never went upstairs. Whatever took these from even if you did bring them into the house, what kind of energy would they have had to muster up to levitate these things upstairs and put them on the railing, on the rail? 00;40;03;03 - 00;40;23;25 Unknown And he could see them from downstairs, which is cool. And the reason that. Right. The reason we found out that the keys were even upstairs is the light was on upstairs. That was off before. And it was off before. my God. So freak. my God. I just think he was. I hate I God, I hate. He would talk to you about it. 00;40;23;28 - 00;41;00;02 Unknown Well, appreciate you sharing it with us, because this is great for our Halloween episode, but I never really had anything happen happen other than that night I was in the rocking chair. But man, the feelings that you would get and when your grandparents had copper, the Chesapeake, the way that he would snarl at things. I worked a lot of weird hours and a lot of times your grandparents would babysit you guys when you were little and I would get off work at two or 3:00 in the morning, have a 45 minute drive to their house, and I would pick you guys up while you were sleeping. 00;41;00;04 - 00;41;23;23 Unknown And so I come out there a lot at night. The driveway was probably about 40, 50 feet from the front door, and I'd have to walk up that. And then sometimes copper would just be snarling and I wasn't sure if it was me or I mean, copper loved us. He was a very good dog. But there was sometimes there was things that out there at night that were I don't know what they were. 00;41;23;25 - 00;41;45;21 Unknown And mind you, it's out in the country and it's very dark. And, you know, they have a lot of acreage. So there's not anything around except for a lot of old outbuildings and the old Apple store and yeah, you're desolated. Yeah. But I'd be curious to find out how many people actually have passed away because I don't even know what year that house was built. 00;41;45;21 - 00;42;23;09 Unknown So I couldn't tell you. Me either. I mean, like I said, it's, you know, beautiful, but it is old, very old. But what it is, is I appreciate you sharing this with us for our little no worries. Sorry to give you a major goose bumps before you go to bed, but this is very fun. I know that we talked about it a little bit before, but it was really fun to hear the stories and then to put the rocking chair incident together because I actually had the occurrence when I sat in that rocking chair. 00;42;23;12 - 00;42;44;19 Unknown And it might not even bend because of the picture being removed. It could be that I was sitting in the rocking chair and I'm wondering if they had just recently brought it down from the attic or not. Did you ever go up into the attic? I think maybe once or wise just picking up the stairs. But I always remember it was grandma and grandpa where I was like, No, no, no, no, no. 00;42;44;19 - 00;43;11;10 Unknown Stay away from that. It's dangerous because if you were to fall down the stairs of the attic, you will also fall to the first floor if you fell a little bit our balcony. Okay. Because. Because it was right in the hallway, wasn't it? Right by the right on the hallway of. Yeah, Yeah. On the second floor. So if you fell on the stairs going up the attic, you're likely going to fall off the balcony of the second floor as well. 00;43;11;11 - 00;43;29;03 Unknown I was just curious if there was a lot of stuff up there. I'm assuming you had to be tall enough to be able to walk around and stuff up there to have. Yeah, it is the doll house. And you said that doll house wasn't even original to the house. It was. And she's your aunt's, right? I'm pretty sure. 00;43;29;03 - 00;43;50;11 Unknown I'm pretty sure. And and I do remember, actually, I have been up in the attic. I clearly remember there was like a wooden chest. But in the attic is a built in cedar room, like a storage room that's made of cedar, which I remember very clearly now, which is pretty common back in the day, especially with Edward Josiah being out there. 00;43;50;11 - 00;44;17;16 Unknown That doesn't surprise me because a lot of times they would store like their fur coats and like suits and gowns and stuff in cedar closets. okay. Because I know, I know. It's something with the smell of the cedar and moths don't like cedar or something like that. Okay. For me on that, I'll have to Google that. I know there is something with Cedar closets and the wealthy Pest control. 00;44;17;17 - 00;44;41;15 Unknown Yeah, well, Mother. And I'm happy I was able to help you out with your show. Well, I appreciate it. And I'm sure all of our listeners do, too, hearing the little creepy story. But I will let you go. You have a great night. And I love you. I love you, too. Thanks again. Yeah. Thank you for being on the show and being a guest. 00;44;41;15 - 00;45;14;07 Unknown I appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Have a great night. You too. Bye Bye. Bye. Are you all creeped out yet? Are you ready for some more? Of course you are. Here's Amanda from One Nothing podcast, sharing her kooky, spooky story. Enjoy. Ha ha ha. Hey, everyone. Well, we have another special treat for you. We have Amanda from One Nothing podcast, and she's going to come on and share a little spooky story with us as well. 00;45;14;15 - 00;45;36;29 Unknown Amanda, why don't you give us a shout out to your show and kind of tell us what it's about? Yeah. Thank you so much for having me on. So excited to be here. I host One Nothing podcast. We are a very unique podcast that every episode features a different physicality. We go in depth about who they were as a person, what they loved and why they died. 00;45;37;02 - 00;45;59;02 Unknown And if there's anything that we can take away from that experience that we could apply to our own lives. So in a nutshell, that's pretty much what we're all about. We celebrate dark humor very much. I feel your right place. I try to celebrate that sometimes, but Jeremy doesn't like it so much, and Jeremy's not with us on this little experience. 00;45;59;02 - 00;46;19;20 Unknown This is kind of a project that I started, and he's been working on the evenings, and the only time I can do it is on the evening. So we're missing Jeremy on this a little bit, but he'll get to listen and edit and enjoy it as well. So we sadly missed out. He But will for sure he'll be when we do our crossover in November. 00;46;19;20 - 00;46;44;07 Unknown He'll be on that one for sure. And Amanda and I met by chance on a podcast group one day. I don't even remember what it was about, but we are commenting back and forth to each other and it's grown into this little podcast friendship. And now I've been part of this little podcast community that I'm just loving. You guys are all so amazing and I'm just glad that we ran into each other that day. 00;46;44;08 - 00;47;01;26 Unknown I know you fit right in with your guys. You're just as amazing. So it's like you're the missing puzzle piece. thank you. It's been so great. I just love listening to, you know, all of your guys's shows and how everybody claps. It's not like you would think it would be more like cutthroat. Like everybody's out for themselves. 00;47;01;26 - 00;47;27;07 Unknown But in this group, it is not like that. Everybody is about promoting and supporting and everybody is so wonderful. It's it's just something like I've you don't see a lot of that nowadays in humans. You really don't run into like a little bit of a family almost kind of dynamic. So I'm really appreciative. Yes, me too. So thank you for bringing me into this little family. 00;47;27;10 - 00;47;56;12 Unknown You're like my my, my first friend in the family. But why don't you go ahead and share your little spooky story with us? I'm so excited. Sure. So, yeah, I won't drag it out too long because I could go on and on. But to make it short. Growing up, my parents were separated and we would have we have this weird custody arrangement where we would go to my biological father's for the weekends and a lot of the time that consisted with taking us to his parents. 00;47;56;15 - 00;48;16;01 Unknown His parents, my grandparents house was very much haunted. And as much as I remember from as early I can remember, weird stuff is always happened in this house. Now, when they moved into this house, they had moved from England and they chose this home. It was their dream home. It had the white picket fence, it had the finished basement with the fireplace. 00;48;16;01 - 00;48;43;23 Unknown It had a bar in the basement, a pool in the backyard, just about everything it could have. So it was there like, you know, they had worked so hard for it. It was their luxury and they really, really loved it. So I don't know. It was beautiful. Under any other circumstances. It would have been beautiful. So to kind of get an idea of the makeup of the house, as soon as you walked in, if you looked straight, you had kitchens behind French doors to your right was a living room. 00;48;43;23 - 00;49;02;14 Unknown And then if you walked straight, there was a hallway that took you down to where the bedrooms were. And there was also a basement. In the entryway to the basement was in that hallway. So for whatever reason, a lot of the activity that I remember experiencing, a lot of it happened within that hallway. We didn't really have much happened in the kitchen, in the living room. 00;49;02;21 - 00;49;22;14 Unknown Not much happened in like the bathroom or anything, but in particular the spare bedroom at the back of the hallway in the basement seem to be hot spots for activity. So I'm not really sure why. I have no history on the house. I don't know if anything tragic happened there. We don't know. That didn't seem like it. But I remember very, very young. 00;49;22;19 - 00;49;45;06 Unknown And the first thing that I can really remember experiencing when I knew that it was something not from our world, was that in the spare bedroom there was a dimmer switch to the light. And so it was one of those round switches that you rotate left to right to make the light dimmer or brighter. And so that was a light switch in the room and any other time it worked as expected as it should as designed. 00;49;45;06 - 00;50;00;20 Unknown But whenever my sister and I would sleep in that room or whenever anybody would sleep in the room, the dimmer switch would go all night long, super, super bright, and then all the way to dark and then super, super bright, all the way to dark. But the bright was like brighter than it was even really capable of doing it. 00;50;00;20 - 00;50;20;16 Unknown That makes sense. Like this. Like super crafty. Yeah. The capacity of the bulb never got as bright as it would unless it was like one of these episodes. So my sister and I, we were very young. We would be like three and six when we kind of started realizing this stuff. And we used to joke about it being gross because we had Casper, that movie for kids that were around the same time. 00;50;20;16 - 00;50;36;10 Unknown So we didn't see it as a threatening thing. We just thought it was funny. And we would talk a lot to my grandparents about, the ghost said, a lot of stuff would go missing. And so we'd say, The ghost took it and they would get very upset and they'd be like, Don't say that. Don't talk about it here. 00;50;36;13 - 00;50;57;01 Unknown They just basically they were uncomfortable acknowledging that there was something happening. And so they would try to shut down any conversation about it. Right. And my yeah, my cousins were around the same age. So we all the time we would talk about this, you know, between ourselves and crazy things would happen. Like the basement in particular. There was just like a room off of a room and then a bedroom off of that room. 00;50;57;03 - 00;51;18;29 Unknown It was always super dark. It was always very like just thick feeling. Like it felt like, what happens when you're standing in a line at Walmart when you're just really like, there's tons of people all around you and it's very claustrophobic of it. It's all like that, but you're in a room with nothing in it, so it didn't make any sense, the vibes that you would get and then the things like the fireplace would just go out at random all the time. 00;51;19;00 - 00;51;41;23 Unknown The electronic stuff would go wonky. They had a peanut machine that you would drop a quarter into and span and you'd get like a handful of peanuts at the little bar. And all the time it was incredibly dumped peanuts on the floor with nobody having touched it. It just like weird stuff like that. boy. And it got brushed off as just being kind of whatever its you say could rationalize to avoid having to admit that it was something paranormal. 00;51;41;26 - 00;51;59;22 Unknown So at one point my grandmother's ring went missing, her wedding ring and my you heard my grandfather had been married for 60 years when they passed so they that wedding ring never left your hand and there was no reason for it to be missing. But she thought maybe his fault fell off one night in bed. Or maybe they were doing dishes and it came off and she didn't notice. 00;51;59;24 - 00;52;20;13 Unknown So they soured the house. Months went by. They could not find this ring, so they were settled to buy a new one and just kind of move past it. Three months after this ring goes missing, it shows up at the very top of the basement steps in the carpet. And this is an area they vacuum. This is an area in a high traffic area that you're walking in every day, multiple times a day. 00;52;20;16 - 00;52;36;23 Unknown They didn't have pets at this time. They had grandkids. But like we're old enough to know we're not like toddlers were old enough at this point to know. So that was the thing that my whole family really were kind of creeped out by because we just knew the likelihood of it having been there undetected for three months was impossible, right? 00;52;36;25 - 00;52;57;14 Unknown No, it was too high traffic of the area. So then the smell started. There was really pungent smells, mainly in the spare bedroom where we would sleep when we stayed over and always smelled like curdled milk. And it would come really, really, really pungent. They would tear the room, my mother and my aunt the tear the room apart, clean everything, take the bedding off, move the mattresses. 00;52;57;16 - 00;53;29;23 Unknown There was never any reason for the odor, but it would just go on its own. And then months later, the smell would come back and it wasn't consistent. So that was really bizarre that it was just every now and then, the thing that really made me realize it was an actual like, I don't know, I don't even want to use the word spirit, but just something in a human form that wasn't human was the night when my sister and I and my grandmother were in the television room and mind you, in the television, it's a very interesting set up where if you're in this room, you can see out the door, you can see the 00;53;29;23 - 00;53;48;12 Unknown door to the bathroom and like part of the hallway wall. So we're all in there watching TV. And my grandfather gets up to use the accent. So he goes to the restroom. You can hear the door shut of him going to the bathroom. And so we're all in there watching TV, my grandmother, my sister and I. And at the same time, I just happened like something caught my attention. 00;53;48;12 - 00;54;06;14 Unknown I looked up and I know that my sister looked up to because we were beside one another. So we both looked up and watched as this large black figure walked across the doorway, passed the bathroom door into the spare bedroom, and we watched it taller than my grandfather. He was a shorter man, so it was much taller than him. 00;54;06;21 - 00;54;26;12 Unknown So at first, like instantly thinking before I even could even say it, I wanted to ask, Did anyone see that before I could even say anything, my grandmother instinctively yells out Joe, thinking it was my grandpa. So I know she thought to okay, he I'm within the bathroom and he's like, I'll be right out. So he's in the bathroom. 00;54;26;12 - 00;54;41;28 Unknown Clearly, it wasn't him that walked past. There's nobody else in the house. And when my sister and I got really excitable about this and we're like, What is that? What was it? Let's go find out. And she squashed it and she said she didn't see anything. So that leads me to believe she had seen this thing before, right? 00;54;42;01 - 00;54;59;24 Unknown Because she very instantly was like, No, don't acknowledge it, don't pay attention to it. But she did yell out my grandfather's name when she saw it, which is how I know that she saw it, because otherwise there's no reason to have yelled out his name. So that was the only like the most concrete thing that I actually saw, an apparition with my eyes. 00;54;59;24 - 00;55;27;28 Unknown And it was acknowledged by two other people in the same room. Right. So that light trick it, you know, it just it couldn't have been a perspective thing. But yeah, that is definitely the most creepy thing. I later found out in more recent years because I inherited a bunch of photographs from my grandparents when they passed. And in one of the photos I probably before I was even born, this photo was taken and in the hallway you can see a set of glowing eyes that's like a foot up off the ground. 00;55;28;05 - 00;55;52;21 Unknown They didn't have any pets. Yeah. So I found that in the photo recently, and I was really bewildered by that just because of the placement, because it's in the hallway right up against the door where everything, like a lot of stuff happened. So definitely creepy. I've also been telling this story a lot lately. I told it on a couple of other podcasts for Halloween stuff because it is like my most terrible spooky story and I'm not linking anything together. 00;55;52;21 - 00;56;14;28 Unknown A correlation is not causation, but a lot of stuff in my house has been going missing lately, which I'm a little off because I live alone. So very uncomfortable about stuff vanishing in my like 700 square foot apartment where I live by myself. Little unnerved by that. I'm a very organized person by nature, so I don't misplace things often, but I'm just I'm not thinking that that's anything. 00;56;14;28 - 00;56;35;11 Unknown I'm just simply pointing out the irony. That stuff has been kind of going missing lately after I've been talking about this so much. Yeah, Now. So you'll hear this when the recording comes out and stuff. But what you were saying with that ring brought me back to the story of my son shared with me last night, and he had never told me this story before. 00;56;35;16 - 00;57;24;20 Unknown So I'm just going to do a quick little recap on his story. So, yeah, his grandparents, my ex's parents, he spent quite a bit of time out there. They lived on a farm. It was a really old house that had been renovated multiple times. A former governor and senator lived and died in that house. And anyway, so he had some creepy things happen in the house and he was at the state fair one year and this lady, random lady in the crowd came up to him and told him she doesn't speak to ghosts, but she gets pictures and images from ghosts or people that have crossed over and she told him that they needed to 00;57;24;20 - 00;57;44;10 Unknown put the rocking chair and the doll house back. no. He called his grandma and asked her what she was doing and she'd made any changes. Lately. She was always like making changes in the house, buying new furniture. She talked about turning it into like an Airbnb. It's a beautiful old home and it's big. Many additions have been put on to it. 00;57;44;12 - 00;58;07;04 Unknown She had just moved the rocking chair and the doll house from the they were up in the attic and she moved them out of the attic. But they're. Yeah. And this just so random person to come up to him and tell him that at a public event that they don't know each other at all. But then he was telling his a couple of his friends about this. 00;58;07;07 - 00;58;27;12 Unknown So his friends wanted to go out and experience because, you know, he had experienced his at the house feelings more so than things that actually happen. But here he had brought them into the house and his girlfriend had girlfriend, not girlfriend had said that I'm going to leave the keys in the car just in case we need to run. 00;58;27;14 - 00;58;48;11 Unknown And so she was anticipating being scared and she had something happen where it like she felt like she was being choked. my God. Went into there was like three living rooms in this house. And they went into one of the living rooms. They didn't go upstairs or anything, so they ran out of the house and the outside dog was the Saint Bernard at the time. 00;58;48;11 - 00;59;07;18 Unknown Opus and Opus never barked and Opus was barking like crazy and put herself in between the house and Dylan and his friends and the neighbor that they had a renter on the property and he heard the commotion, was shocked that Opus Barking came out to see what was going on, and they went to the car with him and the keys were gone. 00;59;07;18 - 00;59;33;06 Unknown They weren't in the ignition. So absolutely not. Right. So the renter on the property was Dylan back into the house to try to find the keys. They looked everywhere, couldn't find them, and Mark looked up. There was two sets of stairs going up and there's like one was the old like servants quarters area and the other was like the new addition and the stairs up to the bedrooms and stuff. 00;59;33;06 - 00;59;56;13 Unknown And they were on the corner of the banister basically like dangling. They were just barely on the banister. They didn't go upstairs. So what you talked about the ring and the carpet, you know, I was like, my God, that just totally, like resonated with the story he had just told. Yeah, that's super creepy. I would have been out of there in a split note. 00;59;56;13 - 01;00;21;11 Unknown Yeah, that's actually the key. Absolutely. Yeah. Though those things just they give me the. I've had my own sets of experiences over the years. I grew up in a haunted house, lived in a very old house growing up, and, I mean, I don't even know. I think it was 100 years old when we moved into it is very old and creepy and had a lot of weird stuff happen. 01;00;21;18 - 01;00;45;28 Unknown And we also clean daycare that I have. A lot of things happen. I've gotten to the point where I think we've got an understanding with each other. The ghosts know not to scare me anymore, but one night I was vacuuming and swear. I heard Jeremy come up behind me and say something. So I turned around and I was like, Hey, you want to take a break? 01;00;45;28 - 01;01;14;04 Unknown And there was nobody there. I mean, that's how certain that I was that I heard his voice and I turned around and he wasn't there. And I was like, So I'm like, Well, maybe the vacuum was making a weird noise on the carpet or something. I don't know. I tried to just shrug it off, and as I turned around, I got this cold burst of air right on the back of my neck like somebody was standing right behind me and just went right on the back of my neck. 01;01;14;05 - 01;01;40;10 Unknown And I stopped. I turned the vacuum off, calmly walked upstairs. I looked at Jeremy and I was like, We need to take a break. It's like, okay, where are we going? outside. Where are you? Okay, I'm like, I'll tell you outside. I didn't want to say it in there, know. Yeah, but we got so, like, he. Jeremy was mopping one night, wiping one of the floors because we clean this daycare. 01;01;40;10 - 01;02;01;26 Unknown And so he was mopping the floor one night, and all of a sudden he turned. He felt like somebody charred him. So he felt like somebody was, like, charging at him. So he turned and like, put the mop up, mop handle up to, like, defend himself. And we had lights turn on and off on us. And I feel like somebody's like playing with my hair. 01;02;02;00 - 01;02;25;14 Unknown But it's gotten to the point where the creepy stuff I think is doesn't happen as much anymore. It's more of the playful stuff. But I mean, literally one night I'm like, That's enough. I can't do this. Like, I wouldn't even go there by myself. And as a business owner, you have to go there by yourself sometimes. Yeah. There was so many different things, like interference with our headphones. 01;02;25;14 - 01;02;47;21 Unknown They have walkie talkies. The walkie talkies would go off by themselves and lights would flicker or shut off on you. And I'm like, No, no, this is not okay. No, that's not okay. No, I did for a minute. I had I don't know if this is even possible, but I rescued a dog one time and weird shit happened in my house the whole time that I had that thought. 01;02;47;24 - 01;03;04;05 Unknown And then when I found the home for the dog and all the weird stuff went away, it was super weird. I have no idea. Like if that's a thing, if it can attach itself to a dog. But I have the second I brought that dog into my house. So I came home one day, my front door was wide open. 01;03;04;08 - 01;03;24;27 Unknown I was freaking out because I cats that wanted to go outside all the time and I came home and all of them were in the living room, like sitting together. I would suppose it could be possible because they can attach to inanimate objects. Yeah. And people that they attached to a pet that was super weird and a lot of weird stuff happened in that house. 01;03;24;27 - 01;03;41;07 Unknown And then we would hear footsteps a lot. And my friend, she stayed with me so much that she basically lived there with me. She always hung out and then we went, Gah! The reason we even got that dog is we were going out to a town about an hour and a half away to pick up a mutual friend to bring her to hang out with us for a little while. 01;03;41;10 - 01;03;59;13 Unknown So that's when we found that dog. And so she was staying with us for a couple of weeks. We were all there and we were all convinced within a week we're like, There's something going on because you hear footsteps, people walking. There's nobody in the house. And the only thing upstairs was my bedroom. So we would talk about it with my friend's mom and she'd like brush off. 01;03;59;13 - 01;04;17;04 Unknown She's very skeptical. She's like, my gosh, you know, it's probably just something in the roof or maybe a rat or something. And she's trying to make all these, you know, rational reasons for why we hear all that. And then she had come over one day. We were all sitting in my kitchen in conversation. You just hear like, stop, stop, stop, like foot people's feet. 01;04;17;04 - 01;04;33;06 Unknown And you can look up and you can tell where they are. They start above you and then they move away, Right? How much you can you can tell. So she's like, Who's here with you guys? And we're like, Nobody says what we're telling you. so she didn't believe this. We immediately went upstairs. She walked around, there was nobody out there, and she never came over again. 01;04;33;13 - 01;04;55;04 Unknown Sorry, I'm not coming back over there. Well, that's Jeremy is a huge skeptic. It's like even though he's had things happen to him at the daycare, he tries to explain it. Yeah, explain it away, and, you know, like he'll come down. Were you upstairs playing with the lights? Now I've been down here. You or just in other things, too? 01;04;55;04 - 01;05;15;16 Unknown I don't remember. He came down and asked me something else once and I'm like, Don't tell me what happened until after we leave, because then I'm going to be on high alert. But my daughter, my youngest, she's 19. She was cleaning for us over the summer and stuff while she was waiting to go off to college and she was having all of these experiences there, too. 01;05;15;21 - 01;05;50;10 Unknown And she actually brought a friend of hers with and brought a pendulum. yeah. And we're like trying to communicate with it. And they did. They communicated with she said there's like four different from what she got out of this thing as a total amateur that there was four different spirits and but the one somehow she got the name Carlton and that he was the same age as her when he died and she started doing all of this research, she actually found the person. 01;05;50;10 - 01;06;10;07 Unknown But I don't know how the place used to be a clinic before it was a daycare, but when this guy passed away, it was in the in the thirties and there wasn't a clinic. There wasn't anything there where the building stands now in the thirties. But she literally found like the I'd have to have her tell me the story again. 01;06;10;07 - 01;06;31;26 Unknown But she gave me all the paperwork. She found the guy's name, what he died of, how old he was. They found his grave. And I'm like, I don't know how you got all this information and out of just doing this little session or whatever. But the craziest thing they were trying to record on their phone to see if they could get an EVP, his or anything. 01;06;32;02 - 01;06;54;27 Unknown And her friend went to put her phone in her pocket and they were done recording. They shut it off, they thought they did. And later she found that there was another recording. So either she bumped something and when she put it in her pocket or something turned it on. But you hear this voice, it's like you hear muffled talking of them, my daughter and her friend. 01;06;54;27 - 01;07;15;12 Unknown And then you can hear like the phone rustling in the pocket and then clear as day, you hear, Hey, I'm like, when she said that to me, shivers like hair standing up the back. I'm like, I'm not going to want to go there. Quit trying to do stuff there because you're going to stir it up. Like, just leave it be. 01;07;15;15 - 01;07;43;17 Unknown I love things haunted. I love things ghostly. I love the stories. I love, you know, talking about it. But I hate being scared, which is totally weird. I like being scared if I do it to myself, like if I play a scary movie at night and I'll do it to myself. But the other night, for whatever reason, I was like getting under my bed for something and my phone charger, They drop over there and I have this thing because I've watched horror movies my whole life about Under the Bed being a very characteristically scary place. 01;07;43;17 - 01;07;59;25 Unknown Yeah. So I crawl under there, I work on my nerve and I crawl under my bed and I finally get my charger and like, you know, you're I don't know if you do this, but my brain always does that. What if something scary happened right now? yeah, all the time. I'm like, What if you just turned around and there was a face next to you? 01;07;59;25 - 01;08;20;29 Unknown And I'm like, What would I do that to myself? So I turned around to, like, tell my brain there's nothing there. And to alleviate that immediate stress that just came up and I look over and I'm like, okay, there's something there. And I turn back around in my m f and cat has crawled in beside me. I almost took my whole bed down trying to get out from underneath that thing. 01;08;20;29 - 01;08;45;28 Unknown So I'm sure, well, here's not a scary thing, but a funny thing. We have two dogs. They're siblings, both our PA Blueblood Bulldogs, which is just kind of a larger version of an English bulldog. And so I wake up this morning, Maisy sleeping next to me. Jeremy was out editing. He's on an opposite shift schedule than I am right now. 01;08;46;06 - 01;09;07;00 Unknown And so Jeremy's in the garage editing and. He's I look looking all over the house, and our house isn't that big. I can't find Harley anywhere. We have all the doors shut, our loungeroom doors shut, the spare bedroom doors shut the game room door shut. So I have living room, kitchen, my bedroom and my bathroom and the other bathroom. 01;09;07;01 - 01;09;32;04 Unknown That's it. To check. He's nowhere. And I call for him. He's not coming. And I'm like, Where the hell is Harley? And so I'm like, Harley, you know, you want a treat? And I thought heard like, something in my bedroom. I go in there, he's not in there. So underneath, like we have our bed frame is the rails are so low that they can't fit under there. 01;09;32;04 - 01;09;58;27 Unknown Well he was under there but I was like, what the hell? I remembered I put my bed in zero G last night because it's an adjustable bed. All when I went into zero G and he went under the bed and what I was done watching TV and went to sleep. I put the bed down. He was stuck under there, wasn't making a peep, was doing. 01;09;59;00 - 01;10;33;06 Unknown I let him out, you know, he just because I was zero for four and he comes out, you know, dogs do that where they curl themselves into that little C formation. And yeah, he's just like, mom, what do you think? You have like, dude, no noises, whimpering, no barking. It was so funny. I But, well, anyway, I suppose we should probably wrap up and get to the rest of your night and get to eat your yummy home cooking that you spent all day working on. 01;10;33;06 - 01;10;53;20 Unknown No, I'm very excited. Hopefully, my efforts are all I'm be delicious. Well, thank you so much, Amanda for coming on and sharing your stories and it was so awesome to actually talk to you on the phone instead of you. I know. I'm so excited and I can't wait. And and we're teaming up on a lot of things. We're coming up. 01;10;53;20 - 01;11;11;22 Unknown So really excited to get to talk more with you. I am too. And we got to yeah, we have a lot of things coming up. It's exciting. I'm really excited for the next month. There's going to be a lot of good crossovers, a lot of great content, and it's going to be fun. All right. We're here for me, too. 01;11;11;26 - 01;11;34;15 Unknown Well, you have a great night. And again, thank you for doing this on such short notice now. Thank you for having me. Here is a pleasure. So awesome. I'm excited to hear it all put together and everybody go check out one Nothing podcast. It's definitely, definitely worth the listen, I love your show. Thank you. w0n for people searching it too. 01;11;34;20 - 01;12;02;10 Unknown Yeah, it's tricky. Yeah. All right. We'll have a good night. We'll talk to you later. Thank you. Bye bye. All right, Conundrum. Q We didn't want to leave you hanging, so we have one last creepy story to prevent you from sleeping tonight. Here is Courtney from Hunt Cast telling her bone chilling encounters. All right, guys, we have another special for you. 01;12;02;13 - 01;12;28;26 Unknown We have Courtney from Hantz Cast. Hey, Courtney. Hi. I'm doing great. Thanks for having me. I'm so to hear your stories. And we've actually been on the phone for a while, so we hit record Catching Up on some Ghosts. This stuff then. But yeah, I feel like we've shared like a lot of just like other like paranormal updates and stuff over the last hour or so. 01;12;28;26 - 01;12;46;00 Unknown But I have been keeping cards close to the chest for these other stories that I have for you, and I'm excited to share them with you. I think you're going to get a kick out of them. I am so excited. I've watched you and Farah and your collabs and heard some of your other stories, so I think it's going to be some good ones. 01;12;46;00 - 01;13;12;26 Unknown But why don't you give us a quick shout out about show and the ninja name, what it's all about? Yeah. So haunts podcast or haunts casts on social media, it's a narrative style podcast, so more not necessarily conversational back and forth like you and Jeremy have. It's very much like a scripted kind of story about various haunted locations and urban legends from around the world. 01;13;13;01 - 01;13;30;24 Unknown I tried to the best of my ability to, you know, take a skeptical look at all of these different hauntings that I'm talking about. But at the same time, I've also been doing paranormal research to some degree for coming up on nine years now. It's been about nine years since I went on this journey or began this journey. 01;13;31;00 - 01;13;55;00 Unknown So through the skepticism that I have for the stories that I'm telling and sharing, I also look at it from the point of view of, you know, various different theories and paranormal research and parapsychology. So it's an even mix of, you know, looking at things and trying to debunk them, but also giving credit where credit's due and explaining the story from kind of an analytical and hopefully objective space, if that makes sense. 01;13;55;01 - 01;14;12;11 Unknown We release episodes once a week overnight on Sunday nights and you can find us on pretty much every platform that there is. The easiest one is probably Apple Podcasts. I'm not going to lie. If you just type in haunts, it's going to be one of the first ones. And yeah, you can also follow me on social media at Heart's Cast. 01;14;12;11 - 01;14;37;03 Unknown I'm on Instagram, Twitter and for the time being, tick tock until it gets potentially taken away because I live in Montana, but Yeah, that's my little spiel about that. Tik tok may be taken away. Yeah. So they're doing a like a weird thing in the state of Montana where they're, I guess banning it I don't understand the fully the ins and outs of it, but my day job per se is in social media, so I've been paying close attention to that issue. 01;14;37;03 - 01;15;01;20 Unknown And I think that the main issue is, is they're not going to have it available on the app stores to purchase. But if you already have it, I'm under the impression that you can still use it. But it might be limited. And so to be honest, I just haven't put in a whole lot of hope there because obviously if it's going to get to the point where I can't use it anymore, I'd rather interact with you guys on various social media accounts, but there are some stuff there. 01;15;01;20 - 01;15;22;07 Unknown I do have a good time using the green screen effects, so if you want to check it out while the contents there, go for it. Yeah. Jerry wants to get into Tik tok. I haven't got into it. It's so fun. It's so fun. Actually. I think we just finally found cameras that we're going to use to start doing video recording. 01;15;22;11 - 01;15;47;06 Unknown And I'm so scared I will. Like, I don't want to have to worry about how I sound and what kind of facial expressions I'm making at the same time. Yeah, I feel that, but it's a great I just think it's a great platform, even just, if you like, are kind of scrolling. Like we talked before we started recording this about, you know, our, our mixed feelings about social media, let's say. 01;15;47;08 - 01;16;09;22 Unknown But one of the ones that like I just enjoy as like a platform to consume content is Tik Tok. And I think they have a lot of really fun features in the sense of like, you know, being able to use the greenscreen effect or being able to have copyrighted material in it without getting I think they have like special permissions in place to where it links back to the original creator in a specific way to where it's not. 01;16;09;28 - 01;16;27;14 Unknown that's nice. You know, infringing on copyright. Right. So, yes, you don't have to worry about it as long as you're doing everything in-app. You should be fine. Of course, that presents the potential for your your own stuff to get used by other creators. But it's a fun app just in general to be able to, you know, scroll and play with. 01;16;27;18 - 01;16;50;25 Unknown But I will. I'm not sure what the future holds for X. I think once one state bans that, I'm sure there will be others follow. Whether we like it or not. So definitely, I know I get stuck in the Facebook reels I've got. I have this same thing. I'll use it more for just watching. I haven't created any videos or anything myself yet, but yeah, it's there's so many different things out there. 01;16;50;26 - 01;17;07;29 Unknown I mean, half the time it's like you'll start one reel, you click on it and it's like, that's kind of cool. Then half an hour and then scrolling. Yes. Yeah. That's where like the downfall is. I'm like, I really should be doing something a little more productive with my time because same thing if you're on Instagram or like YouTube shorts, it's the short form content. 01;17;07;29 - 01;17;27;12 Unknown You're like, I can just scroll for a few minutes. Yeah. And then all of a sudden you're like an hour deep in this very strange rabbit hole that you've fallen down. But yes, again, if you guys want to check out the content, well, it's very well worth it for YouTube. All we do right now are that we have for YouTube. 01;17;27;12 - 01;17;47;17 Unknown We actually have different images changing and stuff on there. But other than like for our podcast, we just have the same image that's on the screen the whole time. So if people want to listen on YouTube, they can. But he's like, It gives us an opportunity for people to be able to feel like they get to know us too, you know? 01;17;47;18 - 01;18;10;01 Unknown Right, Right. It's just another way to like, you know, reach people that may not have otherwise because we all have our own favorite. I platforms to use. So, I mean, he's right for sure. He's way more into it than I was. But yeah, we were researching cameras and stuff the other day and I don't remember what they're called, but they're AI powered cameras. 01;18;10;02 - 01;18;31;19 Unknown Well, I'm not going to lie. That's a little scary. But yeah, it follows you. So it's I'm like, what do they call it? Not a dongle, but. I know what you're talking about. Kind of like a I also don't know the word for it, but it's almost like a pivot kind of. Yeah. So yeah, a lot of vloggers use that style of camera when they're out vlogging and this one actually has hand controls. 01;18;31;19 - 01;18;53;15 Unknown So you can make different motions with your hands, like zoom in, zoom out, it'll follow you and then it has like present mode and so like, let's say that's so cool, that's so scary. It is. And then like, it has a desk mode, so the camera will point down to your desk. So if you have a document or something that you want to share. 01;18;53;18 - 01;19;16;08 Unknown So I think it's more for like people who are doing like presentations for work and stuff. No, I mean, I feel like people are going to yeah, people can get on that for, definitely for like purposes. for sure. But at the same time, like the fact that it can, like, track you, I swear to God. I don't know if you guys know that movie Smart House that came out like that nineties or something, but it like took over right. 01;19;16;08 - 01;19;34;29 Unknown They took over their lives essentially like this is what it's coming to. Not I mean, we all use A.I. unfortunately at this point. And I think, you know, that's just a reality. We're going to have to deal with that every time it comes up and I learn something new, like a new development in the world of I am like, I don't know if I'm ready to mentally wrap my head around that. 01;19;35;04 - 01;19;58;12 Unknown Well, what we were talking about before, you know, being in the i.t world, I have like Alexa in our house, right? And I have, like, in our bedroom. I'll say, you know, I'll walk in and say good morning. The turns, the lights on stay the night it turns the lights off and I've set up different like our guest room was a command and I've gotten to the point where I've forgotten which commands that I set up. 01;19;58;12 - 01;20;20;16 Unknown But one day we put smart bulbs in the garage because when we have our Halloween party and our New Year's Eve party and stuff like that, I change the color of the bulbs with the app instead of having to actually physically the like, physically change it. That's nice. Well, we ended up taking them out. Jeremy put different lights and he put canned lights and now instead. 01;20;20;16 - 01;20;39;11 Unknown But at one point he's like, Can we please take the smart bulbs out of the garage? Because if you're not here and something happens, I have no lights in the garage because I had the app on my. my God. That's so true. Right? They were powered by her, but it was a different app that you set up to install. 01;20;39;11 - 01;20;58;16 Unknown And I was the only one that the app on iPhone. no. So he's like walking around in the dark. My worst fear stuck in the dark. There's nothing you could do. Or the some of them, when they disconnect the flash, they just keep flashing. so that was a that's even worse. I hate seeing, like, stuck in a strobe light. 01;20;58;17 - 01;21;23;15 Unknown Yeah. my gosh. So, yeah, maybe see the flaws in technology, even though I shouldn't say that because eventually they're going to become a lot smarter. definitely. Anyways. Exactly. But anyway, let's get into your stories. I'm so excited. Yeah. Yeah. So I have a few smaller stories. I was telling you about this when we first got on our call that to me go along the same theme. 01;21;23;15 - 01;21;45;10 Unknown They're all from like my childhood, if that makes sense. So in between I, I'd say maybe like ten to, let's say like seven, 17, 18. Okay. I mean, like I said earlier, I've been doing this for quite a while and in a more like serious, but I didn't pick up like paranormal research in the sense of like seriously doing it until I was in college. 01;21;45;10 - 01;22;10;06 Unknown So all of these stories are from when I had at least some sort of like passing curiosity or, you know, skeptical interest in the paranormal. But for the most part, these are just experiences that kind of scared the crap out of me before I truly understand or understood, like what was going on. Now, I think in my adult life and after I've gained a little bit more experience in this area, they probably wouldn't seem as frightening. 01;22;10;06 - 01;22;27;29 Unknown But when you're in it in that moment, it definitely does. And I will say you'll see in one of them, my dad, he and I both believe in the paranormal to the same, but he's definitely a little bit more fearful of it. And I'm one of these occasions he was like, Stop talking, you're freaking me out. I don't want to have anything to do with this. 01;22;27;29 - 01;22;49;12 Unknown So I'm going to try to do this the best I can in the chronological order. Okay. Obviously this happened like decades ago. So there's going to be, you know, possibly some discrepancies in terms of timelines. But the first one happened. I want to say like maybe when I was like around 10 to 11, maybe 12 years old, I was still living like my first childhood home. 01;22;49;12 - 01;23;10;04 Unknown So I like to think of my childhood in two separate chapters. The first one went up until I was 15 ish. I was living in Augusta, my parents and our first like family home, and then the other half when I was like in high school and stuff like that. We moved to a town just outside of Atlanta, and that's kind of where both of these stories will take place. 01;23;10;07 - 01;23;28;12 Unknown All of these stories will take place. So the first one we were living in Augusta. Then, like I said, I had to have been around like ten or 12 and. I remember I had come home from school. It was a weekend and I've always been kind of a nap person. So after like a long week, I don't have to do any homework as long as a week that a ten year old can have. 01;23;28;14 - 01;23;54;06 Unknown I like decided to take a nap on this particular day. So I went up to my childhood bedroom and I had the habit of turning on the TV every time I fell asleep. It's obviously not very good sleep hygiene, but when I was younger that was just something that I did. So I turned on the TV and I got in bed and I hadn't like complete dozed off yet, but I was like, you know, kind of half paying attention to the TV, half trying to relax and, you know, fall asleep. 01;23;54;06 - 01;24;14;18 Unknown And I'm one of the times when I open my eyes, look at the TV. I saw this, like, dark, cloaked figure in front of me. And at first, which is what you guys are probably thinking, I'm like, I must be dreaming this. Or, you know, looking back at it now as an adult, I'm like, Maybe this is sleep paralysis, except I can move. 01;24;14;21 - 01;24;31;13 Unknown And when you see it, obviously it jolts you out of any sort of state of relaxation that you might be in. So I like wake up and I look at it and it's still there. It's just like this, like dark. The best way I can describe it not to bring this back to a place of Harry Potter, but the best way I can describe it is like a small Dementor, okay? 01;24;31;15 - 01;24;53;19 Unknown Just like a like a cloaked figure. Not really any sort of like facial features. It kind had some places where I should be a place where a mouth should be, but not that they were an actual mouth or actual eyes or anything like that. And I remember like staring at it for a second and then kind of getting my wits together and literally running through whatever this thing was, if there was anything there to begin with. 01;24;53;19 - 01;25;07;24 Unknown And like, you know, I can't remember if there was like, you know, a chiller or anything like that, I don't want to say that that's the case, but I just remember that I literally shot up out of my bed and ran directly through it because it was in between myself where. My bed was in the door, so I ran downstairs. 01;25;07;24 - 01;25;27;03 Unknown I'm like freaking out. And this is when my dad is like, What are you talking about? And poor guy, I'm like, You have to go up there like something is in my room He's like, and he's like, No, you were dreaming. You know, you're dreaming. Like, I don't want to deal with that because, I mean, obviously maybe not so obviously, but people around that age have a lower spiritual ego. 01;25;27;03 - 01;25;48;14 Unknown And if you don't know what that is, it basically means that, like, you're more open to the paranormal and the other side because you don't necessarily know better. They say that a lot for like babies, but it happens to kids throughout their adolescence. So he was like really freaking out because he's like, okay, like, you probably can see something, but I'm not going to be able to see if I go up there, which leaves me defenseless. 01;25;48;14 - 01;26;07;04 Unknown So he goes up there and of course he doesn't see anything. But poor guy, he was like really stressed out and he comes back down. He's like, Do not ever do anything like that again. That was like genuinely terrifying. And of course, now is like the rest of my childhood. Poor guy like. And even like before that, like when I was even younger and just like, had a bad dream, he was always very much like, Don't tell me about it. 01;26;07;04 - 01;26;21;19 Unknown I don't want to know about it. Like, even if I went in there in the middle of the night, like into my parents room for comfort, as most kids do, he Yeah, he just I think that moment really freaked him out to the point where he's like, Nope, if you have a bad dream and you need something, you better go to your mom. 01;26;21;19 - 01;26;41;21 Unknown Like, I don't she she doesn't believe in this. I do. I don't want to have anything to do with it. Well, and I'm sure he saw the fear, the pure fear that you had, I mean, down there. So I'm sure that probably jolted him even more. Right. And poor guy, like he never has been one to discredit me when I've had like some sort of an experience. 01;26;41;21 - 01;27;00;12 Unknown Like he I firmly believe that he believed me. And he has anytime that I have told him, like, I've had this experience even now at like nearly 30 years old, he like, takes into consideration that what I'm saying true. Because he's like, you're not going to tell me something just to mess with me because you know how freaked out I get by it. 01;27;00;12 - 01;27;22;27 Unknown He seems like one that believes kind of I am, I believe. But I don't want to experience necessarily, right? I mean, if I'm going Yeah. If I'm trying to like if we go out goes hunting, then it's a little bit different. But I don't want something just out of the blue. Spooky. Yeah, Yeah, exactly. I mean, I spoke about this a little bit of the Segway. 01;27;22;29 - 01;27;46;07 Unknown I spoke about this on an episode a few weeks back. I was talking about the Stanley Hotel, and I stayed there, you know, a couple of years ago, after a friend's wedding, she got married, like, so. Yeah, she got married not far away from there. And my dad being, you know, a loving and supportive father when I was a kid, first started, like, getting into like, because I've always loved, like, horror movies and stuff like that. 01;27;46;07 - 01;28;08;26 Unknown And I've read the book like The Shining countless times. So when I was younger, he's always like, We should go and stay at the Stanley and I took that to heart. So when the opportunity arose, he was like, okay, I guess like we have to. I'm terrified. But like, yeah, like when I had that experience there, we like, he couldn't believe it, but he was like seeing lights turning on and off in the window. 01;28;08;26 - 01;28;31;20 Unknown And he was so freaked out that he, like, served his own sort of justice and kind of had me go investigate on my own, which I was already one step ahead of him. But yeah. Did you and your mom go up for something and he's stayed there? Yeah. So for your listeners in case you haven't, like, you know, come across this episode or heard of my show, we were staying at the Stanley and I was downstairs on the patio and we were just about order. 01;28;31;26 - 01;28;48;11 Unknown We just had order drinks to have like a pre-dinner cocktail. None of us had been drinking up until that point in our our drinks weren't even there yet. We literally just place the order and he started looking up at like the fourth floor, which is the one that's supposed to be the most haunted in that hotel. And he's like, Hey, like that. 01;28;48;13 - 01;29;03;16 Unknown That light is going on and off. Is that your room? And I'm like, Yeah, it is. So, you know, he's like, No, there's got to be somebody in there. Like, that can't be your room. And if it is, then like, you know, a hotel staff member is like having go with you. Like it's not, that can't be real. 01;29;03;21 - 01;29;29;22 Unknown So my mom and I go upstairs to check it out. And by the time that we'd gotten up there, it had stopped. But he called me and told me, like it stopped literally as you were walking around, you know. And I think that for him was his first real experience. Else he had experienced second hand, but like he watched it for probably a good 5 minutes because I didn't want to get in the elevator just because, number one, it was really crowded. 01;29;29;22 - 01;29;46;26 Unknown And number two, it's very and I just didn't want to risk it. So we walked all the way up the stairs. So it had it had been like, you know, coming up on 5 minutes. And he was like, I have no way to explain that. I don't want to explain that. I don't want to be here. Well, so that's kind of a, you know, a tidbit about my dad. 01;29;46;26 - 01;30;06;26 Unknown He's never discredited me and he's encouraged it, no matter how much it freaking out. So I think I kind of owe my interest in this area to him to some degree. Definitely. Even though he probably despises me for it. But, you know, at least he's a good dad. That's like, boy, I opened the up too much to it. 01;30;06;28 - 01;30;31;02 Unknown Yeah. He's like, okay, she's expressing some interest in like, you know, horror movies. Let's, you know, nurture that and bond because he does like horror movies, ones that aren't real. But when it comes to real, like actual like hauntings, he doesn't want to have anything to do with it. But I think him his effort to bond with me when it comes to like, let's watch this scary movie together turned into let's go hunt ghosts together. 01;30;31;02 - 01;30;50;25 Unknown And he just doesn't want anything to do with it. But that's funny. So yeah, so that was the incident in my, like, first childhood bedroom that was like, don't want to say that that was my first paranormal experience because to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if that's the case, but that's like one of the first ones that stuck with me that's I can still remember now. 01;30;50;27 - 01;31;08;09 Unknown Yeah. And it's been like nearly 20 years since that happened. But like it was that jarring. And to this day, it's like it's not the only thing that I've seen, only shadow figure per say, but it was definitely the most tangible and I was so young. It's just something that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget. 01;31;08;09 - 01;31;32;26 Unknown Definitely nods. Yeah. Let's fast forward to, you know, a couple of years we had moved from that house in Augusta to the one that's, you know, suburban Atlanta area, and this was like around the time that I was experiencing what can only be described as like poltergeist like activity, which makes sense given the age that I was. I was around 15, 16 when this occurred. 01;31;32;26 - 01;31;54;05 Unknown Yeah. So, like, I don't know if you know much about Poltergeist, but they say it's like, possible that it's psycho like kinetic. Yes. You know. Yeah. Like, I'm not really sure I agree with it. Yeah. But I've gotten and have had discussions with people about it because there a friend of mine used to think that Poltergeist just meant it was moving around. 01;31;54;05 - 01;32;14;21 Unknown And I'm like, No, hold her, guys. There's usually something that somebody in the could be causing, Right? Right. I have like, I've heard mixed theories about it. And again, this is something that I spoke on recently, but like on the show. But to me, it's either going to be one of two things. And I really have mixed feelings towards both of these theories. 01;32;14;21 - 01;32;39;06 Unknown But one of them is obviously like psycho kinesis. Typically somebody around that age, like 15 early teen years when you're going through puberty and you're facing a lot of these changes, sometimes that emotional stress can manifest in a physical way on the environment, even though you have no control over it. And then there's the other side of that, which just some of my own personal experiences this point. 01;32;39;06 - 01;33;02;24 Unknown Now, as an adult, I still encounter this sort of activity from time to time, and I don't think that I am at that like stress level or emotional level as I was when I was a teen. So unless like something else is going on, I just don't know if older guys are necessarily psycho kinesis. But it is an interesting take and I think that is like the main kind of understanding of it or like the leading theory when it comes to poltergeist activity. 01;33;02;24 - 01;33;20;18 Unknown But I'll step off that soapbox and just kind of explain what was happening to me this time. So again, this was had to do with my bedroom. I wasn't asleep at this point in time. I was I remember that I was like reading. Maybe I wasn't watching TV at this time or anything like that. I was fully awake. 01;33;20;20 - 01;33;37;28 Unknown So had it been like reading or maybe I was doing homework, I can't remember the specifics, but my bed started shaking, which If you know anything about like Paranormal Activity or like demonic stuff, Not that this was necessarily a demon, but it's not a good sign. And I sat there for a minute and I'm like, okay, this doesn't make sense. 01;33;37;28 - 01;34;02;08 Unknown But there was a part of me that, for whatever reason, had tricked my mind into thinking that it was maybe the air conditioning cutting on because there was a vent that like, came down like right above my bed, if that makes sense. You are trying to rationalize the movements. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I am like, and then I didn't think that was possible just because it's like it's a queen sized bed and like, the air conditioning isn't going to make that rattle to that degree. 01;34;02;08 - 01;34;20;25 Unknown Like it was like, you know, those beds like back in the eighties at, like, hotels and stuff where you could put a quarter and they were like vibrating. It was like that. I would freak that move pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. So it stopped after a while and I went back to what I was doing. And mind you, this must have been like 1030, 11:00 at night. 01;34;20;25 - 01;34;36;14 Unknown I was still up at my parents had gone to sleep. So whatever I was doing, I had gotten back to it after it stopped because I'm like, okay, well like that was like creepy, but it was probably the air conditioning or something like that. A little while later, it happens again and I wait for it to stop and this time it doesn't. 01;34;36;18 - 01;35;00;28 Unknown So I'm like, okay, I have to leave. I get to be intervening. But at the same time, like I said earlier, my dad really doesn't like want to know about this. And for that matter, at 15, 16 years old, I'm way too old to go into my parents room and be like, Hey, I'm having a nightmare. Some thoughts, even though I've got where I'm coming in. 01;35;01;00 - 01;35;19;06 Unknown So I, I call my mom on my cell phone and she answers like in a panic. I was like, most moms would when your child is calling you right in the middle of the night, even if she is right down the hall. And I'm like, Hey, don't tell Dad. But in here, like, come in my room. And I'd like, there's something happening and I need somebody to see this. 01;35;19;06 - 01;35;35;14 Unknown So she comes in and it's like shaking. So I'm not, you know, the only one seeing this. And I'm asking her, like, do you see what's happening to my bed? Because I feel like I'm, like, losing, like losing it a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I don't I mean, this shouldn't be happening, you know? It's like that is vibrating. 01;35;35;17 - 01;35;52;28 Unknown It goes somebody, you know, using the garage door because my bedroom was like the loft above the garage. So she and I go downstairs to look and see and like obviously our we have no arm in this house and no one was using the garage door. And on top of that, it was just the bed. It wasn't like the rest of the room. 01;35;53;00 - 01;36;11;02 Unknown And when you have a room that's above a garage, for those of you who don't know, I guess it will kind of vibrate the whole thing. Like you can't be in any one part of it and not feel the garage door opening. It's not annoying by any means or like physically distressing, but it's apparent. And this was much more aggressive and it was only my bed. 01;36;11;10 - 01;36;31;07 Unknown So we go back up and she's like, I'm just going to, like, stay in here with you and like, see if maybe we can like, figure it out. Because at that point it, it stopped. Okay. So she and I stayed in there and happened a couple more times and we couldn't figure out what it was. It scared her enough to the point where she went to the church the following day and like, got one of those like, little bottles of holy water. 01;36;31;07 - 01;36;47;17 Unknown We, I grew up Catholic, so This is very much like she was like, we need to get the church involved. If this thing has the ability to like, move the bed. We've all seen The Exorcist. Yeah, I think that's like where her mind went or like maybe like Poltergeist or something like that. It really, it like the movie Poltergeist. 01;36;47;17 - 01;37;14;12 Unknown It really freaked her out. And she was. She's even more skeptical than I am. Not that I'm like a huge skeptic, but like, you know, she and I both were like, I have no words for what this could be. So she went to the church in local parish and got just a little bottle of holy water from the font and then came back and she had this crucifix that had the little basically a holy water fountain like right in it that you could put water from, that you take home from your local church to keep in your room. 01;37;14;12 - 01;37;47;06 Unknown So she brought that and put it in my room and then hung another one in there and it never happened again. But one thing that I always was kind of interesting about it looking back now, is that the bed faced a mirror and I'm not totally into like feng shui and stuff. I know that Nia's act is obviously Portland, and I want to say that you're not supposed to don't quote me on this, but I want to say that you're not supposed to have your bad facing that, nor are you supposed to have it facing a window because it invites things in. 01;37;47;07 - 01;38;05;15 Unknown I've heard you while you're sleeping. I've heard that. Yeah. So I don't know, like it never happened. What she like again after she put the, like, the holy water in the crucifix and stuff in there. But it's just interesting that, like, that's what it took and maybe it's something was just happening with the house or, you know, I truly have no explanation for it. 01;38;05;15 - 01;38;27;00 Unknown So I guess if you guys have other theories for what it could be, feel free to message today and let me know. But for now, I've heard people was waking up like I've had that happen when I was growing up. Like I'd wake up to the bad vibrating, but usually it would stop. But being awake and physically having like body only. 01;38;27;00 - 01;38;45;28 Unknown Right? And yeah, and like, that was the thing too. Didn't want to leave while it was happening, even though I was like terrified because I was like, if it stops and I go to, like, physically get them, it's like it's going to stop. And then they're not going to believe me. And it's amazing to me that it even continued after she came in the room. 01;38;45;28 - 01;39;06;14 Unknown Right. And I think furniture manufacturers need to rethink putting mirrors on all of these dressers, right? Because it's like that was my sliding closet door. Like they've since changed it. I'm not sure if that's why I will say it was kind of hideous, but whoever lived there before us put a bunch of stickers all over it. So when I moved out, my mom was like, We got to get rid of this thing. 01;39;06;14 - 01;39;27;25 Unknown But yeah, like that. The mirror in there is no more. It hasn't obviously happened again, but to this day, she now like, I don't know what could have caused that and I don't think she's ever told my dad that it happened because it would have given him major anxiety and he's like, yeah, this we got to move because he's always said like, you know, if the house tells him to get out, he doesn't care. 01;39;27;25 - 01;39;58;28 Unknown He's sleeping. The same day. funny. Yeah. So and then this last one, my I feel like my, my dad has just been surrounded by paranormal activity between like me and my grandma, who this next story is about. She was, like, full Japanese. She moved over here, like, to the United States after the Second World War. And obviously the Japanese people are very, very spiritual and they have a lot of superstitions when it comes to the paranormal. 01;39;59;05 - 01;40;21;21 Unknown And I think it's because they have such a profound urge. Honestly, Asian cultures in general have like a very profound, like respect for ancestors that they have in the past. And like I will say, this might be a little sad, but my grandma, when she was getting closer to her passing, she had a lot of weird well, me and my mom and my dad two can only describe as paranormal activity. 01;40;21;21 - 01;40;43;01 Unknown We genuinely think she was seeing that people in our house and like we couldn't see it. Obviously, because we're not at that level of, let's say, spiritual maturity, as she writes at the time. So she had a lot of like strange things to say when we were towards like the last couple of years of her life. The first one, one of my uncles, sadly, he passed away as well. 01;40;43;01 - 01;41;11;05 Unknown And she like knew and she was so cognizant at this. But like unfortunately her dementia was kind of this is when it started to onset. So maybe this was all like dementia, sort of hallucinations. I hate to put it that way, but just to give the skeptic side of the argument, this is what I've heard. But she at one point after he passed away, not long after she and my mom were eating lunch and like obviously in the kitchen and she just like, finishes eating, she puts her fork down and looks at my mom. 01;41;11;05 - 01;41;27;28 Unknown She goes, okay, what do we do now? And my mom, you know, thinking logically, is like, well, what do you want to do? Do you want to go watch TV? Or I can help you go downstairs and you can. So like, some stuff. She was a big like she was a seamstress when she was younger. So as she got older, she still enjoyed that hobby. 01;41;27;28 - 01;41;42;00 Unknown So she's like offering, you know, activities to do, like let's go watch TV or do you want to, like, maybe go sit outside for a little while? Do you want to go downstairs? And so like, what do you want to do? And my grandma cuts her off and she's like, No, what are we going to do with the body? 01;41;42;07 - 01;42;02;07 Unknown And my mom's like, What body you talking about? And she goes, you know, And my mom was like, No, I don't. And then she just kind of like, looks at her, gets up, like, I'm going to go in here. I'm like, watch TV. And I was like, okay, you do that because you're freaking me out. And then not long after that, this happened over the course of, let's say, like, you know, several months and then it stopped. 01;42;02;07 - 01;42;26;00 Unknown And then as she got closer to her time, she saw things a bit more, but we weren't sure what was causing that. This was still while she was with us for like the most part, if that makes sense, mentally. So I'd say maybe like a few months later she is sitting in her sitting area. We have like the main, like living room, living space downstairs. 01;42;26;00 - 01;42;47;26 Unknown But there was another like wing to her house where there was a mother in law suite. And then across the hall from that was like a little sitting area that she used to like watch TV and just like relax and stuff. If she didn't want to be around my mom and I watching whatever it is that we're watching, and she's sitting in there and my mom's in there like kind of talking to and I come in a short while later and we're just watching a baseball game. 01;42;47;26 - 01;43;06;05 Unknown She she was a big Braves fan, so she was watching that. And then she's like kind of like not really paying attention to it after some time. And she's kind of like laughing to herself. And my mom and I are like, What are you doing? And she all of a sudden stops giggling to herself and looks at us and she goes, Where did they go? 01;43;06;08 - 01;43;25;05 Unknown And we're like talking. We're like, we called her talki who are you talking about? And she goes, The little boys that were just playing there. hell no. And my mom's like, There are no little boys playing there with me, because at this point I will say this is kind of getting into the early stages of my interest in paranormal research. 01;43;25;05 - 01;43;48;26 Unknown I wouldn't say that like, I was fully understanding, but I did kind of want to know more at that time about like just this field general. So I ended up asking her, like, what did they look like? And she was like, like their younger two little boys had like full haircuts. And she described them specifically as being which in my mind kind of translated like maybe she saw somebody who we were related to. 01;43;48;28 - 01;44;06;26 Unknown So, like, maybe, I don't know, like she she seemed to be like very, adamant of like, this is what they look like. But yeah, after that, she just kind of went about her business like it wasn't any big deal. Meanwhile, my mom and I are like, What is she singing? Like, this is the second time the last couple of months that she said, So I'm just like out of pocket. 01;44;06;26 - 01;44;28;23 Unknown Totally. I'm creepy thing. Yeah. Yeah. We're like, okay. Like that was strange. But again, early onset, not early onset, but just in the beginning stages of dementia. So maybe sadly to think of it this way, maybe you there's nothing for us to worry about. But fast forward to Christmas of maybe it was that year or maybe it was the year following. 01;44;28;23 - 01;44;49;07 Unknown I think it was that year, but I can't say for certain. We used to host like the entirety of our extended family at my mom and dad's house when I was growing up, just because it was a centralized point for people who lived various regions like, like reaches of the Southeast. So people were coming from South Carolina, Tennessee, people coming from Florida, stuff like that. 01;44;49;07 - 01;45;14;02 Unknown So we had everybody there. Everybody was like staying in our house and my grandma pulls my mom aside and it's like, Hey, where did everybody go? And I'm like, No one's left Corki. Everybody's still here. And my grandma goes on to explain, No, like there were again, she described them as Japanese people, but they were young women. This time that were sitting in the living like in her sitting area with her. 01;45;14;07 - 01;45;33;01 Unknown And she, I guess, came to or turned around or whatever you want to call it, and realized that they were no longer there. And that's when she gets up and comes into the living room where everybody else's and starts asking like, where her friends had gone, where did everybody go? And at that point, my mom was like, okay, Courtney, you deal with this since this is your area of expertise. 01;45;33;01 - 01;46;01;20 Unknown So I had to like, you know, again, kind of like, you know, like, I don't know where they went, Like, I'm sure they'll be back. Do you want to come watch TV with us or can I help you get back into your sitting area? Because she keep in mind, she was not in the best of role. But yeah, it's was like over the course of that year or so, she just would come to us and basically tell us about people that she was sure she could see, but like none of us could and obviously my dad was just like not having it. 01;46;01;20 - 01;46;25;18 Unknown So it was really me and my mom trying to like, figure it out for her and explain you might be seeing somebody from the other side because she also believed ghosts and stuff like that. But yeah, obviously my childhood and my grandmother's latter years were a bit more paranormal charged. Hopefully you get a kick out of those. I thought they were just like fun kind of random stories that I haven't been able to share anywhere. 01;46;25;18 - 01;46;45;25 Unknown Yeah, my family had a lot of weird experiences over the years. Well, and it's funny, like a couple of the things that you were talking about with your grandma story resonated. My mom passed from leukemia when she was 32. I was four. Sorry. thank you. I was like 14 or 15 when she passed. I can't remember exactly. 01;46;46;00 - 01;47;08;01 Unknown One time we were sitting in the kitchen and mind you, at point she was quite a bit. I think at that point she was on morphine hit the button type thing. Yeah. But so she was in the, in her wheelchair in the ah in the kitchen and we were doing dishes and all of a sudden she's like looking at her hand and I'm looking at her and I'm like, What? 01;47;08;01 - 01;47;33;11 Unknown What are you looking at? She's like, Well, what do you mean? And I'm like, What? What do you seen? She's like, You don't see all the little creatures. And I was like, my God, I would have freaked out. But what she's like there on my hand. You don't see them? No, I don't, you know, But I know it's stuff like that and I just, I don't know, solution from the medication or. 01;47;33;11 - 01;47;56;03 Unknown Right. But it was like she just looked at me like they're there. You don't see them. And I'm like, Yeah. And it's very matter of fact. Right, right. So when you were straight, there was a specific set of words that you said, I can't pinpoint what it was right now, but when you said that was how your grandmother said it was exactly how my mom said it, and I was just like, right. 01;47;56;03 - 01;48;15;26 Unknown I was like, my gosh, But you can't see them. Like it's right there. Like just very matter of fact, very calm. It's like kind of going back to what I was saying earlier about the spiritual ego. When you're a young kid, you can't differentiate between living person and a spirit. Don't have the full understanding of what a spirit is like. 01;48;15;26 - 01;48;42;05 Unknown You don't understand the concept of mortality. So how can you understand the concept of paranormal activity in the spiritual plane? Same thing can kind of be said for older individuals. Unfortunate. I want to say say it like that, but for lack of a better phrasing, when you kind of sort of go back in terms of your capabilities, in terms of, you know, mobility and stuff like that, sometimes it can be easy to fall back into those childlike way of looking at the world. 01;48;42;06 - 01;49;01;20 Unknown And I think that was what was happening to her. These were real, I mean, and I'm sure they were real people, but like living people, but they weren't. And she was getting kind of a glimpse into this, into the other side of the veil, mainly because she's closer to it and her mind is kind of I forget the word we're generating back. 01;49;01;21 - 01;49;23;19 Unknown Is that. Yeah. Phrasing? Yes, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. Like it. She was going back to that state. Her spiritual ego was a lot lower like that of a child. Not that she was any less intelligent because she was a very smart woman up until the end. Right. But her the way that her mind was operating was in a higher spiritual state than like, say, mine was at 17 01;49;23;21 - 01;49;45;09 Unknown So I couldn't see them. And she could Mom couldn't see them, but she could. And I think that's true for like a lot of people, like you hear those stories about people who are, you know, in the hospital and they like maybe have had like a near-death experience or something like that. And they can see people in their room like they're, you know, next of kin for say, can't see. 01;49;45;12 - 01;50;15;23 Unknown And they're explaining it to people. And like, that's comforting in the sense of maybe you're not alone when you pass on like there's somebody to help usher you to the other side. Definitely. But also for the living in the ones who stay here after you're gone. It can be quite eerie to hear those stories listening back. Yeah. So my grandma also suffers from Alzheimer's and it's it got to the point where right now we had my aunt had to put her into a assisted living memory care. 01;50;15;26 - 01;50;39;13 Unknown So she still has her own apartment, but it's in a locked unit and a memory. You know, it's in the long term care center, but it's. Yeah, so but she still her independence of her own apartment and it's getting worse and worse. But before we moved her to that assisted living, she had a fall. She was still in her apartment, and we knew her memory was starting to go. 01;50;39;18 - 01;51;03;19 Unknown We were getting brains of it. And so anyway, she was at one of her neighbors apartment and she tripped on one of their a rug or something and fell into the lady's closet. so banged up pretty bad. So. Yeah. my gosh. Yeah My aunt stayed with her for a week, and then I went up and stayed with her for a week and she wasn't able to sleep comfortably in her bed. 01;51;03;19 - 01;51;25;23 Unknown So she was sleeping in her recliner and I would sleep on the couch right next to her. And the one night we fell asleep watching TV and I woke up to her, like trying to do some kind of to get out of her recliner. She couldn't even cut the foot part down. And I, like Jarred Awake because I heard her rustling around over there. 01;51;25;29 - 01;51;50;12 Unknown And all of a sudden she looks at me and she goes, Where did they go? And I was like, No, who, where, where did you go? And she's like, the ladies. And I'm like, What ladies? You know, I like, Look at her. What are you talking about? Yeah, it's just a little lamp on in there. And here she's, like, trying to, like, she was barely able to move, and now she's, like, doing gymnastics to get out of this chair. 01;51;50;15 - 01;52;12;03 Unknown Well, I ended up asking enough questions, so it wasn't anything supernatural. It was. She was remembering the show that was on before we went. okay. But she thought that they were in her apartment. God. Okay. But. Well, I mean, hey, that might be what was happening for at least on some of the occasions for my grandma. 01;52;12;09 - 01;52;35;15 Unknown But but it was the that I we still I drilled down enough with her because she said things that triggered with me. And so I figured it out. But that uneasiness of what do you mean? Who, where, what? You know. So I would say that that, you know, with your grandma, it sounded more to me because it was more Asian. 01;52;35;17 - 01;53;02;22 Unknown She was always describing like Asian people. True. Where like some of the like people I think we fell asleep watching Wonder Woman or something. So she was like describing these, you know, women that had these big muscles and stuff. So kind of figured it out pretty easily. Know. But your grandma was like, that was on TV. Yeah. After we she started, she's like, well, she had a belt and she had, you know, So first it was very generic. 01;53;02;26 - 01;53;26;14 Unknown She's like, she was muscular. She had the thing on her head. I'm like, The TV show that we were watching. Yeah. And I guess to like the the stuff that happened with my grandma, I mean, I don't know what she was watching on Christmas, so who knows? But obviously to, you know, younger boys are not going to be playing baseball for the Braves. 01;53;26;21 - 01;53;49;06 Unknown So. No, no, no, definitely not. But it's just funny how even just with her saying that though even though it was like I just automatically went to who who's in here with us because my grandma was one that she she did believe in the paranormal She a little back story they had my grandma and grandpa had a son that died when he was seven years old. 01;53;49;09 - 01;54;14;05 Unknown He crossed the road to go play at his friend's house and he got hit by a car and died. I'm so sorry and so awful to hear. It is is. I could not imagine. And my grandma was going through. It's almost a blessing, which sounds really may sound really heartless that she has dementia now because, you know, my mom passed so lost Mikey when he was seven. 01;54;14;05 - 01;54;35;27 Unknown My mom passed at 33 and my grandpa passed a few years after my mom. And then now my uncle just passed a couple of years ago and that was right when that dementia was starting to get bad. So at his funeral we had to keep reminding her what we were there for and. So a woman who had five children is down to two. 01;54;35;28 - 01;54;54;17 Unknown And, you know, she's pushing 90. So it's like it's almost I almost feel like it may be a blessing because she's living her best life right now. It's all about bingo and happy hour. And then yeah, the room mate, hopefully. Yeah. Hopefully he's forgotten some of the pain rides. You're right. And that is a blessing if that's the case. 01;54;54;17 - 01;55;17;13 Unknown Obviously there are tough road ahead, but hopefully now she can enjoy some peace. Yeah, she seems to really love where she's staying and so she's, you know, things have to be reminded people that, you know, we were talking on face time. I was on face with her. It was on my phone with me talking to my sister and my nephews. 01;55;17;13 - 01;55;38;29 Unknown And she looked at the phone and she sat herself down the corner. She's like, okay, I'm on your phone. Or, you know, And then she's like, look at those cute little boys that are on your phone, like forgetting We're like, having a conversation what was going on. Yeah, Yeah. She has the A-word in her room so we can drop in in her living room. 01;55;39;02 - 01;56;22;08 Unknown yeah. Okay. And anyways, I'll drop in and in her apartment sometimes it's like, look at you. So tiny on the little screen. How did you get in that box? You know? just little. And it's, like, adorable, though. It is. It's. But like you said, it's kind of that regression back to childhood. Yeah. Most so Right. And it there's an innocence there that I think it opens you up to like that sort of those experiences because again to them like it's not it's not anything of the ordinary but for us who aren't with them, like I said spiritually like on that same kind of like understanding, yeah, it can be jarring obviously. 01;56;22;08 - 01;56;44;04 Unknown And I think, yeah, she definitely had some strange experiences towards those last couple of years. She was with us. I love the casualness of it though, to just where they go, where they go very like just obviously everybody can see them, but they just disappeared. Right. And it's just very of fact for her. Well and isn't she was great. 01;56;44;04 - 01;57;10;15 Unknown But isn't Atlanta known to be super haunted as well? Yeah. So that's I will say probably a lot of the East Coast just in general is but the areas that I lived in, in like the Atlanta area were more closer. I Atlanta, because it's like the closest major city in the metropolitan area is massive. But we were really close to, you know, the north Georgia mountains, more so than we were at the city of Atlanta. 01;57;10;19 - 01;57;27;13 Unknown One thing that like my husband and I when we were living in that area experience was that we just had like a lot of strange activity because we were so close to the Appalachian Trail ahead of us. So so yeah, there was like a lot of stuff there. There's also a lot of sadly like Civil War battlefields there. 01;57;27;14 - 01;57;56;23 Unknown So there's just like a lot of energy in and around that town. I don't want to say like Atlanta specifically is like really haunted, but like cities close by. Definitely. Yeah. Like I heard that kind like more of the little suburbs outside of Atlanta. Yeah, like the town of Acworth. I used to work over in that area when I was in college, in that town it was so haunted, like I worked at, at that office and that that's office which just like, haunted, but like, not by what you think. 01;57;56;25 - 01;58;13;22 Unknown Like we don't know what was in there, but we had like, ah, the practice manager of this hospital. She was very, you know, freaked out by the paranormal and she always hated it when I brought it up. But one day she pulls me into the office and I'm like, okay, I'm in trouble. Like, what'd I do? You know, look at the security footage. 01;58;13;22 - 01;58;37;23 Unknown So we're watching it, and you can see this figure going back and forth in like the hospital area. The way that the office was set up was the front office, which was where I spent a lot of my time doing, like client service stuff. And then you have the hospital, which was like surgery and like the exam rooms and like the the back part of the, you know, where we brought animals to, you know, do like nail trims or stuff like that. 01;58;37;23 - 01;59;00;10 Unknown Like you know, basic veterinary care that didn't necessarily need to be done in the room in front of a doctor or by a doctor. Right. And then in the back there was the kennel and like, you know, play like daycare area, like play place for the dogs. So we saw somebody like walking around in like the veterinary, like the actual hospital part, like the middle section of those three areas that I just described. 01;59;00;16 - 01;59;16;20 Unknown And she was like, that happened last night. I got an alert on my phone and I couldn't see anything. But when I came in and look at it today on my computer, that mast is there, like you see it freaking out. And I'm like, Yeah, like there's definitely something there. It's like, there's definitely something there. I don't know what it is. 01;59;16;20 - 01;59;33;16 Unknown And of course she's like, Well, I don't think anything broke in. And I'm like, Well, you should check. But I mean, I believe you. I'm looking at it, you know, weird stuff like that. Like just like little pockets, like all around Atlanta are pretty haunted. But like, I think there's one hotel in Atlanta that is I forget the name of it. 01;59;33;16 - 01;59;50;02 Unknown I want to say it's like the else, but don't quote me on that. But you know, that city, the city burned down during the Civil War and like it was completely burned to the ground. So I wouldn't be surprised if there were more hauntings in it, like in Atlanta that we just don't know about that might be in an apartment building or something like that. 01;59;50;02 - 02;00;18;24 Unknown But I have a story for you. I lived in this town in Minnesota. It's called Hinckley. Hinckley was back in the day in the 1800s. I don't know how familiar you are with Minnesota, but Minneapolis and same way, not very. Yeah, well, Minneapolis and Saint Paul are like the biggest cities in Minnesota, right? Well, frankly, back in the day was bigger than Minneapolis and Saint Paul at the time. 02;00;18;29 - 02;00;51;13 Unknown So it was back when they were doing all the logging and stuff like that. And so they were, you know, cutting down the trees, using the rivers and stuff while I don't remember what year it was, but basically a huge fire moved through multiple cities and like just debris did a bunch of areas and people were like boiled in rivers and God, people were on trains, you know, they were taking the trains out to try to get out of town and got caught in the fires and kind of like California wildfires that you have. 02;00;51;13 - 02;01;17;17 Unknown But yeah, back when people didn't have a good way to get out of town and so they're in Hinckley. They're in the graveyard in the heart of town. There's memorial, big, huge memorial. And there's a bunch of unidentified people in this grave. yeah. And so anyway, I. Recipe for disaster. Right? Right. So kind of like a pauper's grave type thing. 02;01;17;17 - 02;01;45;22 Unknown But yeah. Anyways, so at one point I was like 1918 or 19, I was pregnant with my son and we were living in Hinckley and I was driving down the road at night and this fog kind of rolled in, which wasn't wasn't uncommon because we lived by a lot of they breed fish to repopulate the lake. like a nursery or is a record a fishery fishery there? 02;01;45;22 - 02;02;10;06 Unknown You know, So like that they had a few of those on this road. So, you know, the water, the whatever, it wasn't uncommon for fog to roll in on that road. And so anyway I'm driving, but I come into this fog and this fog is almost like it's reflective, like my headlights are shining back at me. Right. I couldn't see at all. 02;02;10;06 - 02;02;34;11 Unknown And as the fog finally started clearing, I came out on the other side of it or as I started going through it, got out on the other side of it. All of a sudden there's a man on the side of the road. He has got a long coat with a tail, you know, like the, like period clothing. I yes, a hat. 02;02;34;12 - 02;02;59;04 Unknown He has a cane. He turned around and looked at me and Courtney. He did not have a face. You. my God. Sorry. I don't know what I was expecting you to say like that. Just because I was so freaked out. I did not stay at my house because it wasn't far from the house I was renting. I stayed at my uncle's house for two weeks. 02;02;59;08 - 02;03;19;19 Unknown I was that scared to go back home, but it didn't even. I don't blame you at my house. It was on the road a couple of miles away. I didn't want to drive back there. Yeah, but. And that's still so close that, like, who knows if it could, like, follow you back, like me asking, like, does that road, by any chance, have any known hauntings? 02;03;19;19 - 02;03;50;08 Unknown I'm not sure. I really haven't investigated, you know, like dug into it. But so many people died in that area. And there was just so I've heard it's a lot of people have a lot of experiences in that town. But it was just so honest. Yeah. For all the wounds. Right. It was total period clothing and, you know, honestly, I thought it was just somebody that was dressed up, you know, he was just strolling down the road. 02;03;50;08 - 02;04;12;28 Unknown And as I went to pass, he turned and looked at me and there was just nothing that. Yeah, that that is beyond life. I have no words other than like. GROSS Right. But also, what a cool story to be able to share people now. I mean, obviously, at the time that was frightening, but right now that's like really kind of an awesome story that you have. 02;04;12;28 - 02;04;32;20 Unknown Like, thank you for telling me that. That's really definitely something. I mean, it just triggered, you know, so but I've got I've got stories. I mean, like I said, I up in a haunted house and but a lot of times I try to I think about it and it's like, okay, that's when I was a kid. Did that stuff really happen or was it imagination action? 02;04;32;25 - 02;04;49;18 Unknown But it's hard. It's hard because like I said, that one story from like way back, like my first kind of like seeing something, you know, I go back to that day in my mind all the time and I'm like, I had to have been seeing like I had made that up like I was ten and I was, you know, trying to sleep. 02;04;49;18 - 02;05;10;03 Unknown But at the same time, who knows? Like that was a very real experience, But it stuck with me for a while. So. Right. Well, the thing that validates that for me, a lot is my mom's friend had a daughter who was the same age as I was, and we were in the same. We went to school together and stuff. 02;05;10;03 - 02;05;38;16 Unknown So her daughter spent the night quite often. So she had she remembers these experiences, some of the experiences that we had. So that validates it for me. But I'm like, Well, yeah, but we were young, so it's like we're we just talking about it. And then that's what I remember, you know? So I try to be, yeah, like the memory kind of was muddied by that, but I don't know, it's hard to discredit, but yeah, it's hard to discredit though. 02;05;38;16 - 02;05;59;28 Unknown And when two people remember, something like that. Right. Same thing with me and my mom and our bed like in my bed shaking like that, we can't. I still can't explain it. No, like we were both pretty like I wasn't quite an adult that I was getting there. And obviously she was, you know, full fledged right adult. Like there's not like that to me was an imagination. 02;06;00;02 - 02;06;19;26 Unknown And I think her being there really gives some, you know, credit to it. And I think having, you know, somebody there for you, a lot of your experiences does the same. So definitely. Well, I can't thank you enough for coming on the show. Thank you so much for having me. Yeah, I had honestly, I had a great time. 02;06;19;26 - 02;06;44;21 Unknown And I know we have stuff planned, you know, in the next few weeks to kind of collab more. So definitely. I'm just really excited to, to get into that more. But for now I guess like thanks so much for having me. Yes, well, thanks again for coming and everybody go check out Horns cast. I'm telling you, the first time I listened to one of her episodes, I binged them all. 02;06;44;23 - 02;07;04;12 Unknown I think literally in just a matter of a week, I could lose. You were so sweet for doing that. It's so kind. I really just try to put in, like, you know, try to entertain and, you know, make it not as I want it to be as objective as possible. And I feel like it's really easy. You do a great job. 02;07;04;13 - 02;07;23;21 Unknown You get into it, so you do it so much. I really appreciate it. You've been such a kind friend to me. I love your show. I absolutely love it when I read. I love your show so much. Well, thank you. Well, we will let you go or I guess I will let you go. Jeremy is not here yet. 02;07;23;23 - 02;07;47;09 Unknown Well, tell him I said hey. I will. I will. Well, thanks again, Courtney Yeah. Thank you so much. Have a good night. You too. Well, those sure were some good stories, weren't they, Tracy? Wow, that was such a fun episode. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. It was crazy hearing all of those stories. 02;07;47;09 - 02;08;14;13 Unknown I don't know if I'm going sleep for weeks. I know I had a good time listening to them. Yeah, they're going to keep me up at night for weeks. Jase, there is some pretty creepy ones. Yeah, I'd say we'll definitely have to do that again. And we need your stories. Listeners. We've started having a few people requesting some true crime stories and some other things, but we need your stories. 02;08;14;13 - 02;08;42;04 Unknown Send them in to us, please. But with that, we have just a few little housekeeping items. We do have a bunch of crossover episodes scheduled in November and December. It's going to be so fun. You'll get to hear from Amanda from one nothing again. Courtney from Hantz Cast. You'll get to hear from Nisha and Budda at Hot Garbage. 02;08;42;06 - 02;09;10;16 Unknown You'll get to hear from Farah and the conversation cabin. It's going be a good time and we'll make sure Jeremy doesn't have to work for those. Honestly. And then we also have a Friendsgiving special, so that'll be another bonus episode of to figure out what to aired on a different day. Because Thursday is Thanksgiving. Unless we just do it as a Thanksgiving episode, well, we'll figure out the details. 02;09;10;16 - 02;09;37;29 Unknown But we have another fun multi-person episode and we'll all be on at the same time versus individual interviews. And Jeremy, do you want to share what your story is going to be about on Thursday? Yeah. So our next episode is going to be a story called Blood Track. It's a spooky story about a bat like creature. More details to come. 02;09;37;29 - 02;10;09;24 Unknown And Jeremy wrote the story all by his lonesome. So not only is it uber spooky and scary, but it's got a comedic side to it with a lot of Easter eggs. If you listen really closely. Ooh, Easter eggs are always fun. Easter eggs are fun. So if anybody knows what these Easter eggs are, after listening to the episode, please share with us either on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, any of the socials. 02;10;09;24 - 02;10;49;03 Unknown But other than that, do you have any other news for us? I think that's it, Tracy. All right. Well, keep on creeping on, everybody. Yeah. Smell later. Bye bye. Love you. Goodbye. Love you. Thanks for hanging out with us here at Total Conundrum. Please make sure to check out our website and blog at Total Conundrum dot com for news, Upcoming events, merch bloopers and additional hysteria you never know will pop up, so be sure to follow along if you want to show your support for total Conundrum and gain access to all of our bonus content, please visit our Patron page. 02;10;49;06 - 02;11;18;03 Unknown You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The links are available on our show notes. If you have any questions, comments, recommendations or stories to share, please email us at contact at Total Conundrum Dotcom episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. If you like the show, please rate review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts. 02;11;18;05 - 02;12;24;21 Unknown We appreciate the love. Keep on keeping on Mother Truckers and.